View Full Version : does it get more exiting when....

08-03-2006, 01:56 AM
you see your name has been added as soon to be co-owner? :p I always check the tollchester page for any updates, and I looked at Electra's page and my name is now added as her co-owner!

see! see!

Electra will be co-owned with Shayna in SK, Canada.

it just makes be more anxious lol the other day I bought her a food dish, grooming shears and a blow dryer for dogs :p I have pretty much everything else, a leash, a collar, she is flying up in Blairs crate, I can get her, her own crate later, we have 5 crates and neither Happy nor Perky use kennels so we have a free one upstairs and a free one in my room.(its because when we got Happy we bought her a large wire crate, but we could not travel with it when we got into dogsports so we got travel crate for Happy, but Happy is like never in it besides at tournys so Misty uses it, and Mistys crate is left empty as well as Happys first crate lol) I am like dying for this month to end for my baby to arrive!

08-03-2006, 02:07 AM
:D That is so exciting! I'm really happy for you, Electra is a DOLL! She has the most gorgeous coloring, and her little face. I can't wait to see pics of her having a blast with your BC girls!

08-03-2006, 02:11 AM
I can only imagine how excited you must be! She's such a pretty pup. Is Simone going to get any new pictures of her for you before she arrives? I can hardly wait to see (lots of) pictures of her with Happy & Misty :)

08-03-2006, 02:16 AM
lol I just sent her an e-mail asking for more pics :p I do know that she has someone else do pics for her as she is not good with the new camera, so I pretty much gotta rely on a 3rd party for pics lol

08-03-2006, 03:32 AM
blow dryer for dogs

What's the difference from a normal blow dryer?

You must be so thrilled! I can't wait til we get to see more pictures.

08-03-2006, 07:22 AM
What's the difference from a normal blow dryer?

You must be so thrilled! I can't wait til we get to see more pictures.
it looks like a giant vacum and it has more power . You put it up to the skin of the dog and move it around and it makes the water go away alot faster.


Cant wait to see her get home!

08-03-2006, 07:28 AM
Three litters in a half year and no uniformity among their dogs. I really hope she loses her length. I'm sorry but she still looks like she has a border collie's bone structure. I know that's an old picture but she should be much more square.

08-03-2006, 08:03 AM
i can't wait till she gets home! there will be lots of pics i hope! ;) i looove looking at Gracie's reg papers and seeing my name on there. :D

08-03-2006, 10:10 AM
That is great! I can't imagine how excited you must be. I am so happy for you.

it looks like a giant vacum and it has more power . You put it up to the skin of the dog and move it around and it makes the water go away alot faster.


Cant wait to see her get home!

Not to mention, probably the most important thing, is that dog blow dryers have tempuratures that are much more suitable for dogs. A human hair dryer can easily burn the dog even on a warm setting.

08-03-2006, 11:47 AM
Its real nice to use the flat side of a shedding blade to get the water off a dog, then blow drying only takes a few minutes.

08-03-2006, 12:32 PM
Aww, yay! Electra is gorgeous, btw.. ;)