View Full Version : The Pit Bull Scenario

08-03-2006, 06:36 PM
The little girl, about four years old, was playing in the backyard of her suburban Florida home. She had carefully arranged her dolls for a tea party. Her mother was watching her out of the kithcen window. So intent was the child in her pretending that she sensed nothing ammis, no danger.
In the same suburb, two or three houses up the street, lived a powerful Pit Bull. Seven years old, a muscular 45 pounds, he was covered with scars from his years as a fighting dog. Retired from the pit, he lived in his new home in comfort. At time, this pit veteran would escape from his backyard, and today was just such a time.
The dog jumped up on an outdoor grill and from there he cleared the fence. As he walked down the street, he saw a movement in the girl's backyard and moved in that dierection. The child did not see him enter her yard. She didn't see him fixate on her. She didn't see the intenet look in his eye. She didn't see him when he started his charge toward her.
The child's mother saw the dog hurtling toward her daughter, but had not time to call out. The little girl looked up and saw the rapidly approaching dog. She screamed as the animal leaped toward her. The dog jumped over the little girl and landed squarely atop a large rattlesnake coiled only a few feet away.

Perhaps you had enviosoned a different view on this story, you thought the pit bull would attack and hurt or kill the girl. If you thought that, you haven't met a pit bull.

08-03-2006, 10:21 PM
Aw that's so nice :)

08-03-2006, 10:30 PM
Actually I thught he saw a molester ! or another unsavory type. Sorry I know the damage that they can inflict. I have even stood by my assertation that one of my own daughters gives me the willies, not for his breed but for his detachment of anything not related to HIS pups(read my grandchildren) hard to explain but he has cold eyes. Do I trust him, yes with the kids. With me or anyone else he sees as a threat to them NO emphatically NO. I hope the mother in this story rewards the hero with his just due. A steak, a public announcement, playtime with her kid. I also hope that in his heroics he was not injured.

critter crazy
08-03-2006, 10:53 PM
OMG!! I Loved it, such a great story!! I was hoping for an ending like that!! Did you write that?? It was very nice!!:D

08-03-2006, 11:50 PM
OMG!! I Loved it, such a great story!! I was hoping for an ending like that!! Did you write that?? It was very nice!!:D

No, I didn't right it. I actually got it out of an American Pit Bull Terrier book :)

08-04-2006, 05:56 PM
i thought the pittie was just gonna jump on her and lick her to pieces! :D

08-04-2006, 07:16 PM
Aww, such a touching story.

Love That Collie
08-04-2006, 07:40 PM
Ditto, with Dr. Goodnow......I thought we'd already done this one
to death?

08-04-2006, 07:45 PM
Ditto, with Dr. Goodnow......I thought we'd already done this one
to death?

Well nobody made you read it, if you don't like it don't read it, problem solved. Dr. Goodnow wasn't putting pits down, she talked about her daughter's pittie and hoping the dog in the story wasn't hurt. Why do you need to be negative?

08-04-2006, 07:54 PM
Well nobody made you read it, if you don't like it don't read it, problem solved. Dr. Goodnow wasn't putting pits down, she talked about her daughter's pittie and hoping the dog in the story wasn't hurt. Why do you need to be negative?

no kidding. no need to bring down a good thread! I love pit bulls and always will and will have one someday. :)

ETA : love that collie, we already know how you feel about pit bulls from the other thread so why argue it some more?! :rolleyes:

08-04-2006, 08:05 PM
Love that Collie, I hope you read my post in it's entirety. If my daughters dog was pomeranian and behaved the same way with the same look im it's eye I wouldn't trust it either! It is EMPHATICALLY not the breed that causes my mistrust it is the animal. Heck I have met people I trust less than my kids dog. I still assert that the damage inflicted by a Pit (insert ANY large breed here) is decimating and profound,compared to a smaller dog. I will however state once again that in and whole, Pits from responsible breeders, sold to responsible owners, and raised with the minimums required for attention ,food, shelter and bonding time, are solid stable trustworthy animals. This doesn't deter from the facts as stated in an earlier thread that by their sheer popularity the breed is being destroyed by the very things that are charged with bettering and protecting it. PEOPLE.

