View Full Version : I'm a sucker for an exposed belly...

07-31-2006, 09:42 PM
I saw Maya Linn spread eagle sound asleep in the window hammock. Being the IDIOT that I am, I bent down to kiss that furry white belly. BAD IDEA!!! She was in such a sound sleep, I startled her and she freaked, planting her VERY SHARP CLAWS on my face, particularly my left eye area.

After leaving a bloody trail from the scene of the crime to the bathroom, I went to survey the damage. She came an 1/8 of an inch from my eye. Needless to say, part of my eye is scratched and turning purple. Wonderful. I put ice on it to minimize the bruising, Can't wait to go into work tomorrow and be the butt of jokes. :rolleyes: I'm in pain!!!

I found her under the bed. I gave her some catnip and she's now high. Wish I could say the same!! :p :rolleyes:

Rule #1:

Never, EVER put your face anywhere near a cats belly when they're sound asleep. It can get ugly!!!

07-31-2006, 09:49 PM

Donna, you just made my night with the mental image of the year. Thanks for the tip. I'll make sure I nip them up first THEN kiss their exposed belllies!

07-31-2006, 09:52 PM
You know what.. Zam's fast asleep on the back of the chair with her belly exposed! Thanks for saving me from the same fate!!!

But ohhhh it's so hard to resist that fuzzy white belly! :D :eek:

Sorry your eye hurts. Heal quickly! *HUGS*

07-31-2006, 10:00 PM
I really don't want to laugh, because I'm sure it hurts a lot! but the image that story conjures makes me laugh=x I hope it heals up fast!

Queen of Poop
07-31-2006, 10:05 PM
Ouchie. I bet that smarts. It's much safer to kiss an exposed ferret belly. Although I think my ferret Sebastian sleeps much sounder than any creature on Earth!!

07-31-2006, 10:18 PM
Alrighty then...I'm taking my shredded face and going to bed. Can't wait to see what it looks like in the morning. *sigh*

07-31-2006, 10:51 PM
<snicker> been there, done that, have the scars to prove it and have had similar scary close-calls. Good thing she didn't get your eye! Those cute furry bellies are SO irresistible.

07-31-2006, 11:38 PM
ROFLMAO Donna I am the one that does stupid stuff like that !You're the one that KNOWS better! hehehehehhehe "how's the other guy look Duke?"
sorry couldn't resist............................................ .........hope your face stops hurting soon, oh that leaves me an opening tooooo................::bites tongue HARD:: :D

08-01-2006, 12:36 AM
Donna!!! Tsk, tsk......ya gotta learn to resist temptation. Hope you feel better and look a bit better for work.

08-01-2006, 02:34 AM
Oh well you learnt that lesson the hard way ;). I hope your eye does not get infected.

08-01-2006, 08:34 AM
The good news is the pain is gone. The BAD news is my eye is swollen and deep purple. I can hear the snickers and comments now at work. I wish I didn't have to go in but I have no choice. Oh the humiliation!!!! I can see the customers staring at me now. :rolleyes: I know they aren't going to believe me when I tell them my cat did it. I think I'll put a little piece of paper on my nametag that says "My Cat Did It!!" Either that or I can tell them I got beat up. I'll probably get a little more sympathy that way.

When I told my best friend Susie what happened, she said, "Only you, Donna, would try something like that." She's right. But it's a hard lesson learned. I tried to take a picture of it (believe me, it's NOT pretty), but don't have the software to install my card reader. I think it's packed away somewhere in a box in Michigan.

*sigh* I'm hoping my glasses will hide most of it. *shakes head :rolleyes:*

08-01-2006, 08:38 AM
awwww i hope you heal/feel better soon. ..::hugs::..
BTW i likeyour idea of wearing a little note *my cat did it* :D on your nametag. It's funny, plus people won't think you have an abusive boyfriend or something....

08-01-2006, 08:48 AM
Oh my Donna, I am sorry that you have been the victim of Maya Linn and her deep sleep! Glad your face no longer hurts, but sorry you look a mess!

My cat Tabitha got me one morning before work. We were playing and I leaned in to kiss her and say we were done, and she grabbed my bottom lip! I pulled back and "rrriiiiippppp"! Yep, had to get 2 stitches to take care of it! And when I told people that my cat had done it, the typical first question was "and where is the cat now?" :rolleyes:

To make it even worse, the ER visit was turned into my insurance company and they called to ask the name and address of the "other party" that had injured me! I laughed and said it was my cat! She laughed, and said, "well, we don't hear that often!" I then asked if they were going to sue my cat! :D

So, in other words, "I feel your pain, Donna!" Hope you heal quickly!

