View Full Version : My rescue group is BROKE. :(

08-02-2006, 02:18 PM
One by One is having a severe crisis right now with lack of funds. Our vet bills alone are in the thousands of dollars. It is scarey.......what will happen to all the cats housed in our shelter if we can no longer afoord them?

PRAYERS for a miracle are needed. PRAY HARD!

ALSO............ANY ideas on fund raisers that really work??? What can we do to raise the bank balance? What do YOUR shelters do that really works for them?

Just go look at the wonderful cats we are helping at One by One (http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/1by1.html) Many of those will never be adopted but we knew they would always be safe with us. Now the future is uncertain. :(

08-02-2006, 02:31 PM
Bake Sales in front of WalMarts
Car Washes
Donation Letters to previous adoption people
Yard Sales

Get the media involved

08-02-2006, 02:48 PM
Our rescue is building two new buildings on a wing and a prayer. They have had some good results from yard sales, even though they already run a thrift store.

Also, they are selling memorial pavers. They will eventually be used to create a garden. Businesses can buy larger ones. I ordered one for my RB Ted E. Bear for $65.

If someone can get a newspaper or TV station to do a story (no matter how small) it can really help.

08-02-2006, 02:56 PM
Jen - Of course, I had to look at the cats, even though I knew it would about break my heart. And, of course, I want to scoop up Napoleon, and Scrap/Colonel Mustard because they look so like my own beat-up old FIV+ boys, and Tara the broken, and the CH kittens because I'm learning from my own that these cats have a ultra-vibrant zest for life. So, are all of those in foster homes?

I'm afraid my vet has all my ready money, and all my owed money money also.

The shelter that I've adopted cats from holds two events per year to bring in funds. One is the "Average Joe" cat show where people pay to have their cats compete in categories such as "loudest purr" "strangest meow" "longest whiskers". The other is the "Black Cat Ball", held late in the year, at which they hold a silent auction of donated items. Do you have people who are particularly good at getting hold of businesses to ask for donations? Anyone who is good at writing grants? Can you advertise for volunteer development people?

08-02-2006, 03:32 PM
I was going to suggest a Yard sale and phoning the media but I see it already has been suggested. What about setting up a booth somewhere were there is alot people and ask for donations? Do you have a cat show in your area in the near future? Alot of groups get a booth at the cat shows and get donations there. I can't think of anything else right now but if I do I will be sure to let you know. I do have an idea that a local group use to do here but it isn't a quick fix. The made a calender of peoples pets, they picked 12 out of all the entires they would get and then made a calencer and sold it. They did really well with it. Buit that wouyld take awhile to organize and get it done.

08-02-2006, 03:40 PM
One of our most successful fundraisers is coin cans. The shelter has about 30 cans out at local businesses. They have a couple pictures of shelter residents and our website address on the labels. Someone picks them up monthly or whenever the business calls and says it's full. They are time consuming--lots of change to roll--but they bring in hundreds every month!

08-02-2006, 05:34 PM
Also - if a booth at a cat show is not timely or if it's costly...ask a friendly pet store or grocery store manager if you can set up a donations table. Maybe tie it in with a special event they are having!

The coin cans are good. I suggest some double sided tape on the bottom so people can't run off with them....some idiots do!

A cheap way is to use coffee cans with the plastic lids...and print out labels with the shelter name and pics on them.


08-02-2006, 05:40 PM
Can you have people sponsor a Cat, or Kitten who cannot actually adopt one?
Our SPCA does quite well with thier sponsored Cats and Dogs.
Sadly this is going to come to a head with all these idiots not caring for thier Pets, and a lot of innocent animals are going to pay a very high price indeeed.

08-02-2006, 05:59 PM
Keep the suggestions coming. I will be passing them along.

We do already have a "sponser a cat program". We do most of the cat shows in the area (as they are available). We also send out a newsletter (which is due to go out ASAP). Plus several other things.

Oh, to answer, NO, not all the cats are in foster homes. We have a building. It houses 50 to 60 cats. Probably more than half of these cats are life-timers as they have issues that prevent them from finding homes.

I'd sure like to come up with a real winner of an idea to bring in funds.

08-02-2006, 06:22 PM
Our shelter has pets featured in the local paper once a week, coin tins in stores, thrift shop, garage sales and food bins in the supermarkets (for people to donate tin or dry food). Nothing new really but I don't think there is a way to make a lot of money in a hurry unless you win the lottery.

