View Full Version : Sad day

08-01-2006, 03:04 PM
8:30 this morning (Aug 1/06) my aunt couldn't find her kitten that she rescue and kept her. They named her Missy, got her spayed and all her shots. She went look everywhere for her. My aunt went on in the backyard then she happen to look on the road. There was Missy laying. Poor little girl got hit by a car. They are really upset about it. Both of them bury her in the backyard. Janet said there is soo much traffic come zooming by even on the side street. Missy is small and was only kitten. My aunt said she is going by to where she found the kitten, she heard there are still some left hanging around. They might already be wild. How long does it take a kitten to go wild?
Please reply, thanks very much!

08-01-2006, 08:54 PM
Poor kitty. :(

Maybe your aunt should keep the next one inside, it's not really safe anywhere now to let cats just roam free.

08-01-2006, 09:40 PM
A kitten can become feral as young as a few weeks... then again it could take longer. It all depend on how well mama taught them to fear humans.

And definately, keep the next kitten inside. I hope she learns from this and keeps the next one safely iside. A small kitten should NEVER be allowed outside unsupervised, even in an area without traffic. I mourn the poor innocent kitten and at the same time I feel resentment towards your aunt for being so careless.