View Full Version : I am very proud!

08-02-2006, 01:14 PM
We had two Jehovah (SP) witnesses come to our door. At first Zoey was being very bad freaking out, T.j was excited and feld the need to say hi. Then Zoey decided she would lie down and she laid down right on my foot and felt the need to protect me. I am very happy I have a girl that would protect me like that. She got very agitated when the guy got into his pocket to look for glasses, maybe she could sence I was nervous because he was getting into his pocket. She has protected me and bitten someone before that tried to kidnap me (A LONG STORY). But these guys are old men. Funny how they can sense that they have to protect ther mommy and her house when the “boss” (my dad) is at work, she never does this when my dad is home. I know she would never bite anyone unless she had to, like she did when someone tried to kidnapp me. Probally a pointless thread and waste of space.

08-02-2006, 01:40 PM
That's great that your dogs tried to protect you. They were very good indeed.

08-02-2006, 02:06 PM
You've got to put the facts in line!!! Zoey is the angel!!!!!

I love dogs!!! ;)

08-02-2006, 02:08 PM
Wow, that is amazing! Thanks for sharing. I love how dogs are always so loving, faithful, devoted... :)

08-02-2006, 02:41 PM
What a good girl, Zoe! I wish my dogs were like that, but Sadie kinda is!
Someone tried to kidnap you? :eek: :eek: :mad: I'd like to 'hear' that story!

08-02-2006, 02:50 PM
I was training Zoey, trying to practice are heeling. So I took her on the road. We were walking down the road when someone was driving right beside us very slow for a little while. Finally I looked back and starred him down. When he stepped on the gas and drove off. He came back about 5-10 mins. later. He got out of his car and took my arm and tried to drag me in the truck. I let go of Zoey so she would run home and my parents would figure something was wrong. My parents already discussed what to do if something wrong happened while I was walking the dogs. Instead of Zoey running home she jumped up and bit him. Holding on to his arm and tugging for a while. I think I was hitting him to, but I am not sure it happened so fast. I guess that scared him off because once Zoey let go he took of in his car and I ran home. I was never able to get his license plate because I was so scared and didn’t think about it. All I got was it was a blue pickup and what the guy looked like. We never got any calls back from the police. So now you guys know why I love her as much as I do.

08-02-2006, 03:27 PM
I hope my dogs would protect my kids too! What a good dog you have, give her lots of love! :)

08-02-2006, 04:05 PM
I was training Zoey, trying to practice are heeling. So I took her on the road. We were walking down the road when someone was driving right beside us very slow for a little while. Finally I looked back and starred him down. When he stepped on the gas and drove off. He came back about 5-10 mins. later. He got out of his car and took my arm and tried to drag me in the truck. I let go of Zoey so she would run home and my parents would figure something was wrong. My parents already discussed what to do if something wrong happened while I was walking the dogs. Instead of Zoey running home she jumped up and bit him. Holding on to his arm and tugging for a while. I think I was hitting him to, but I am not sure it happened so fast. I guess that scared him off because once Zoey let go he took of in his car and I ran home. I was never able to get his license plate because I was so scared and didn’t think about it. All I got was it was a blue pickup and what the guy looked like. We never got any calls back from the police. So now you guys know why I love her as much as I do.
WOW! Zoe truly is an angel sent from above! You are incredible lucky to have her! I can't even imagine how scary that must've been for you. I am very glad nothing happened to you, or Zoe, though. ;)

08-02-2006, 05:40 PM
You must feel safe with Zoey around. She sounds like a smart girl.

Toby's my baby
08-02-2006, 05:50 PM
Wow!! Zoey truly is a hero, in both situations! You are very lucky to have such a good body guard, and she never talks back or talks on a little walkie talkie ;) :p

The only thing Autumn "protects" me from is Maggie. :p :rolleyes:

08-02-2006, 06:40 PM
what a good girl Zoey is! :D

Ginger's Mom
08-02-2006, 07:42 PM
Good girl, Zoe. Yes, she does sound like she is very smart. She knows when to react and when to just stay close and watch. Good girl!

08-02-2006, 07:52 PM
Zoe, you are such a good girl! that was very nice that you were protecting your mummy like that. :)

08-02-2006, 08:12 PM
Wow! :eek: That must have been so scary! I am so glad nothing happened to you or Zoey! What an angel, I never knew she did that. What a good girl! A VERY good girl. :D

08-03-2006, 12:05 AM
Good Job, Zoey!
You should be proud and feel safe having her around to ptotect you!
This just reminded me...on Sunday, while I went to NYC to see Logan, John's son came over with his girlfriend to let MY Logan outside. He told me that, altho she's met him a million times, she snarled at them and stood her ground for about 10 minutes until she realized they were OK to be there without me. I offered no apologies, altho I was shocked, but at least now we know that she's a terrific guardian when we're not home. I know how you feel...special and lucky..

08-03-2006, 12:15 AM
This just reminded me...on Sunday, while I went to NYC to see Logan, John's son came over with his girlfriend to let MY Logan outside. He told me that, altho she's met him a million times, she snarled at them and stood her ground for about 10 minutes until she realized they were OK to be there without me. I offered no apologies, altho I was shocked, but at least now we know that she's a terrific guardian when we're not home. I know how you feel...special and lucky..
It's funny how dogs really protect their proberty including their owners! ;) I get comfort leaving my dogs at home too, who needs a video camera when you have a dog that loves you?