08-04-2006, 08:06 PM
Love that Collie, a Pomeranian could do more damage than most Pits I've seen.. :rolleyes:

08-04-2006, 08:13 PM
Very well said Vela!

Its obvious to me Love My Collie that you don’t like or trust pit bulls, that’s fine but you should really try keeping your negative comments about them to yourself. This is supposed to be a pet board where every dog is special , yes, even pit bulls. Its really no fun at all to have the breed you love put down by someone. :(

08-04-2006, 08:23 PM
Very well said Vela!

Its obvious to me Love My Collie that you don’t like or trust pit bulls, that’s fine but you should really try keeping your negative comments about them to yourself. This is supposed to be a pet board where every dog is special , yes, even pit bulls. Its really no fun at all to have the breed you love put down by someone. :(

I agree.

Love That Collie
08-05-2006, 03:04 PM
Yep, you ARE correct, no one made me read it now did they.
I did that of my own free will.
Nor did anyone make you read the previous "thread" and responses on this subject also, that was "closed". And I too can point out if you don't like my
thoughts, simple, don't read it as one put it and don't respond to it.

Try as any of this breed's enthusiasts may, the rep is stuck to this breed
for now and a long time whether you like it or not. You can sit and type
till you're blue in the face and it won't do anything to help the breed.

And for another thing I don't have to keep my "negative" comments to myself.
That's what boards such as this is thrown up on the Internet is for....opinions. It isn't only for the positive, it's for discussion and/or debate and the last time I checked, I still live in a free country and am free to express. And the last time I checked I haven't called anyone on here names so I'm not violating anyone here. If you can't take a spirited debate or discussion maybe you shouldn't be here.

LOL........yeah, those Pomeranians certainly could take man down and kill him and do more damage now couldn't they.......ludicrous statement...LOL

And I am not putting the breed down......facts are facts, but hey, watch out for those Poms now! And too, the last I checked this thread may be about Pit Bulls but this board is not and I do have the right to post my thoughts on here whatever they might be on the subject. Or maybe I'm wrong???? Let me see, are you saying that unless I agree with everyone here I can't express MY opinion unless it agrees with yours? I really don't think that's what you mean. Or at least I hope that's not what you mean.

08-05-2006, 03:21 PM
well for me i thought those were opinions about what people think about the breed about that pitbulls are vicious dogs, but are they? i don't think so i have a pit bull myself and isn't at all vicious loves children and everyone.

I love the story it was so cute and adorable!

08-05-2006, 03:55 PM
Actually, Pomeranians have and still do kill people if they aren't raised right, just like any other breed.

08-05-2006, 04:14 PM
Yep, you ARE correct, no one made me read it now did they.
I did that of my own free will.
Nor did anyone make you read the previous "thread" and responses on this subject also, that was "closed". And I too can point out if you don't like my
thoughts, simple, don't read it as one put it and don't respond to it.

Try as any of this breed's enthusiasts may, the rep is stuck to this breed
for now and a long time whether you like it or not. You can sit and type
till you're blue in the face and it won't do anything to help the breed.

And for another thing I don't have to keep my "negative" comments to myself.
That's what boards such as this is thrown up on the Internet is for....opinions. It isn't only for the positive, it's for discussion and/or debate and the last time I checked, I still live in a free country and am free to express. And the last time I checked I haven't called anyone on here names so I'm not violating anyone here. If you can't take a spirited debate or discussion maybe you shouldn't be here.

LOL........yeah, those Pomeranians certainly could take man down and kill him and do more damage now couldn't they.......ludicrous statement...LOL

And I am not putting the breed down......facts are facts, but hey, watch out for those Poms now! And too, the last I checked this thread may be about Pit Bulls but this board is not and I do have the right to post my thoughts on here whatever they might be on the subject. Or maybe I'm wrong???? Let me see, are you saying that unless I agree with everyone here I can't express MY opinion unless it agrees with yours? I really don't think that's what you mean. Or at least I hope that's not what you mean.

