View Full Version : Turn it Into a poem [Game].

08-02-2006, 09:14 AM
Ok I thought this would be Intresting to see how far our thoughts and words can go even for simple things.

This is how you play.

Someone types a word then you have to turn it into a poem or somthing alike it does not have to ryme but try to make it intresting.

After your done you type another word like boot,tree,wind,ect...

So Ill go first.


08-02-2006, 10:03 AM
Apple apple in the sky
Why do you have to be so high
I wanted to turn you into pie
But I guess you just don't want to die.

next: mouse

08-02-2006, 10:34 AM
this sounds fun:

Mouse: :eek:

Little Sedrick was a mouse
Who sailed on the open sea,
Oh the things that he saw, and the tales that he told
Would fill any cat with glee!!! :D


08-02-2006, 10:42 AM
Roses are red a Cloud is white, Dogs are to love not to fight!


08-02-2006, 11:01 AM


Josh was a horse on the open range,
Who could buck any man that could rope,

There are many who caught him,
And one cowboy bought him,

But Ol Josh bucked em all, that's no joke!!!! :eek:

more like a pun!!!!!

08-02-2006, 11:01 AM

On a summer morning
Not long after sunrise
Western New York state,
Aunt Shirley's place.
We come padding downstairs in pajamas
Roused by the smell of brekfast cooking
Sssssssh says Dad, and come here.
Wondering, we tiptoe to the front door and look out
Across the dirt road is a field blanketed in fog
And in the early morning light
We see the silhouettes of a herd of deer
Down from the hills to graze the sweet fields
As we stare, stilled in awe,
A buck raises his head, and we inhale in unison
At the beauty that is silently before us.



08-02-2006, 11:07 AM

Glistening sparkles upon the sea,
and promises with each morn,
Our sun is the same one our ancesters viewed,
The same sun that share croppers scorned,


08-02-2006, 11:43 AM
Wheat grows in fields stretching for miles,
when harvested it sits in neat little piles.
It's golden, yellow, pale.
It's used to brew Blue Moon Belgian Ale. :D


08-02-2006, 11:51 AM
Keys!!!!(by the way, I loved reading that wheat poem)

Secrets are given and stored in our hearts,

And tokens are gathered and saved,

A life time of milestones, joys and despair,

Will grant us a journey that's paved.

We look to our future, reflect on our past,

As we sort through our sum of debri,

As the items we've saved , and the secrets we've learned

Are discovered again, with a KEY!!!! :eek:


08-02-2006, 12:07 PM
Rain, Rain come my way!
Please, Please come back today!
I'm sick of Heat!
I wanna be soaked to my feet!
So please don't come again just any other day!!

08-02-2006, 12:16 PM

There is magic, in the meadow,

On a long forgotton morn,

Oh, the green grass of Kentucky,

So removes my mind from scorn!!!!

08-02-2006, 12:19 PM

Seeing the wild rabbit nibble, unafraid
One brilliant blue feather left on my green front lawn
The gleeful squeal of a child
Music played in an empty hall for its own sake
The moment when birdsong begins for the day

You may think these are ordinary, unremarkable
But to me, they are magic



08-02-2006, 12:22 PM
colours winding through the air
mists of emotions cover me
as a blanket
tears and memories
laughter of days gone by
touch the corners of
my mind
when i hear those
same melodies
disident chords
of music


08-02-2006, 12:23 PM

The glorious beat I feel and hear
I can dance, sing, do anything
Music is the passion
Of so many hearts on the Earth


08-02-2006, 12:27 PM
beautiful, Karen.


Deep within our seperate souls,

A symphony is played,

Of every moment granted us,

of every truth we stayed.

Oh music, bless my earnest prayer,

Float gently as the breeze,

and gladden those, who feel their woes,

Speak to mankind with ease.

Laughter!!! :D

08-02-2006, 02:18 PM

I see smiles, I hear giggles
From the sweet little girl
Who plays with the new puppy
The sweet aroma of puppy breath
And the waggly tail on the puppy
Make the little girl laugh
And laugh and giggle and laugh...


08-02-2006, 02:45 PM

Dogs will make you laugh,
Dogs will make you play,
But what means the most to me,
Is the love they shed on me everyday!!

08-02-2006, 02:46 PM
There's a place inside of Heaven,'
Where a gentle love is stored,

It is filled with every single dog,
That was given --by our Lord,

Rest assured, we know the passion,
Of a friendship deep and true,

Every dog resides in Heaven,
That bestowed their gift on YOU!!!

08-02-2006, 02:51 PM

Teeth showing
Corners of mouths curling
The warm feeling
That smiling puts into your heart. :)


08-02-2006, 03:57 PM

A cat walks against its hunger
A noise triggers its mind into a still focus
It crouches and as moon fills its eyes with pure dare
Slowly it reaches for that life in its prey
Grabs it with those claws of beauty and nature
And no more it be hungrey.

Remember it does not have to ryme.


