View Full Version : The insanity by Hobo....pics

08-02-2006, 01:41 PM
"Look into my eyes, surrender to the insanity...."

"He kinda looks like me, hey, Mom? Maybe if he was happier???"

"See he's happy..well, sort of, he's out of his cage so of course he's happy right now"
"Kinda like me too--getting a good picture is not easy! I could use some more friends,Mom? Crazy friends, like me....?"

Sigh, the dogs are Denver and Anvik(the blond one). They are both trained sled dogs and currently going nuts at our local shelter. Denver is very happy when he's outside playing; he's almost in a coma when he's in his kennel. Anvik is coping a bit better, but the staff said they haven't heard a sound out of him in weeks. A non-howling sled dog is a bad sign!! I've taken my dogs to the vet more than once when the only obvious symptom was "he's lost his woooooo." They are both well socialized, sweet dogs, but as the staff put it "the market for sled dogs is limited.".......sigh, I'm sure most of you have guessed what that means.....

I'm going away next week(August 8-16th). I can't ask Stuart to take on two new dogs. He's going to have his hands full as it is and integrating newbies is my speciality. So if Denver and Anvik haven't found new homes by August 17th, it looks like I'll have two new "fosters" and we all know how well I do at fostering! ;)

Queen of Poop
08-02-2006, 01:48 PM
Yipee!!! Two new doggies for Glacier!!! Have a great holiday. Now you've got something to really look forward to upon your return. Good job Hobo, hypnotize the lady so she brings home more friends!!

08-02-2006, 01:58 PM
Oh Glacier!!!!

I have a fantasy!!! (sled dogs in Canada!!!!) wish I could afford to really get up your way!!

The picture of HOBO!!! and ANVIK !!!! prompted me to reply .

Surrender Dorothy!!!!! :D :D :D :D

Your threads are so enjoyable to read and to see!!!!!!!

08-02-2006, 02:19 PM
It's my fav, little Hobo! Ouuu, nice *new* dogs, Glacier! Poor Denver looks pretty lonely, that won't last long after Aug. 17th, will it? Anvik looks like he's enjoying the backrub! Have fun on your week away, and we'll stay tuned for more....

08-02-2006, 06:46 PM
I'm sending good vibes to those two to hold on a bit longer till you get
back. Denver ?) has the saddest eyes. :( Hurry on back from your trip.

Ginger's Mom
08-02-2006, 07:37 PM
They are both adorable. I was going to say poor dogs, thrown in a shelter when they no longer fit in with the musher's plans. But I guess they actually are lucky if they are going to become "fosters" at your kennel. Will be looking forward to hearing more on the 17th.

finn's mom
08-02-2006, 08:17 PM
You have truly found your purpose in life. So many people never do, and, I admire you for knowing what you love, and, doing it! You are one of the most selfless people I "know" and I'm hoping these two find homes, but, it would also be cool to see them at yours. ;)

08-02-2006, 11:17 PM
So if Denver and Anvik haven't found new homes by August 17th, it looks like I'll have two new "fosters" and we all know how well I do at fostering! ;)

So we'll be welcoming 2 new pups to PT soon... :D ;)

08-03-2006, 06:06 AM
Awww! They are so cute and I love thier names. Hopefully, they're still there.;) Hobo is so cute. Look at that tounge.

Daisy and Delilah
08-03-2006, 08:48 AM
You have truly found your purpose in life. So many people never do, and, I admire you for knowing what you love, and, doing it! You are one of the most selfless people I "know" and I'm hoping these two find homes, but, it would also be cool to see them at yours. ;)

Well said Kari. We all admire you so much Tamara. You're the best!!

08-03-2006, 12:43 PM
You are one of the most selfless people I "know" and I'm hoping these two find homes, but, it would also be cool to see them at yours. ;)

I'm a little torn about it myself. They are lovely dogs. Not sure if I'm hoping someone else falls in love with them and they get a great home or if I want them to still be there on the 17th and come to my place. Either way works for me, as long as they get out of the shelter and a good home.

Thanks for the kind words...Not so selfless though really. Sometimes the critters require sacrifices that I'd rather not make--like last week when I spent the better part of a day in tears because my entire family is going to Mexico in November and I can't find a way to go with them!

08-03-2006, 01:15 PM
yay!!!! Such lovely "fosters". ;) :D

08-03-2006, 05:31 PM
Thanks for the kind words...Not so selfless though really. Sometimes the critters require sacrifices that I'd rather not make--like last week when I spent the better part of a day in tears because my entire family is going to Mexico in November and I can't find a way to go with them!

Aww :( Well try to think of it this way, you are a young woman
(in good health, please God) and will have other years to make the trip. :)

Dogs don't have near enough time to live a good life.

Lady's Human
08-03-2006, 05:36 PM
Pllllease take us home so we can play with the rest of the pack, PLLLLLLLEASE! :D

(I know, we're not helping.....LOL)

08-03-2006, 06:39 PM
They're very handsome! I hope you can foster them, you're the best they'll get :)

08-04-2006, 09:45 AM
You are such an awesome person! I really admire you. It made me sad to see that you are going to have to miss a trip to Mexico with your family. I really wish there was some way that a few of us could come and help out with the dogs so that you could go with them.

I'm looking forward to pictures of the new "fosters". Hmmm, wonder how long they will be fosters ;).

You are a wonderful person!