This thread was not really opened up to debate pits bulls being good or bad, it was just a nice story. Why not bring some positivity to the board? Most, not all, most of your posts have been with negativity or attitude towards other people. No, you don't have to agree with everyone, but you don't have to bring negativity to almost everything you post either. But if you want to have attitue or be a negative person, go for it, you just won't find this place as nice as you could if you actually posted stuff without a chip on your shoulder. You know that old saying about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar? Well you seem awfully vinegar at this point, and rather petulant. Good luck with that.

08-05-2006, 07:03 PM
This thread was not really opened up to debate pits bulls being good or bad, it was just a nice story. Why not bring some positivity to the board? Most, not all, most of your posts have been with negativity or attitude towards other people. No, you don't have to agree with everyone, but you don't have to bring negativity to almost everything you post either. BUt if you want to be have attitue or be a negative person, go for it, you just won't find this place as nice as you could if you actually posted stuff without a chip on your shoulder. You know that old saying about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar? Well you seem awfully vinegar at this point, and rather petulant. Good luck with that.

I agree with you 100% this was just a story not a debate wheter a Pit bull is good or bad or any other dog.

Love That Collie
08-05-2006, 08:14 PM
This thread was not really opened up to debate pits bulls being good or bad, it was just a nice story. Why not bring some positivity to the board? Most, not all, most of your posts have been with negativity or attitude towards other people. No, you don't have to agree with everyone, but you don't have to bring negativity to almost everything you post either. But if you want to have attitue or be a negative person, go for it, you just won't find this place as nice as you could if you actually posted stuff without a chip on your shoulder. You know that old saying about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar? Well you seem awfully vinegar at this point, and rather petulant. Good luck with that.

Yes, it most certainly was a nice "story". I agree. And you are absolutely INCORRECT when you write that my posts have been with negativity etc. towards other people. That is simply untrue. I have not written anything negative toward any one person. Unless there is someone here who deems a Pit Bull a person? Nor have I had attitude toward another "person"..........Pit Bulls yes, people no. And if you will look at your own post above you are the one who has called me names. And you must be only reading my so called Pit Bull posts so you cannot state that most of my posts are negative because I've posted more than on the subject of Pit Bulls. You have your opinion, which I do respect and I have mine and I will post them. And really??? This thread was not started to open up some discussion because the other was "closed"? That's not believable either.

08-05-2006, 08:26 PM
Yes, it most certainly was a nice "story". I agree. And you are absolutely INCORRECT when you write that my posts have been with negativity etc. towards other people. That is simply untrue. I have not written anything negative toward any one person. Unless there is someone here who deems a Pit Bull a person? Nor have I had attitude toward another "person"..........Pit Bulls yes, people no. And if you will look at your own post above you are the one who has called me names. And you must be only reading my so called Pit Bull posts so you cannot state that most of my posts are negative because I've posted more than on the subject of Pit Bulls. You have your opinion, which I do respect and I have mine and I will post them. And really??? This thread was not started to open up some discussion because the other was "closed"? That's not believable either.

Well what she said is that she is saying that this was NOT a discussion about debating whether a Pit Bull is good or bad not torwards people. This is what we are trying to say.

08-05-2006, 08:32 PM
Actually, Love That Collie, just for the record... 12 of your 27 posts have included negativity towards this breed. =P Kind of a lot. I admittedly have not read them all, but I do feel that repeatedly blasting any breed as a whole will not get you a lot of support here on PT.

I thought it was a nice story, and definitely makes even me self-conscious about the predujices & assumptions I have. I definitely try not to be prejudice towards anyone/thing, ever, but we all have room for improvement in that area.

Love That Collie
08-05-2006, 09:02 PM
Actually, Love That Collie, just for the record... 12 of your 27 posts have included negativity towards this breed. =P Kind of a lot. I admittedly have not read them all, but I do feel that repeatedly blasting any breed as a whole will not get you a lot of support here on PT.

I thought it was a nice story, and definitely makes even me self-conscious about the predujices & assumptions I have. I definitely try not to be prejudice towards anyone/thing, ever, but we all have room for improvement in that area.

