View Full Version : Great Danes

08-03-2006, 08:33 PM
are they not the BEST breed in the world?! :D as ya'll know i am a HUGE great dane fan. i just thought i'd make a thread on them. what do you like about them? what do you not like about them? what are your favorite great dane websites? share pics of your great danes, etc.

08-03-2006, 09:24 PM
HMMMMMMMMMMM what do I think of them??????
Well ,
1) Stalwart Friend even if your (at that time current ) husband is late yet again! They really don't mind you fussing about it.

2 ) Growing up the made the BEST Tv pillows! Nothing like waiting all week for Happy Days to come on and hearling gurgly noises through out it!

3) Great baysitters! won't admit here how many times I was yakking on the phone while kid sis was being opccupied (quit snickering I was 14)

4) Great home relocaters ( I am directionally challenged got lost more than once on a walk in my younger days!) unfailingly dragged my sorry butt home!

5) Only animal I have met yet that uses the computer while you sleep to tell all their friends they finally taught you "Scratch left ear"

What I don't like?

1) On average they die too young 25 would be a fair amount of time 9 maybe 10 is WAY too soon!

2) Being totally dressed to the nines and then used as a napkin after a water stop.

3) I don't have one anymore! (which should be # 1 )

critter crazy
08-03-2006, 09:28 PM
I have never owned one, but have been researching and drooling over them for the last ohhh......20yrs of my life!!! I love the breed have known many throughout my life, and absolutely adore them!! I keep buggin hubby for one, but says they are too big!! come on what do you mean too big, we have had horses, and besides I have 13 acres for him to graze!! he he he hehe he!!!

Oh did I say I WANT ONE!!!!!!

08-03-2006, 09:47 PM
:D Yes..they are :D

What do i like about them?? i'll try to keep it as short as i can :p

-I love their personalities, how they can be alert "watch dogs" one minute then be such goofy clowns the next!

-I love how beautiul they are. there is NOTHING more regal than a Great Dane, They are such gorgeous dogs.

-Their size! Nothing beats a full grown dane! Some males can reach over 180lbs and over 36' at the shoulders.

-How they can EASILY take up your king size bed.. but prefer to make room for you. :)

-How they seem to light up a room with their presence, they are the sweetest, goofiest dogs.

-how they can offer you the best years of your life..even if it is for such a short time..id rather spend 8 short years with a dane than most other breeds.

i could say a million other things but i'll leave it at that :)

a few of my favorite dane sites:

http://leansnslobbers.proboards92.com/ (all dane forum)
http://www.all-about-great-danes.com/ (info on danes, with videos, pictures ect.)
http://www.6stardanes.com/ (Breeder, has great links, and awsome art!)
http://www.danesrus.com/ (dane graphics, merchandise)
http://www.morgandane.com/ (agility Danes!)
http://www.gdca.org/illustrated.htm (illustrated standard)
http://www.gdca.org/photopost/index.php (pictures)
http://www.freewebs.com/shadowfacedanes/ (awsome site! look for mali in the breed info/black section ;))

08-03-2006, 10:15 PM
I absolutly adore great Danes! The only thing I don't like about them, is they don't live to long, because they are so large. :(
I really want a Great Dane someday! :D ;)

08-03-2006, 11:04 PM
I LOVE Great Danes! I don't like that they have a short life span, but I believe the raw diet will help expand Baileys. I love their size, attitude and most of all - how amazing they are with kids. I couldn't imagine living my life without a Dane, I will always have one in my life. I couldn't ask for a more perfect breed for my lifestyle!

08-03-2006, 11:27 PM
I have never owned a Great Dane, BUT!!! That breed of a dog has captivated from the first moment I saw one!!!

I have taken pictures of so many that I have come to know !!!! They are , without a doubt, the most Wonderful Dog on Earth!!!!

08-04-2006, 12:58 AM
Danegirl, we like the same sites!LOL i'm a DOL Pictures of the week adict! :o

08-04-2006, 12:59 AM
Danegirl, we like the same sites!LOL i'm a DOL Pictures of the week adict! :o

yep..me too..but of course anything dane related i like lol :)

08-04-2006, 01:10 AM
I like to go to Baileys breeder's website Coal Valley Harlequins (http://www.coalvalleyharlequins.virtualave.net) to look for any new puppies! I also love DOL, Leans N Slobbers and the Great Dane Club of Canada.

Danegirl2208, those Danes in agility sure are amazing! http://smilies.vidahost.com/contrib/lynx/pinkbiggrin.gif

08-04-2006, 01:20 AM
I like to go to Baileys breeder's website Coal Valley Harlequins (http://www.coalvalleyharlequins.virtualave.net) to look for any new puppies! I also love DOL, Leans N Slobbers and the Great Dane Club of Canada.