08-02-2006, 04:09 PM

The cool, wet feeling
That rushes upon my skin
I splash and play and run all day
In the water I'm playing in


08-02-2006, 04:12 PM
More prominent than Spring time,

More wild than true fame,

No bloom compares to Roses,

Of any other name!!! :confused:


08-02-2006, 06:51 PM
Twinkle Twinkle little planet
for millienia upon millienia
you have run the gamet

Through fire and flood
tears you have shed
war upon war wasted young blood

Slowly you die as all things must
then just a legend in books
just a sprinkle of stardust.


08-02-2006, 11:02 PM

Knowledge beholds these forces of thoughts
Many years they covered the minds and many years they troubled them
To open a page is to start a journey
To close a book is to close an adventure
Go ahead and read.


08-03-2006, 01:38 AM

Oh-- My Dear Hat,
I proudly place your" era" upon my head,
to do what your "title " leads me to do.
and to go where your principal expects from me.

I can not change your form, nor your adornment,
You have become my crown of thorns!!!


08-03-2006, 11:33 AM

Wings of glory and strength
Why can I not have you?
To soar over the world would be oh so wounderful
To fly like a bird is only in a dream
Wings are powerful symbols of somthing you can not buy but only get when you Die.


08-04-2006, 10:41 PM
A handwritten letter, received in the mail

A crocus that blooms through the snow,

A shiney new penny, A Robin in spring,

The hope in a candles' still glow,

A memory from childhood, the scent of a rose,

The wind that makes waves upon wheat,

Oh, the joy that we feel, when all's right with our world,

Oh the sweet tender Earth neath our feet.

promise! ;)

08-05-2006, 09:54 AM
A promise is not somthing to give as a feeling
A promise can not be a mistake
A promise must be kept to one's soul
A promise must be done as its given
Think before you use this spell or you may end up In a tight swirl.


08-05-2006, 10:09 AM
Wall, Wall, your so Tall.
Why does the phone have to be on this tall wall?
All I want to do is make a call! :p


08-05-2006, 10:37 AM
Cow, Cow
Where art thow? (Sp?)
Beautifully spotted,
Not very knotted
Oh how I love Cows.


08-05-2006, 09:51 PM
:rolleyes: Give me some time--It's coming--------------------------- :rolleyes: --------------------------------------------------Dogs!!!!

Music in motion, steadfast trust,

Constant commitment, with power to adjust,

A smile that can put" Mona Lisa " to Shame,

God Gave US THE" DOG " so we'd understand Fame. ;)

free spirit ;)

08-05-2006, 09:57 PM
Free spirit (technically two words, but I'll go with it anyway)

Hawk soaring above the highway interchange
Caring not about the urban landdscape, or the cars rushing past
Knowing not whether any notice his wheeling, fluid circles in the updraft
Cares only perhaps, for the wind, the air, and
The field mouse in the grass below, dinner on four feet
We, trapped in our metal boxes of conveyance, may travel further, faster,
But we have not what the hawk does,
A truly free spirit


08-05-2006, 10:02 PM
Life is like a highway
You choose which roads you want to take
Some end up bumby
Some end up smooth
Some even end up at a dead end
Either way its your choice on what highway what road you want In life.


08-05-2006, 10:21 PM
Oh, That "free spirit" was so peaceful to read by the way, Thank-You for the breeze Karen!!

Roads and lanes , all those paths we choose,

Their promises , sure and sweet

Like a highway , stretching on for miles,

That beckons both our feet,

We will tire , at times, and we'll rest a spell,

As a friend or two-- we will meet,

Then, we'll journey along, with a prayer and a song,

Toward a destiny , divine and discrete

purpose ;)

08-05-2006, 10:30 PM
Life is like a highway
You choose which roads you want to take
Some end up bumby
Some end up smooth
Some even end up at a dead end
Either way its your choice on what highway what road you want In life.


Thank-You-- ;)


Common fortune among all men,

The candle has been given,

and many a peril that has weakened our will,

The flame , so divine , has drivin,

Our dreams , so contained, come alive with the light,

That no sorrow can suddenly slow,

common things, like the candle, the prayer, or the hope,

Is the only thing we need to know. :eek: whew!!!!


08-05-2006, 10:39 PM

A contradiction in its very existence
The granite-solid foundation upon which relationships are built
Freindships, marriages, love affairs, treaties, businesses
Slow, again, as rock to form, and as ageless

And yet fragile,
As easily broken as a crystal flute
And as hard to put back together
It will never, ever be the same,
It may someday hold water again
But it will never be
As strong


08-05-2006, 11:15 PM
Daisy's are white,
And what if it's blue?
I'm sure it would be special,
like a wonderful person like you.

?! :p XD


08-05-2006, 11:30 PM

school is cool
when you know what to do
if ya get in big trouble
you be gone on the double
so be good in class
or you won't be coming back.


08-06-2006, 09:21 AM
Wild and free spirits of the old west
There calls haunt the meadows and feilds
Some places its only a memorey for these wounderful animals to be free
Others its a battle just to have there freedome of faith
As they gallope across the plains
Close your eye's and only peace comes
These creatures where brought to the natives
To help them and live with them
Now there spirits have been scattered across the earth
Many people love them and some worse
They come in many colours of the ground and its dirt
Run run free spirits of the west for its the only way thats best.


