View Full Version : My aunt got a new kitten

08-03-2006, 11:21 PM
Aug 3rd/06-She went to the OSPCA and adopted a black kitten with 4 white socks. He is 5mos old, not yet neutered. They give her a $50 spayed/neutered voucher. The OSPCA pays for some of the cost and she only pays $25 dollars if she brings him back to the OSPCA. I haven't seen him yet, I only can tell you what my aunt said. Molly excepts any cats but especially male kitties. It is another story with Kari, she is a 11years old. Doesn't like other cats. Kari came running down from upstairs and went after the kitten, got him right in the eye. My aunt might end up having to bring her to the Humane Society. Kari was my grandma cat, never grew up with other kitties. She is better off in a home with no other cats or dogs and especially no kids. Good for a senior or a couple. Need a quiet home. Doesn't like to be pick-up and would have to be experienced owner who had a cat that was temperamental. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

08-04-2006, 08:41 PM
I am not trying to be rude, But I do not think it is right for Kari to get taken away to the shelter, just because a new kitten is in the picture.That is awful and cruel. Your original cats ALWAYS take rank over new ones. (and why would she get another, KNOWING that Kari hates them) Of course she is going to get hissy,you cant just throw them together. You have to keep them seperate and work your way up to introductions (esp. if you KNOW that Kari hates other cats). Put the kitten in a carrier and let Kari sniff for awhile. Then put Kari in and let the kitten sniff her. You can not force it in the beginning. Give them time to adjust. They can get along, if you have patience.

And isnt your aunt the one who just got a kitten and it was killed by a car? If so, then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE encourage her to keep her cats INDOOR only, because if I remember correctly she lives near a pretty busy road and that is ASKING for her new kitten to be killed. And if that is the case, then it would be better off at the OSPCA. Just my opinion.


08-04-2006, 10:32 PM
Kari was my grandmother cat but she passed away so my aunt took her. At that time she had Frankie but he went missing but she still has her Molly. Her and Frankie got along ok. When he was here, he use to play with her and chase her. She isn't very happy here, seem depressed. Spends all her time in the spare bedrooms. My aunt figure it isn't fare to have her lock in the bedroom all the time by hershelf. She would never accept any other kitties that is her personaliy. My granny only had her and she was fine alone. Never lived with other cats so she not use to them. Some kitties only want to be alone. No others around. She will be good for a senior person or a couple and no children. Doesn't like to be pick-up, is a very nervous girl. Needs a quiet household. Likes petted and loves being brushed.

08-05-2006, 05:19 PM
I think that given time Kari will learn to like the Kitten.
I know that Miquelito and Pouncierge mte a bit of resistance, but things are fine now.
Kari has had to make a big adjustment in her life, and taking her away to a cage will certainly not help.
Please just let her be.

critter crazy
08-05-2006, 05:23 PM
you cannot take an 11yr old cat and just drop it off at a shelter just because it might not like a new kitten!!! either work on them getting accustomed to each other or dont get the kitten!

08-05-2006, 06:18 PM
I can't help but agree with the previous posts. Poor Kari doesn't deserve to be evicted because there's a new kitten around. This has always been Kari's turf then suddenly there's a strange little newcomer. Your aunt should give both cats a fair chance to get to know each other and must continue to give Kari plenty of love and reassurance that her position in the house is safe and secure. There are many PTer's much more knowledgeable about this than I am and will offer excellent advice. Handled properly and fairly, Kari and the baby just might become good friends.

Don Juan's mom
08-05-2006, 06:29 PM
Don't assume that a senior cat will automatically reject a kitten. My sister Margaret's tuxedo Misty was 15 when she acquired her orange nephew, Seamus. After Seamus got some instruction from Auntie Misty on proper discipline (ladies eat first, ladies get to pick the window they want to look out of, no pouncing on Auntie's tail no matter how tempting...), they get along fine.


08-06-2006, 03:03 AM
Give them a chance to be friends! Don't send poor Kari away!

Have your aunt or mom read Pet Talk, and find out how to make this work.

I had a grown cat for 1 1/2 years, then brought in another cat. I kept the new cat in the bathroom with the door closed, with a separate litter box and food dishes. (You can make a temporary litter box out of a cardboard one).

I let them sniff under the door at each other...and let them sniff noses when I was standing there watching them. It was abour 4 days before I let them out together. They were playing together at the end of the week! (This was quite fast, how soon they got used to each other!)

I have also heard of cats who don't hiss at all - who love each other at first sight!

Please give Kari and the kitten a chance. They could be really good company for each other!