View Full Version : Help - putting together a list for the adoption center!

08-01-2006, 10:37 PM
Hey guys,
The adoption center at the local Petsmart is awesome but there's problems stemming from too many volunteers doing things their own way. Its becoming a mess and too many personalities are getting involved.

I need to compile a list of things, and put them into ten bullet points to get people on the same page regarding proper procedure and care for the cats. I'm going ot call it the "10 Paw Prints to Purrfection" (bad pun I know)

So far I have the following:
1. Check notebook to see which kitties might need special attention. Check to see if any cats needs medications. Do a visual health check of all cats in adoption center. Please write a note if anyone is sneezing, coughing, has runny eyes, has runny stools, etc. Leave notes in the book about everyone's health and happiness so everyone knows what is going on with the kitties. Any questions about the health of any cat, please call Kathy or Joyce.

2.No wet food unless otherwise specified. NONE! If wet food is specified, put out only what they can eat while you perform your shift, then remove from cage and clean bowl before leaving. We have cats with bad diarrhea issues stemming from volunteers feeding wet food several times a day. Since we don't know which volunteer gave wet food at which time, we need to have a no wet food policy. Please do not assume since nobody else is to give wet food that you can offer them a treat of wet food. No Wet Food!

3. Kittens can not use clumping litter, whereas adult cats can use clumping litter. Please fill litter pans no more than half full.

4. While we are speaking of filling things, please only fill food and water dishes no more than 3/4 full. This helps stop spilling into the cages and onto the floors.

5. Remove all trash from adoption center before you leave, refill water bottle for the next volunteer.

6. Sign the chart on the back wall of the cage area. Sign each box individually.

7. For more details about One By One, general cat care, cat behavior, and other interesting tidbits, please refer to the purple binder in the visiting section of the adoption center.

I need 3 more subjects... or did I cover everything and can call its the 7 Paw Prints? #1 and #2 are the most important points so there's a lot written. I somewhat feel #2 is too wordy but we can't seem to get the "no wet food" point across to people. We've hidden the wet food and they dug it out of hiding. We've completely removed wet food and they bought a caseload more. We have handwritten signs on flourescent paper and they ignore them. Maybe if we have a reason behind it people would listen? We have one kitten in intensive care right now, moments from death because *&@% people gave her too much wet food and she had such bad diarrhea that she nearly died of dehydration.

Anyway, I just typed a novel and if you're still reading at this point, I hope you can offer me some opinons

08-01-2006, 11:12 PM
Leave the number off of the list. Just "Paw Prints to Purrfection." Put a graphic picture of sick kitty next to number two. Find an article on why kittens cannot have clumping litter. (My mom's latest rescue was eating it and I told her to use sand because it wasn't safe and she did.)

I thought volunteers were part of whichever rescue group and not PetSmart volunteers in general. That's the way it works here. You have to be a member of the rescue org and that group sets the vounteer schedule.

I've never done rescue or volunteering, so I wouldn't know if you have left anything out.

Remember this, if the list needs to get too large, then then purple book isn't being read. You might have volunteers sign a paper saying that they have read the book and understand the rules.

Speaking of rules and common sense: One day last week, I went into PetSmart to look at Feliway for the fellas during the big move. (Too expensive, far more than on a website.) Anyway, I got lost on the way back to my car and discovered two dogs locked in a hot car with the windows only down a few inches. I found the manager who followed me out to the car. I guess she went back in and made an all call, because the person came out shortly afterward with her groceries. Some people. The dogs were alive but they had to be uncomfortable. I don't get why she didn't just shop with her dogs.

08-01-2006, 11:26 PM
How about grooming procedures for them? Brushing nail trims etc.

08-02-2006, 12:14 AM
Bullet points only work, I think, if they are at most two lines long and are better at one line. I've done quite a few of these for student training and emergency situation "cheat-sheets". Don't waste space with politeness, just get to the point. Make it look like a list that people can check off mentally.

As mrspunkysmom suggested, put a big paw print beside each major section. Then divide the sections into bulleted points. So, it would go:

PAW PRINT O Check the notebook for cats with special needs.
O Check to see which cats need medication.
O Do a visual health check on all cats at center
O Make a note of any cat with new health issues e.g.
runny nose, sneezing, coughing, runny stools, etc.
O Before you leave, leave notes on cats' health and
O Call Kathy or Joyce with any questions.

PAW PRINT O No wet food is to be given at any time to any cat.
O Irresponsible flouting of this rule has resulted in the
severe illness of more than one cat.
O It is your responsibility to ensure that cats at the center
remain healthy as they seek new homes
O Volunteers who do not put the cats' health first will be
asked to leave.

PAW PRINT O Non-clumping litter only for kittens.
O Clumping litter can be used for adult cats.
O Litter pans to be half-filled only.

And, so on.......

Edited to add that it isn't coming out formatted correctly, the bullets should be directly beneath each other.

08-02-2006, 12:21 AM
That's good. People read bullet points, but paragraphs slide on by. Paragraphs can be intimidating, especially if you are in a hurry.

Grouping the points together also makes it easier.

Who's in charge of volunteers at your PetSmart?


08-02-2006, 08:14 AM
Ahhh... I like the bullet points! Thanks! I was worried nobody would read everything

I only numbered it here to make it easier to read since the formatting I had on the photo editing page wasn't shoing up. I don't have numbers on the thing I'm drawing up... its actually a trail of pawprints with the info next to it. I suppose that little piece of info would have helped :o

The purple book would have reasons why kittens can't have clumping litter. Its not one of the big issues, so it can be housed in the purple book. I'l have articles on declawings, grooming, litterbox issues, health info, etc in the purple book. The book grows by the day and I haven't even pout it together. Right now its a bunch of pieces of paper that is paperclipped together sitting on bench in the greeting area :rolleyes: Right now we have two kittenswith CP like Laura's Amy, and a bunch of info about the nuerological issues. I'd like ot ultimately get everything into a binder with divider tabs that have One By One Procedure, health, behavior, etc. as divider headings.

Oh, and yes, I had already planned on a page where everyone signed that they read the rules, and then sign that they signed on the legal waiver that if they get bitten they wouldn't turn around and sue Petsmart or the rescue. LAstly, all the volunteers are the rescue's, nothing to do with Petsmart.

08-02-2006, 09:42 AM
When I volunteered at the Hamilton SPCA, there was a volunteer cordinator named Will Maurer , who would go with you, and show you excatly how they wanted things
to be done.
I miss volunteering, as one day I was with 6 tiny Kittens whowere climbing all over me.
And I had a Cat that was scared of me, but eventually we became Friends.
I had such a good feeling.