Actually 12 of my 27 previous posts have absolutely been about Pit Bulls. However, 2 of those 12 didn't state my so-called negative opinion on Pit Bulls.......Twelve or Ten, whatever the case might be.........still not "most" and this one isn't either.

I don't intentionally set out to make anyone in particular self conscious of themselves per se, but self consciousness of that breeds enthusiasts and breeders is what it will take to improve the breed AND it's reputation world over and it will take some hard work on their part and I wish them all the luck in the world, really. And I am not looking for "support here on PT" in the least on this subject and never said I was. However, a lot of those here seem to like to reply or jump on my posts and that's ok that is their right and their opinion and they are entitled to it but I certainly do not get angry with people who do not agree with me and attack them......... I just say we should agree to disagree to that and go on with it from there. People have differing opinions on a varying host of topics and beliefs, it's what makes the world go 'round and it would be a most boring world if we all agreed on anything and everything.

08-05-2006, 09:17 PM
Love that collie, would you please take the time to look at this link, even you cant think the pit bulls of the world deserve this? NO living thing deserves this kind of treatment.


I dont know what else to say to you, it looks like none of us are going to change your mind about the breed.

08-05-2006, 09:19 PM
Love that collie, would you please take the time to look at this link, even you cant think the pit bulls of the world deserve this? NO living thing deserves this kind of treatment.


I dont know what else to say to you, it looks like none of us are going to change your mind about the breed.

Yea i'm with you i know pitbulls and own one also and i know you do too Jadapit they are adorable as well. but i just don't get why people think they are bad, because in movies they use them as bad doesn't mean they are bad also. Or just when they see someone treating them bad its just the owner that is treating them bad and thinks they are suppose to be vicious. But it would be wonderful if you understand what we mean.

08-05-2006, 09:20 PM
Love that collie, would you please take the time to look at this link, even you cant think the pit bulls of the world deserve this? NO living thing deserves this kind of treatment.


I dont know what else to say to you, it looks like none of us are going to change your mind about the breed.

You may want to check out this video as well.


08-05-2006, 09:33 PM
Love that collie, would you please take the time to look at this link, even you cant think the pit bulls of the world deserve this? NO living thing deserves this kind of treatment.


I dont know what else to say to you, it looks like none of us are going to change your mind about the breed.

That website is horrible, it teaches people though.

Love That Collie
08-05-2006, 09:33 PM
Love that collie, would you please take the time to look at this link, even you cant think the pit bulls of the world deserve this? NO living thing deserves this kind of treatment.


I dont know what else to say to you, it looks like none of us are going to change your mind about the breed.

Jadapit...absolutely not, I don't think they deserve this and I didn't say in any thread that I did and I hope that you weren't implying that when you write, "even you cant think of pit bulls of the world deserve this". I know that you didn't see anything I said even remotely stated that I did.

Of course those were terrible pictures, but it doesn't change my mind in the least on my opinion(s) stated herein on the PT board. And before any of you begin to say that I think or have an opinion that ALL Pit Bulls are vicious that is untrue.

08-05-2006, 09:34 PM
Love_That_Collie, ever hear the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all."? Well, apply it to yourself.

Zoomer, I am sorry to have to be negative on your VERY beautiful board. Thank you for posting this! It was a great story that I enjoyed reading.

08-05-2006, 09:39 PM
Zoomer, I am sorry to have to be negative on your VERY beautiful board. Thank you for posting this! It was a great story that I enjoyed reading.

No reason to be sorry, I agree with you. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all, esspecialy about pit bulls. Because if someone says they hate pit bulls, it makes me sick. Thanks for the comments! :)

08-05-2006, 09:39 PM
My point is that so many times people are the monsters not the dogs. Maybe we should start banning the damn people of the world.....

08-05-2006, 09:41 PM
My point is that so many times people are the monsters not the dogs. Maybe we should start banning the damn people of the world.....

God I agree with you Donna. We need pit bulls to detemine if the people are bad or good or not for god sakes ( ;) ). But really, there's no reason to ban pit bulls, if the pits are mean, the owners are abusive, and they should be arrested.

