View Full Version : Thank You From All Of Us!

08-01-2006, 10:53 PM
I wish there was a way to express our extreme gratitude and humility in the face of all of your prayers (which paid off in ways we didn't even expect). I wish that there were words that convey the true depth of our feelings.

We go through life jaded by news reports and daily occurences, that leave us feeling that oftentimes people don't want to get "involved" I posted a thread to vent about our fight for our son, hoping that maybe I would feel better after. I really didn't expect more than a few halfhearted replies.

What we recieved was an overwhelming support system that filled in all the gaps of our own prayers. We recieved prayers thoughts and true caring that is the stuff of fiction stories.

Both of my sons learned something amazing, people they don't know, people busy with their own lives and problems and hurts took time out to think of them. Alex learned that this world is a better place than he dared hope. Adrian learned that if you love someone enough to ask for help on their behalf, they will be helped and accepted.

I learned something I had lost touch with, humility, I have spent so much time focused on getting this done I forgot that nothing gets done alone.

I wish I could say more, I wish there was a word to define it but I only have these two words.
We are blessed by all of you, and I am humbled by the amount of power in prayer you all proved, not an easy feat to teach a teacher of religion. Lesson learned.

08-01-2006, 11:09 PM
That's what PT is all about. People who have a passion for their pets and hearts big enough for MANY.

From the moment I came on here, I felt as if I had a family from all over the world. They've gotten me through so much in these past 4 years. I truly don't know what I'd have done without them.

And, from the moment I spoke with you, I knew we had a connection. Our personalities and warped sense of humor makes us soul sisters, sister. ;)

08-01-2006, 11:20 PM
HA it is in black and white now Donna roflmao you are soooooooooooooo STUCK with me ! now pass over the Ice cream! :D

08-01-2006, 11:32 PM
Oh Dr.Goodnow, your thread is so very strong!!!! your reply felt by so many as "extreme graditude"

I too have learned so much in my short stay since registering on "Pet Talk"-

Moosmom took the words out of my heart. I don't know what I would have done without their support and kind replies after Foxy Jean died!!! (typing that just gave me the willies all over again)

I too--- knew I had a connection with you from the moment I read your posts!!!! Your sense of humor, your choice of words, as though we have known each other for years and years!!!!! This is the funny part, when ever I read a book without "pictures" :rolleyes: , I invision what the person looks like. You had long straight blonde hair, (with bangs), big eyes, and you were in your early 30's :eek:

I like the real you ----as you look just the way most of my best friends look!!!

08-01-2006, 11:43 PM
Red headed green eyed tall and chubby? ROFL! I posted pics of me a while back with my darling Rusty and Goof , I had a friend say wow you sound smarter than you look! ROFLMAO it came out bad but I knew what she meant, she envisioned business suits and a tight bun etc. But it was funny!

08-01-2006, 11:44 PM
Having spoken to Kym, I know she's a super, caring, lovely person. Keping you in my prayers, always, Kym. Glad to hear you bonded with Donna too! She's a hoot!

08-01-2006, 11:53 PM
Thanks Karen but this thread is to honor all of you! it is not a be nice to Doc thread! LOL soooooooooooooo go on and spill all the dirty rotten nice things you all do ! NOW IS THE TIME TO BLACKMAIL! LOLOLOL (like Donna calling just to make sure I was losing it today random act of niceness! hahaha I tattled!)

08-01-2006, 11:58 PM
Red headed green eyed tall and chubby? ROFL! I posted pics of me a while back with my darling Rusty and Goof , I had a friend say wow you sound smarter than you look! ROFLMAO it came out bad but I knew what she meant, she envisioned business suits and a tight bun etc. But it was funny!
Yeah, I know what you really look like!!! And, of course, this post is not to distract from your graditude to fellow Pet Talkers, er, typers, :confused: :D

Just curious, cause I so need to laugh , and you are what the Dr. ordered!!!
What do you think Dorothy39 looks like? :eek:

08-02-2006, 12:04 AM
hmmmm about 5'4 shortish hair with a tad of grey. Not fat but rounded and a comfy lap for the grandbabies that will come. Hands that are weathered and competent, from years of housework and mothering and volunteering your time for all that need you. a quick smile that brightens up the room soft warm brown eyes and a laugh that makes people want to join in!

08-02-2006, 12:12 AM
hmmmm about 5'4 shortish hair with a tad of grey. Not fat but rounded and a comfy lap for the grandbabies that will come. Hands that are weathered and competent, from years of housework and mothering and volunteering your time for all that need you. a quick smile that brightens up the room soft warm brown eyes and a laugh that makes people want to join in!
you didn't do real bad, WOW!!!!Shortish hair !!! (in a bob now) with a tad of grey? is that the color, I prefer light blonde!!! :D

5'4 (7/8") :eek: correct:

Not fat, but rounded (loud buzzer here) I weigh in at a hefty 112 lbs. No comfy lap, hence, the quilts!!!!! :D so, wrong on that!!! :D well, I am starting to round out a little bit. Too late for the prom though :D

Hands that are weathered and competent, from years of housework and mothering, and volunteering my time for all who need me. YES, I look at them now in disgust!!!! correct.

so right on that quick smile!!!!! more like a wild cheshire cat smile!!! :D

Blue eyes, though all of my sister's eyes are brown, I have always wanted brown eyes too. and, my laugh is contagious!!!!!(I was the runt of the litter)

your're pretty Good, Goodnow!!!

08-02-2006, 12:14 AM
See you are perfect! Just the way the Creators wanted you! aren't we lucky to have you! (btw I love your hands! ) :p

08-02-2006, 12:22 AM
Thank-you!! for that compliment!!! I needed that!!!

i love the fact that my hands can still play the guitar!!! My guitar is my very best friend!!!!

I have leaned on this good friend for many years, since I was 14 years old. Not the same guitar of course. Same me anyway, after all these years!!!!

Thank-You Dr.Goodnow!!glad I took business classes and can still type as well))