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08-03-2006, 09:20 AM
My dog sitting is not going well. This poodle is the poodle from hell. He's gotten into some fights with Fenway. The poodle is food aggressive (and that's only one problem). Fenway will go over & smell his doggy bone and the poodle will go after him. Also, if Fenway is sitting on my lap, the poodle will go after him. I took them both out and Fenway "tried" to go into the house first and the poodle freaked and attacked him. He's bit Fenway (didn't break the skin) but Fenway yelped. I brought the baby gate and blocked off the upstairs from the downstairs. Fenway slept upstairs with me last night. This morning I said "lets go potty" and he ran down the stairs but stopped short of the baby gate and looked at the poodle and didn't want to go any further. So I had to take the poodle out first to poop and then had to CARRY Fenway outside to poop.

Does anybody have any suggestions? I'm watching this poodle till next Wednesday.

I actually brought Fenway to work this morning (where dogs are NOT allowed). I figure it's the CEO's dog I'm dogsitting so people will understand. Most of my co-workers have met Fenway so they're pretty excited he's here.

But anyhow, does anybody have any suggestions as to how to handle this situation? Should I try to get Fenway to go downstairs (without carrying him)? Is Fenway going to be traumatized forever?

Please help me!

08-03-2006, 09:23 AM
Oh, no! (((Hugs))) That sounds like an awful situation. Maybe you could get Fenway used to being around the Poodle more, like across the baby gate. Then gradually, you can get Fenway to walk down the stairs to the baby gate without stopping, maybe by walking with him and don't stop until you're at the baby gate. I am so sorry this is happening, I hope I was at least a little help! (((hugs)))

08-03-2006, 10:05 AM
Is there any way possible for you to leave Fenaway with someone else until Wed? Thats really a short amount of time to work on such serious issues.

In the meantime take up all objects that may cause a fight, food, bones, toys, etc...

Can you crate the dogs or put them in a seperate room? You could then alternate dogs for meal times, potty times, play times, etc... Lock the poodle up while Fenaway walks down the stairs & outside and vice-versa.

Because this is not your dog & it is just temp. I would say to avoid any bad situations as much as possible.

As far as 're-socializing" Fenaway to dogs, it would be wise to set up a play date with dogs you know are very friendly as soon as possible.

Sorry this isn't too detailed I am short on time today.

I hope that you find some type of fix. Good luck.

Pawsitive Thinking
08-03-2006, 10:39 AM
While you are with them keep the poodle on a lead at all times even if you have to attach it to you! It will learn that you are pack leader and will not tolerate any attacks on Fenway.

Separate rooms when you're not there?

08-03-2006, 11:41 AM
I can't leave Fenway with anybody else because everybody said I shouldn't dogsit the poodle after he bit me the last time. So I know they'll be mad if I ask them and they'll say "I told you so". I think I will just keep them separate from now on like some of you suggested. I just hope it'll work out. It really is a shame because when they first met (when the poodles owner was there) they played & played. It's like a whole other poodle now....a poodle from hell. :(

P.S. I do have to say, I love having Fenway at work with me. It's a shame it can't be always.

finn's mom
08-03-2006, 11:47 AM
I agree with what lv4dogs said...put up all things like food, toys, bones, etc. There's not much you can do in a short period of time to work with such ingrained behavior issues. I'd even go so far as to muzzle a dog that was endangering my own dog. I wouldn't leave them together unsupervised for any length of time, not even a minute or two. I would crate the poodle and/or Fenway. Or simply keep Fenway upstairs and the poodle downstairs or vice versa. Good luck! And, I certainly wouldn't offer to watch the poodle again.

08-03-2006, 11:52 AM
Try not to think badly of the poodle. You have to look at things from his point of view. Things were a lot different when Fenway was just a visitor while the poodle's pack leader (his owner) was home. Then he knew the leader was home and in charge and he could just romp and play with this visitor. Now his owner and leader is gone and suddenly he sees this as a new situation, perhaps a new pack, and Fenway is now a threat. This intruder is sniffing HIS bone and running out the door ahead of HIM. Plus Fenway is yours and kept with you so he probably sees him as favored, and that he has to fight to keep from becoming the bottom of the pile. It's all unfamiliar and threatening to this poodle and he feels he must defend his home and territory against being taken over by the newcomer.

I think if you try and see it from his point of view a bit better, it might help you in dealing with it. I'd definitely keep them separate during eating, and take them out separately to avoid any problems. Try not to be angry or distressed around the poodle because he will pick up on that and it could make him feel more threatened. If they are both treat motivated, keep treats on you and reward when they are doing well. If Fenway gets scared try not to baby him which will encourage him to be more fearful, and again send more red flags out to the poodle.

I am hoping some of these ideas can help you and Fenway.

08-03-2006, 12:01 PM
This is always a good fall back for any problem situation. I would use the technique on BOTH dogs. This is NOT a punishment. It is just letting the dogs know that they are dogs and you are not and you are in charge without being agressive, mean or dominanting. It will work for you over the next few days. Good luck!


Pawsitive Thinking
08-04-2006, 05:23 AM
Thanks for that link Aurie. Its got some great tips

08-07-2006, 08:09 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions everybody.

A miracle has happened! I was getting sick of carting Fenway's butt up & down the stairs & having to shut him in the master bedroom. And I think Fenway was getting sick of it too. So yesterday was the breakthrough day. I took them both on a 2 mile walk. Fenway's leash was longer & the Devil Dog's leash was shorter. I let the Devil Dog in the house first, Fenway second. Then I let them both outside in the back yard. The Devil Dog & Fenway played & played. The Devil Dog chased Fenway all over the yard (Fenway runs VERY fast). It was cute to watch. At the end of the day, I took them for a 3 mile walk. Again, I let the Devil Dog in first, Fenway second. Then they played & played & played. Fenway even went over to the bowl & ate some of the Devil Dogs food and the Devil Dog let him.

At night I still shut the door to the master bedroom & use the baby gate at the stairs.

This morning I walked them real quick (it was pouring). They both peed and then when they got inside, they both wanted to play ball. They played for about 5 minutes but then I had to leave for work. I put Fenway in the master bedroom with the door closed & the baby gate at the stairs & the Devil Dog has the whole downstairs.

I'll go & let them out at lunchtime and if it doesn't rain tonight (it's supposed to), I'll take them for a 2 mile walk again & then let them play.

So miracles do happen.


08-07-2006, 10:06 AM
Glad to hear they are improving!
Animals almost always seem to make an agreement between themselves.

08-07-2006, 10:14 AM
I'm glad to hear things are going better for yous. That must be so much easier & less stressful for you all. Hope it continues to be peaceful.

Pawsitive Thinking
08-07-2006, 10:52 AM
The Devil Dog lol! :D Glad to see they've come to an agreement