Danegirl2208, those Danes in agility sure are amazing! http://smilies.vidahost.com/contrib/lynx/pinkbiggrin.gif

which ones are baileys parents? Gotta see where he gets those good looks from! :)

08-04-2006, 01:27 AM
Here is his Mom, Teka...



And his Dad, Luka...


08-04-2006, 01:29 AM
oh wow...they are both GORGEOUS! especially Luka!!! http://www.jeux-et-soluces.net/forum/images/smilies/(love).jpg

08-04-2006, 01:33 AM
oh wow...GORGEOUS! ecpecially Luka http://www.jeux-et-soluces.net/forum/images/smilies/(love).jpg

Luka is a beauty, isn't he? He is 185 pounds and over 36" at the withers! Did you notice Teka's back leg? She broke it when she was 13 months old - she was just having a romp in the yard! You would never think that Danes are that fragile! http://smilies.vidahost.com/contrib/lynx/bluesurprised.gif

08-04-2006, 01:36 AM
Luka is a beauty, isn't he? He is 185 pounds and over 36" at the withers! Did you notice Teka's back leg? She broke it when she was 13 months old - she was just having a romp in the yard! You would never think that Danes are that fragile! http://smilies.vidahost.com/contrib/lynx/bluesurprised.gif

no i didn't notice..thats so sad, shes a pretty girl though.

08-04-2006, 01:58 AM
here are a few sites with some GORGEOUS danes..these are definatly on my list for my next pup, even though they are a whole ocean away


08-04-2006, 02:11 AM
When I get a Dane, this is most likely the breeder he will come from:
Asbury Danes (http://www.asburydanes.com)

Next dog is probably a Flat-Coat though, so a Dane is probably 5+ years away for me :( Unless if I go with a rescue Dane, which is very possible, especially since once we move I'm going to apply to foster for a Dane rescue. And you know I'll fall in love with one of them :p I've been wanting a Dane for ... forever!

08-04-2006, 09:01 AM
Thought I'd comment on the horse of the dog world. I love how aloof they can be while other dogs are much more excitable. We have a fawn dane at the kennels who comes in several times in the summer that stands about 38". He towers over some of the other danes that come in.

08-04-2006, 10:15 AM
When I get a Dane, this is most likely the breeder he will come from:
Asbury Danes (http://www.asburydanes.com)

Next dog is probably a Flat-Coat though, so a Dane is probably 5+ years away for me :( Unless if I go with a rescue Dane, which is very possible, especially since once we move I'm going to apply to foster for a Dane rescue. And you know I'll fall in love with one of them :p I've been wanting a Dane for ... forever!

very beautiful! i especially like Ross..Gorgeous!

08-20-2006, 09:35 PM
I like great danes. My friend had one he was like a big love bug. It was so sweet!

08-20-2006, 09:42 PM
uh oh the dane thread is backup! :p

I guess i'll share some pics then :D

Malakai went through obedience school with her, and her owner was involved in dane rescue with us..isnt she the most gorgeous girl?
The first pic is of her as a pup, and the last 3 are of her showing..shes a few months older than my boy

08-21-2006, 04:07 AM
Hi there everyone, I'm new here, but wanted to say I adore Danes too. They are the greatest, such big sweeties. We had one when I was a teenager, Dakota and he was the best dog ever. I still miss him alot and it's been years since he passed. I think once you have been touched by a Dane you are forever changed.

Danegirl2208, in that first pic is the black dog in the back a Dane with undocked ears? His face is so much like my dogs who is an unknown mix. Just curious.

08-21-2006, 06:30 PM
Hi there everyone, I'm new here, but wanted to say I adore Danes too. They are the greatest, such big sweeties. We had one when I was a teenager, Dakota and he was the best dog ever. I still miss him alot and it's been years since he passed. I think once you have been touched by a Dane you are forever changed.

Danegirl2208, in that first pic is the black dog in the back a Dane with undocked ears? His face is so much like my dogs who is an unknown mix. Just curious.

they are wonderful dog, i couldnt imagine life without one :)

I dont know who the dog in the backround is but Yes, that iss a natural eared black dane, i have a natural eared black male too..malakai is his name ;)


08-21-2006, 10:35 PM
A friend of mine has a Dane - I just love him! For some reason, he doesn't jump all over any one of her friends but me. She always feels bad that he tries to jump on me and get me to pet him, but I take it as a compliment. Do any of you Dane owners have this happen? Just curious.......

