View Full Version : Tear stained doggie eyes

08-03-2006, 11:56 PM
I don't have this problem b/c Keegan's eyes don't water and she has darker fur but my neighbor has a shihtzu that has problems with the red stained gunky eyes. She had been buying the pricey stuff at the pet store for the eye stains but it was slow going. An acquaintenance that is a groomer told her to buy the HUGGIES WITH SHEA BUTTER and use them as eye wipes every day. She was amazed at the amount of stain that came off! She said it was a considerable amount MORE then the eye stain removers. She is SOLD!
I picked up a box today at Walmart for less then $3 to use in case Kylie's eyes start to do that.

08-04-2006, 05:40 AM
Well who wouldda thunk? LOL! I know that light colored poodles, mostly toys and minis, have this problem. It has to do with a problem with their tear ducts. One of my apricot toys had watery eyes but I kept the staining to a minimum by keeping his face shaved closely. Of course a shih-tzu shaved like a poodle might look a little funny! :D

08-04-2006, 08:30 AM
Thanks for that information, Staci. That's a question I had asked, just recently, about cleaning the stains under Mack's eyes! :)

08-04-2006, 09:10 AM
Cool! Thx so much for the tip.

Bella has horrible tear stains, I just hope I can get these baby wipes over here!

08-04-2006, 09:26 AM
Thanks for the tip, Staci. Alden's mom has a little poodle and she is always trying to keep his eyes clean. I'll have to pass this info along to her. It can't hurt to try it. I think I'll be the good daughter-in-law and take some up to her ;)

I'm attaching a pic of Sammy and you can see how bad his eyes get. Alden and I just love this little guy. He is so cute and so much fun.

Daisy and Delilah
08-04-2006, 03:27 PM
Thanks for the tip Staci!! I just went to Wal-Mart. I need to go back. Daisy needs something for her eyes too :)

Jeannie girl
08-04-2006, 03:51 PM
Yes, we are rich when we have a pet.
My Cokette gets dark stains under her eyes and she loves when i take a wet cloth and wipe her eyes.
Sometimes she comes wiping her eyes on my pant legs.
Then she loves having her face wiped.

08-05-2006, 11:30 AM
Ooh, I need some of those. Roxy and Lily both get those stains.