Killearn Kitties
08-01-2006, 08:51 AM
:D At least you haven't lost your sense of humour. I do hope you are not purple for too long though.

Pawsitive Thinking
08-01-2006, 08:56 AM
So, where are the photos? Feel guilty for laughing at your predicament but thank you for sharing :D

08-01-2006, 09:04 AM
I'm just VERY lucky she didn't get my eye. But she came damn close (about an 1/8 of an inch away). What made matters worse was the fact that I was bleeding like a stuffed pig. But head injuries (or facial in my case) always bleed more anyway, so I didn't panic. Years of working as a paramedic paid off. I ran to the bathroom and continuously splashed water on my face.


I've been bitten by cats in the past as well. It is one of the most painful things to happen to you. I can't imagine having my lip torn up like you did. That must've really hurt. And I'm sure the insurance company had a good laugh at your expense.

The one thing I'm worried about is I have a "possible" temp job. I don't think this company is going to want me at their front desk answering phones and helping clients. Damn! How could I be SO stupid!! *stamps foot on ground*


Maya Linn = 1

Moosmom = 0

08-01-2006, 10:34 AM
WOW :eek: , You ARE so lucky that Maya Lynn's sudden reaction did not get any closer!!!!! How is the eye doing today moosmom?

Ya, I'll bet they do tease you about "The Cat Fight"!!!! :D

Must have been one of those Mondays, huh!!!!

I have "imagined" your approach many times since reading your post, did Maya Lynn make that "cat noise"? That one always cracks me up!!!

All kidding aside, I hope you don't run into additional complications!!! and that you have learned a valuable lesson!!!!

yes, I'd wear that name tag for a few weeks!!!!! :p

08-01-2006, 10:55 AM
I remember the insurance company called me when Logan bit me and I spent all those days in the hospital.

The guy wanted to clarify why I was in the hospital and I reply..."Um... my cat bit me."

He gets silent and then says, "Well that wasn't very nice! I hope he went without his tuna to teach him a lesson."

:rolleyes: :p :D

08-01-2006, 04:51 PM
Sweetheart, you are a VERY lucky lady! I'm so relieved that you didn't injure your eye. The last thing I want is to know that you're hurt. If BB&B is anything like Longue Vue, you'll get plenty of razzing! I hope you start healing in time for your temp job. Here are plenty of {{{{HUGS}}}} from me and headbumps from my feline crew! BTW, you do not have an abusive boyfriend!

08-01-2006, 06:17 PM
ouch!! Hope your eye and face is getting better?

08-01-2006, 06:48 PM
Still laughing! I mean NO I am not laughing! puts some ice cream on Donnas face (lick off what melts whiner) ::leans over to Moo ya need to train Mommy better hun:: :rolleyes: Hands Donna the Ben and Jerrys to commiserate, better a cat scratch than egg on the face...........skips away singing lalallalalaaaaa ((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))

08-01-2006, 09:47 PM
Donna, in regards to the temp job: Makeup can do wonders. Get a green based cover-up makeup -- yes GREEN. Not tan, but lime green. The green will cover the purple (a little color theory goes a long way!) then brush on the tan coverup and no powder - the powder will fall into the creases and make you look like a crazy lady.

BTW, glad to hear there's no pain today.

*snicker* "the cat did it" on your name tag :p

08-01-2006, 09:50 PM
How about a name tag that says: "Let sleeping cats lie."

They'll get it!

I hope you feel better soon!


08-01-2006, 09:58 PM
I managed to work my shift with no one commenting on my looks. When I first walked in I said, "The first person to snicker at my face or laugh, and I'm outta here." That's all it took. A couple of co-workers asked me what happened and I just said my cat took a running leap off my face. None of the customers asked me about it. They were probably afraid to ask for fear I'd tell them my boyfriend or husband beat the crap outta me.

My face hurts again, but nothing like last night. As far as pictures are concerned, I took one, unfortunately my card reader isn't installed in the new hard drive and the software is packed away in a box in MI. That's why I can't post any pictures.

After takning a closer look at my boo-boo, the BIG scratch is very close to my eye, and I think that's what hurts the most.


I like the ice cream idea!! Unfortunately, I only like ice cream with caramel in it, which can be VERY messy.

I'll live. Thanks for your concern guys.

08-01-2006, 10:17 PM
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh creme de leche coming up for Donna! you earned it, I wouldn't tease you so much if I didn't do the same kind of bone head things :rolleyes: I have of course by now mastered the innocent look! The one that says I was NOT doing something dumb the (insert critter of choice) had a momentary lapse of judgement! Sorry it is painful still, do have some Tylenol or Ibus that you can take to help?