08-02-2006, 07:16 PM
okaay....might the group's bank rep know someone who would make an interest-free loan? Or low interest? If the same interest can be paid as they would get on a type of investment, they might go for it.

Or do you know of a supporter who might be privately approached? (Get it all on paper if you do! :) )

THEN you can pay off the bills, and focus on establishing regular fund-raising activities during the year, for that once-a-month payment!

Just a thought....

08-02-2006, 07:19 PM
The rescue group I got Ptolemy and Newton from holds an art auction every year and they raise quite a bit of money from that event. If this might work for your group, contact Tails of Hope (the rescue here) and tell them what is happening. Maybe they can hook you up with the place they use in NY...

08-02-2006, 08:14 PM

Definitely get the media involved. Call the TV stations and newspapers. Tell them the plight of the organization.

Yard sales are a great way to raise funds. Don't forget, "One Man's Junk is Another Man's Treasure". I'm sure there are LOTS of people, both volunteers AND people who have adopted from the shelter that have "stuff" they're willing to donate for the sale. All it takes is a phone call.

Good luck.

08-02-2006, 10:14 PM
The ones here have rummage sales. Some do grooming. The one in eastern Oregon has its own thrift shop.

08-02-2006, 11:52 PM
All my ideas have already been posted, but I will say I hope you guys find a way to make ends meet, and good luck, I know the furry ones (and us, the not so furry ones) appreciate everything you do for them!

08-03-2006, 04:47 AM
In the foyer of our local library I have seen a donation box for animal shelters asking for donations of food, blankets, dishes, etc. (and money). They seem to get a lot of attention. Maybe your local libraries would go for that.

Thank you for helping all these unfortunate animals.

smokey the elder
08-03-2006, 09:48 AM
My rescue group does something called a "calendar raffle" where each day of a month there's a dollar prize, which varies from $50 to $400. We have cleaned up with these. In fact, we are going from 2 to 3 a year by popular demand.

Our other large fundraiser is a penny social. We hit up merchants for donations, gift certificates, etc. Also people donate brand new items that they may have gotten as gifts but don't like. We have a 50/50 raffle table, and tables for larger prizes (bonus, super bonus) and a "basket of cheer" table.

We run a Christmas newsletter which often does quite well.

We have tag sales about every 2 months.

We are starting to apply for grants, but need to get better organized with paperwork.

We also have coin cans, and a booth at the local cat show where we can raffle stuff off. We usually do pretty well.

My pet project is to set up an antiques appraisal fair/silent auction where antique dealers pay to have a table, donate items for the silent auction, and get a few appraisers to appraise small items for a fee.

It sounds like you might have a higher budget than my organization. PM me if you want any figures or advice on logistics.

08-03-2006, 10:47 AM
My local one did something really great !!!!

Just had to get attention.

They were low on funds, and volenteers. So the one-and-only ( :( ) volenteer talked to the biggest newspaper in town, and the paper donated the WHOLE FRONT PAGE !!!! IN COLOUR !!!!!

( thank you so much, Mr/Mrs newspaper dudes, you rule !!! )

In the middle of the page it said: UNLOVED, UNWANTED and had a plea for funds and volunteers.

So the shelter put in 28 adoptable cat pics with gender/age/breed under them. They put in 6 dogs with pics/gender/age/breed.

ALL THE ANIMALS GOT ADOPTED !!!!!! And one of them got given back to its previous owner, who recognised it from the newspaper. That owner gave the shelter a generous donation, too. :D

Isn't that great? ! ? ! You should try talking to your newspaper to see if,( on a day that they were short of news, perhaps ) they would be willing to donate a page or two.

Best of luck !

08-03-2006, 03:05 PM
Are there any small local papers in your area? They usually are pretty receptive to that type of appeal, plus if they're free, they get a lot of readers.

There are always pictures of local animals up for adoption in our local rags.

Just a thought.

08-04-2006, 08:35 AM
What about a raffle, Jen? Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue is a huge organization, but that is one way that they raise funds, annually. In fact, I bought raffle tickets, one year, from way down here in SC, and I won! That was when they did cash prizes and we won $3000. I know that your group operates on a much smaller scale, but if you could get donated prizes from area businesses, like televisions, DVD players, etc, you might generate some interest in selling raffle tickets, and maybe even you could find a local printer who would donate the tickets.

Good luck!


08-04-2006, 08:47 AM
Jen, I have run a couple of auctions for charity. You need someone to front you with $$$ for advertising and upfront costs....

