View Full Version : Kai's starting an exercise program!

08-04-2006, 06:44 PM
No point to this thread really.. :p just had to share some news

Kai has a HUGE fear of walking.. anywhere. He has slipped out of the tightest harnesses, collars, martingales, etc. A natural healer/psychic I went to said that in his past life, he was hit by a car (skeptical.. but it sure would explain the fear). Our behaviorist helped show me how to desensitize him but it'll be a long time before he can even take a walk around the block.

Well, I've decided to start a much needed exercise program with him! He's 47 pounds now. A "healthy" weight would be 38 according to his vet.. but I would like him a little bit leaner for agility. He has already stopped getting treats and less food, but starting in the next week or two, he'll be going swimming three times a week at an indoor doggy pool! :D They have a weight loss program that has been very successful, so I'm really looking forward to this!

The place is 40 miles outside of Vancouver.. an hour each way. We'll be going three times a week, probably Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Sundays. He also has obedience on Monday and agility on Thursday. *faints at the thought of the price of gas* On top of the cost of driving 240+miles a week, the program costs $175 per month. Ah well, whatever it takes to get him back to a healthy weight! :p

08-04-2006, 08:03 PM
Kelowna has canine hydrotherapy....wink wink... ;)

08-04-2006, 11:48 PM
I have a sheltie and he is 25 pounds. I thought he was big because in the dog books I have it says they should be like 15 pounds. I think he is going to stay at around 25 pounds though because he's maintained that weight for a while. Benji chases cars and occasionally barks at them but he is not scared to go on walks because of them

08-05-2006, 12:20 AM
I don't really believe in those people who can "sense" what the dogs think or whatever, but I'm really glad he's got into a good excersizing program!

08-05-2006, 11:29 AM
I have a sheltie and he is 25 pounds. I thought he was big because in the dog books I have it says they should be like 15 pounds. I think he is going to stay at around 25 pounds though because he's maintained that weight for a while. Benji chases cars and occasionally barks at them but he is not scared to go on walks because of them

Oh yeah, there is no way Kai would be healthy at 15 pounds. Heck, even 15 pounds for Kaedyn (14 inches) was way too thin.