08-06-2006, 03:52 PM
The more we get together together together
The more we get to gether
The better the picture will be!

A dog in a shelter

08-06-2006, 05:28 PM
A dog in a shelter what a sad site indeed
No freedome to roam among a human friend
You dont know what lies ahead in your life
Could be death maybe be a new begining
Im shur there hearts are cold when they see us walk by there cage
Maybe scared or angry so we dont buy them what a pitty
Inside them im shur is a joy of love and goodness that needs to be warmed
Go ahead and save one before there life slips away
Maybe even I will I hope for this some day.


08-06-2006, 06:59 PM
Gray is the color of Sorrow,

Yet many will label it "BLUE",

An emotion we feel, while its' so dark and still.

As the black and the white casts a hue.

rainbow ;)

08-06-2006, 07:00 PM
Color my world in a hue of colors
A fantastic array of brilliance that shines through the storm
and brings all the doggies back to their home.
x_x :P


08-06-2006, 07:10 PM
Color my world in a hue of colors
A fantastic array of brilliance that shines through the storm
and brings all the doggies back to their home.
x_x :P


Applause!!!! A great Rainbow Poem!!!!!!!!!

Trees: by Dorothy39 :rolleyes:

Roots that dare to reach within,

The Trees on Earth thus grow,

To teach and tell us where they've been,

And , whisper, all they know.

sunlight ;)

08-06-2006, 07:21 PM
*blushes* :o thank you.

Sunlight shining through the clouds
Making but a silent loud.
Brightening my day
So the dogs can come play
Oh beautiful sunlight.

Smileys.. x_x

08-06-2006, 07:27 PM
Smiley :)

"Have A Nice Day, :) , the Smiley face said,

When I was Twenty One,

Then the times, quickly changed, all the world , rearranged,

Mr. Smiley, makes Pet Talk, FUN!!! :D (look at him now!!!)

Christmas ;)

08-06-2006, 07:48 PM
They say on that day a king was born
They say on that day santa shall come even threw a storm
They say its peace on earth and goodwill towards men
They say presents shall fill the tree because old saint nick can.

Belive what you will and ask what you want but I belive its in the thought.


08-06-2006, 07:54 PM
I honor that of you which is the entire Universe.
I honor that of you which is of Love, of Truth, of Light, and of Peace.
When I see this in you, and you see this in me,
We are One.

Memory Loss ( i like complicated ones :rolleyes: )

08-06-2006, 07:54 PM
All Over the Earth, on a Christmas Morn, ;)

Every beast under Heaven is Calm,

For the Angels will sing,

And we hear the bell ring,

Peace on Earth, such a wonderful balm.

flight ;)

08-06-2006, 09:16 PM
A dove in flight is oh so beautiful
Its full of grace and freedom
Peace and honour towards such a creature
Flight is somthing that can not be sold
But ony those with wings can make this goal.


08-06-2006, 09:38 PM
Blessed our we, who have felt true love,

Remaining so loyal ,so true,

There's no loss to contain,

for our memories retain,

Steadfast loyality, making us NEW. ;) (that's a rhymn, give me a dime!!) :D

honesty ;)

08-06-2006, 10:01 PM
Tell the truth it can be such a dare
In the eyes you can no longer stare
You must be faithfull and say whats right
If not done it can lead to a fight
Friends or Enemies even strangers
Be honest and it wont lead to danger
So when they say are you being honest and true
Say yes yes I promise honestly I say this to you. :)


08-06-2006, 10:31 PM
beautiful, Karen.


Deep within our seperate souls,

A symphony is played,

Of every moment granted us,

of every truth we stayed.

Oh music, bless my earnest prayer,

Float gently as the breeze,

and gladden those, who feel their woes,

Speak to mankind with ease.

Laughter!!! :D

We love to Laugh
we love to cry
but nobody ever loves to say goodbye.
so make a joke
make it a rhyme
shead a tear


08-06-2006, 10:32 PM
We love to Laugh
we love to cry
but nobody ever loves to say goodbye.
so make a joke
make it a rhyme
shead a tear

I so went to the wrong page and forgot to go to the last to add on.... sorry me...

08-06-2006, 10:36 PM
Tell the truth it can be such a dare
In the eyes you can no longer stare
You must be faithfull and say whats right
If not done it can lead to a fight
Friends or Enemies even strangers
Be honest and it wont lead to danger
So when they say are you being honest and true
Say yes yes I promise honestly I say this to you. :)


the words look wierd on my page but who can describe my outstading rage
Not for violence, Not for anger,
but to meet this feared stranger,
Not to cry nor die,
But the strength to live with this in my eye.

Poison ivy ;) ;)

08-07-2006, 09:52 AM
Pretty posies in a vase
need some greens to add some grace.
Maybe find some pretty ivy,
picked some leaves...now I'm hivey
Itchy red and swollen up,
Guess that was poison ivy, yup.

looking glass

08-07-2006, 01:07 PM
Alice stepped into the looking glass room,

Finding a curious land,

Full of flowers that spoke and "A King with his Queen,"

That she never could understand!!!!

creatures ;)