Suki Wingy
08-22-2006, 05:42 PM
I love danes, and I see one or more in my far future. I love harls, mantles, blues, and fawns the best. Here are a few sites of intrest
http://www.pchgreatdanes.com/funpics.htm - this is the cutest picture page in history, the whole site is worth a look

08-22-2006, 05:48 PM
A friend of mine has a Dane - I just love him! For some reason, he doesn't jump all over any one of her friends but me. She always feels bad that he tries to jump on me and get me to pet him, but I take it as a compliment. Do any of you Dane owners have this happen? Just curious.......

a dane should never be allowed to jump,they are far to big for that.. i dont think anyone would apprectiate 180lbs of dog jumping on them (ive had it happen, its not a bit fun :eek: )

08-23-2006, 01:25 AM
Yes, a jumping dane is not safe. They could easily knock you down :eek: . Our dane was never allowed to jump, ever. His one bad habbit was backing up to the couch and having a seat. He'd never get all the way on the couch, just sit there with his butt on the couch and his front feet on the floor. He was funny. :D

08-23-2006, 05:35 PM
His one bad habbit was backing up to the couch and having a seat. He'd never get all the way on the couch, just sit there with his butt on the couch and his front feet on the floor. He was funny. :D

lol, thats not a bad habit..thats just the "dane way" lmao..just about every dane does that (i know my boy sure does!)..i think i have more pics of him on a couch, actually than anywhere else :p

08-24-2006, 07:26 AM
a dane should never be allowed to jump,they are far to big for that.. i dont think anyone would apprectiate 180lbs of dog jumping on them (ive had it happen, its not a bit fun :eek: )

That's the wierd thing - he's never jumped on anyone else but me, and they've had him for over 10 years. :confused:

08-24-2006, 07:48 AM
Yup, It's certain. Bailey's set the bar high. Y'all gotta try and get ones with " fancy" colouring.

Oddly enough, though.... I'm not as fond of his parents than the bailey himself. Probably because they are black and white, with no gray. Were as Baileys got the gray. ( not meaning that you are old, Of course :p )

Yes, sometimes Jen jumps on People ( it's sometimes funny, because she's so big, people think she would be heavy, they brace for it, than she's only, say, 30 lbs )

But, it definetly WOULDN"T be fun with a dane. Especially if the dane is heavier than the human. ;)

08-24-2006, 08:01 AM
The resue I volunteer at had two great dane puppies when I started, they were so sweet. They were adopted fast! I would love to have a dane but my house isn't big enough for one with all the kids that are here all the time! Maybe someday, I love big dogs! :)

08-25-2006, 08:07 PM
Met a new dane last night..Moose is his name..and boy is he ever a MOOSE! He is a 5 year old harlequin.. He is definatly one of the biggest danes ive seen around here..and ive seen quite a few.. he had to be around 40-41" tall and probably around 190lbs (though he could stand to lose a few lbs)..he was just GORGEOUS! I swear, he was seriously tall enough to look straight into my face, he made 130lb malakai look like a puppy..heres a pic of the monster moose ;)


08-26-2006, 12:16 AM
WOW! Moose is HUGE! very handsome!

08-26-2006, 03:02 AM
Moose is one big dane! :eek: He is so tall!

09-15-2006, 12:16 AM
I just joined here, and a couple of you may know me from other dane forums.

Great danes ARE the best dogs in the world. I could never imagine not sharing my home and heart with one. They are a very unique breed, I know I could never be this obsessed with any other breed. :)

Here's my girl, Hannah:

http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g67/shadowfacedanes/More%20Hannah/th_profile.jpg (http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g67/shadowfacedanes/More%20Hannah/profile.jpg)
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g67/shadowfacedanes/More%20Hannah/th_hannahprofile.jpg (http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g67/shadowfacedanes/More%20Hannah/hannahprofile.jpg)
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g67/shadowfacedanes/More%20Hannah/th_hannahpinkfleece.jpg (http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g67/shadowfacedanes/More%20Hannah/hannahpinkfleece.jpg)
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g67/shadowfacedanes/More%20Hannah/th_hannahflamingo.jpg (http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g67/shadowfacedanes/More%20Hannah/hannahflamingo.jpg)
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g67/shadowfacedanes/More%20Hannah/th_DSCF0447.jpg (http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g67/shadowfacedanes/More%20Hannah/DSCF0447.jpg)
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g67/shadowfacedanes/More%20Hannah/th_DSCF0444.jpg (http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g67/shadowfacedanes/More%20Hannah/DSCF0444.jpg)

09-15-2006, 06:08 PM
Hannah!! Such a pretty girl, and Malakai gives a big "roo roo" out to his favorite dane lady :)