View Full Version : bladder stones & mojo

08-02-2006, 09:01 PM
mojo, she who will shed, decided my life was too quiet for the last 3 weeks. her bladder infection turned out to be biggish bladder stones, which are now being analyzed. the vet took a film when i took mojo in for what i thought was a bladder infection. the films showed gravel, the surgery was this am. mojo is now home, doing very well and i made small sniffing sounds as i wrote out the first check. but, mojo is home and she's laying in my lap, shedding white hair, again. *sigh* it's all good.

08-02-2006, 09:11 PM
I understand the sniffles...Oscar didn't need the surgery, but had quite a few urinanalysis tests....and antibiotics...

Now he and his brother Cole both eat the urinary tract food by Royal Canin. It DOES last longer...and will save me costs on Cole in the future.

Are stones just crystals that get big - or how do they happen?

GLAD Mojo is well and healing...hugs to him and your pocketbook.

08-03-2006, 04:57 AM
Mojo, I am sorry to hear that you were not feeling well. Hope recovery is very quick (it should be, I have had 2 cats go through bladder stone removal).

08-03-2006, 09:09 AM
1.mojo is not happy in her soft e-collar. i think the seablue is a good choice for her fur, and it does lie against her shoulders, so she cannot get to her stitches, despite my telling her this, and that she is very prettyin this color, she is NOT HAPPY!
2. when i next barracade a cat in the bathroom for the day, shower the night before, so there is no humidty in the small room. too much humidity disturbs mojo. it also makes the newly placed litter pan in the tub, with the expensive scoopable litter swell, and the kicked out pieces will meld themselves to the bottom of the tub. (will i ever be able to take a bubble bath again in my tub w/o thinking about this?)
3. all the cats like the 4th,5th and 6th waterbowls placed on the dressers. the dogs cannot slobber in these. mind you, the house is 900 sq feet, and there are as many water bowls as there are furry tumbleweeds now. (and BTW there are 2 waterbowls outside for the dogs, since it's so freaking hot)
4. the dooropening to the bathroom is too small to babygate. and dogs will always find a litterpan...even if you scoop it miliseconds after the cat uses it.
5. it was very nice to lift mojo on to the bed last night, where she laid on my left hand, purring and marking me as hers. it's good to have her home

08-03-2006, 06:44 PM
The Found Cats and I are praying for Your Mojo, taht she will be well very soon.
Mojo sounds like a Wonderful Cat.

08-03-2006, 07:36 PM
mojo is very sweet. she seems very happy to be home, and have me lifting her, then i saw her jump up on the couch ;) her son, magic also has had a bladder infection, so i'm willing to bet that we will bechanging from eukanauba weight control and friskies canned soon. all 4 cats will be letting me know about the food.

08-03-2006, 08:45 PM
I'm so glad Mojo is OK and back home purring.

08-05-2006, 02:05 PM
second check in*sniff*. mojos' incision is healing nicely. the vet sent home some pain meds in liquid form so she gets those in the am (after my first cup of coffee-i need to see :eek: to do this) she's feeling fine, hissing at peanut the big dog and eating well. last night, rather early this am, she let me know she wanted the soft e-collar off, she stood on my throat. fair play in her eyes i guess, it did the trick though, i got up in a hurry.