08-05-2006, 09:45 PM
God I agree with you Donna. We need pit bulls to detemine if the people are bad or good or not for god sakes ( ;) ). But really, there's no reason to ban pit bulls, if the pits are mean, the owners are abusive, and they should be arrested.

I'm with you and Donna. Dogs are the innocent ones they do nothing but be treated bad that's why they get all vicious and that's why some people think it's their fault. Its manly the owner who are treating them bad. All dogs are the same come in different shapes and sizes also with humans its someone that is causeing it to us to be treated a certain way.

Love That Collie
08-05-2006, 09:46 PM
Love_That_Collie, ever hear the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all."? Well, apply it to yourself.

Zoomer, I am sorry to have to be negative on your VERY beautiful board. Thank you for posting this! It was a great story that I enjoyed reading.

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, temper, temper. I don't attack people like some who do, who
can't deal with the differing of opinion(s). It's really amazing though. And yes, as I stated previously, I liked the story too.

Love That Collie
08-05-2006, 09:55 PM
No reason to be sorry, I agree with you. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all, esspecialy about pit bulls. Because if someone says they hate pit bulls, it makes me sick. Thanks for the comments! :)

Oh, "especially about Pit Bulls"??? Why especially?
And tell me, where did I say I hated them, I didn't use that word. And when you have lived longer than your teenage years you will also learn that IF you are going to say that some used text or spoke a certain word you need to be certain that the particular person has stated or written as such.

08-05-2006, 10:07 PM
Oh, "especially about Pit Bulls"??? Why especially?
And tell me, where did I say I hated them, I didn't use that word. And when you have lived longer than your teenage years you will also learn that IF you are going to say that some used text or spoke a certain word you need to be certain that the particular person has stated or written as such.

Did I ever say you said anything about pit bulls? Nope.

08-05-2006, 10:17 PM
I love that story. :D

08-06-2006, 01:33 AM
I love that story too.

Just a quick pointless anecdote, I was talking to my landlord about my ongoing doglessness and how much it eats me up and he was asking about my favorite breeds, and what kind of dog I'd get if I could.

Since the apartment regs state no dogs over 25lbs, I told him that I would LOVE to find a tiny pit mix. (they come into the local pit rescue occasionally) My landlord was so excited and amused, because it feels a little bit like cheating the system to both of us, and he's a pit fan too. :)

08-06-2006, 02:45 PM
I hate to bump this up, but Love That Collie, do these look like maneaters to you?
Oh, they're going to eat us all.. :rolleyes:

08-06-2006, 02:51 PM
I hate to bump this up, but Love That Collie, do these look like maneaters to you?
Oh, they're going to eat us all.. :rolleyes:

To me they look like they are gonna attack you with licks with they're tongues sticking out. But no they do know look like that at all.

Love That Collie
08-08-2006, 06:24 PM
I hate to bump this up, but Love That Collie, do these look like maneaters to you?
Oh, they're going to eat us all.. :rolleyes:

Sorry, been gone from the computer for a few days but I know you all enjoyed the vacation.....LOL! :D
Nope, the pic's are quite nice, but they are just pictures just like the dog who bit me years ago (Old English Sheepdog) he looked really cute and cuddly, but looks have nothing to do with it. And nooooo, I do not have anything against OES's (just to clear that one up).

08-08-2006, 06:39 PM
Sorry, been gone from the computer for a few days but I know you all enjoyed the vacation.....LOL! :D
Nope, the pic's are quite nice, but they are just pictures just like the dog who bit me years ago (Old English Sheepdog) he looked really cute and cuddly, but looks have nothing to do with it. And nooooo, I do not have anything against OES's (just to clear that one up).
Oh yeah, they're going to attack any second now. Roxy (my Boxer x Pit mix in the 2nd pic) has never even growled once in her whole entire life, unless it was to defend me. Sure, she's going to come attack you.. with a big sloppy kiss fest. I swear on my honor that she would never hurt even a fly, much less a person.