If you would like, I will email you my thoughts on how to organize it and possibly benefit from it.

Each town is different. If it worked in Burlington VT, it should work in your little town in PA.

SAS :)

08-04-2006, 12:00 PM
Jen ~ I mailed a donation to One by One (http://1by1catrescue.org/) today. Thanks for getting the word out.

08-04-2006, 05:27 PM
Definitely get your local media involved! Earlier this summer a shelter around here was about to fold and NBC Channel 10 news went over there and did a story. The response was fantastic! Folks came from all over and many of the furry residents were adopted. Your group may want to consider having an "Open House" so that people can see your residents live and up close, tour the facility and at the same time see first hand all the good things One On One does for our kitty companions. At the same time sell hot dogs and soda to raise some bucks, maybe a bake sale at the same time. Depending on your local ordinances it might be a good time to hold a 50-50 raffle, people tend to buy into those. Call the newspapers - some of them run articles on pets especially over the weekends. Check with some of the local cable tv stations to see if they'll run a story possibly from your rescue facility. Right now the most important thing is to spread the word of the situation. Please keep us posted and let us know how this all plays out. Wishing you success and the very best of luck!!!

08-05-2006, 10:43 AM
Jen ~ Check out this thread (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=110252) in General. Maybe your rescue would qualify with GOODSEARCH.com (http://www.goodsearch.com/) . If so, each time you use the search engine, 1 cent will go to the rescue.

08-05-2006, 12:20 PM
Jen ~ Check out this thread (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=110252) in General. Maybe your rescue would qualify with GOODSEARCH.com (http://www.goodsearch.com/) . If so, each time you use the search engine, 1 cent will go to the rescue.
THANKS....I will get on this project!

08-05-2006, 12:29 PM
Here is another thread I just posted about a program called iGive.HERE (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1573293#post1573293)

08-06-2006, 10:12 AM
I saw this once.
People put pictures of the animal for adoption on e bay and people paid(bid) to name them.
Maybe you can do that and also?

08-06-2006, 05:27 PM
Hello Jen, I clicked on the "Make a Donation" button on your group's web site. It leads to a payment page for [email protected]. Will that get to your group? Otherwise I will put it in the postal mail.

I'm sorry, it won't be for very much. One of my cats (Sydney) is being treated for a fibrosarcoma, and that's where my money's going.

All the best to you and One by One with your fundraising. Looks like a lot of good ideas are coming up here!


08-06-2006, 05:31 PM
Hello Jen, I clicked on the "Make a Donation" button on your group's web site. It leads to a payment page for [email protected]. Will that get to your group? Otherwise I will put it in the postal mail.


Thank you SO much!! That is the email for our paypal coordinator.

Best wishes for your Sydney.

08-06-2006, 06:05 PM
Done, Jen!

Sydney and I thank you.


08-07-2006, 11:46 AM
A thank you to Pat, as payment was received.

08-07-2006, 03:02 PM
AND, I have signed up One by One cat rescue for the www.goodsearch.com. the search engine that donates to charity. PLEASE use us! :D

08-08-2006, 12:38 AM
Our SPCA creates a calender each year. You pay $25 to have your pet in the calender (they have collagious (sp??) in the front and back for those that don't make the main pages). The $25 offsets any printing costs in addition to acting as a fundraiser, they then charge for the calenders and sell them at the shelter, vet hospitals, events, etc. I also know our local cat rescue group has a setup to take care of cats for owners who have passed or can physically no longer care for them but for whatever reason don't want or are unable to find them a good home. The owners are able to place the cats in this facility and their well taken care of for life. I don't know how much they charge for the service but it helps with other costs as well. In addition they charge for owner relinquishment of cats. I think it's $50 for relinquishment, $25 to test for leuk, FIV, etc. and $80 if the cast is unaltered. This particular group only excepts owner relinquishment although I know they sometimes make exception and except strays, but the owner relinquishments help to offset the exceptions. Don't know if any of this is feasible but thought I'd mention some of this.

08-08-2006, 01:37 PM
AND, I have signed up One by One cat rescue for the www.goodsearch.com. the search engine that donates to charity. PLEASE use us! :D

Jen, is that the one in Kuztown, PA.?

One by One will be in my prayers that everything will turn out well in the end for them.

08-08-2006, 03:17 PM
Jen, is that the one in Kuztown, PA.?

That's the one! :D