View Full Version : Alabama's Greyhound Executioner

05-22-2002, 02:52 PM
A horrible story out today of a man who was the cheapest way to get rid of slow Greyhounds for over 40 years...

Words don't describe how angry this makes me, or how much I wish dog racing were banned in this country. :mad:

Story link:


Heather Wallace
05-22-2002, 05:29 PM
I think he should be shot and not the dogs.

What a horrible story, hope he gets what he deserves.:mad:

05-22-2002, 05:43 PM
That's disgusting! Not knowing the laws is NO EXCUSE.

"I guess there are laws against it, but I haven't read those books, so I don't know," said Rhodes, 68.


05-22-2002, 07:17 PM
I happened to read this while catching up on the news
over lunch. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.:(
I'm aware that killing off unwanted greyhound racers
is common practice. But it makes me sick when I see
the real scope of it. Numbers in the thousands. 40 years
of killing these magnificent creatures because they no
longer earn $$$ for some human.:( There was a Grey
as Dog Of The Day just a few days ago. I still remember
her story. This just seems to hit to close to home.

05-22-2002, 07:35 PM
I can't read that story, but I've gotten the gist of it reading these posts and I hope the guy burns in the fiery pits of hell! Also, ignorance of the law isn't supposed to save you. I'm sorry, but he HAD to know what he was doing was wrong...even if it was legal, it is an immoral act! Ok, I'm off my soapbox....again.

05-23-2002, 12:53 AM
When I got Shaianne I researched greyhound rescue. I wanted to find out more about this wonderful breed even tho she didn't come from that type of a background.
Sadly, shooting deaths is just one of the ways used. Others are putting them in there crates and stacking them on top of each other in a barn out in the middle of nowhere and letting them starve to death. Another way is to muzzle them and let them run loose in the desert with no way to eat, drink or hunt food for themselves. The industry definatley needs stopped unless they can become more responsible with adoptions etc.
I often wondered with as many adopted greyhounds there are out there, why greyhounds weren't higher on the most popular list, I believe it is b/c the number of AKC registered (show) greyhounds is so much lower, they don't count all the rescued ones.

05-23-2002, 04:51 AM
I saw a show on animal planet last week about a rescue place, I think it was greyhounds.I can't remember where it was, seems like it is better for them to live out the rest of their days there than to be killed.