View Full Version : Silly kitties

07-31-2006, 08:21 PM
Ah, I miss my camera in the worst way. I try to use Ashley's but I don't just get the photos I got with MY camera.... so I don't take any photos anymore :(

But I DID take a few tonight.

Allen was helping me sort through some fabrics, carpet, and finishes for a College President's office (the ONLY fun part of my job) and was giving me his opinion about the fact that I did not provide and orange color option for the president "Oh meowmie! There is no orange option? What president would not want an orange executive suite?"

Flutter has been upset that she has not been photographed on a daily basis

Harry was in the mood to pose though he asked me to remind you all that the camera adds 10 pounds :rolleyes:
He's basically melted to the carpet in the hallway and the only thing that gets his rump off the floor is the idea of food :rolleyes:

Lastly, I was changing the baby's diaper tonight and looked to my left.... we had an audience :p

Anyway, thats all the pics of catnapper kitties from the past month. I miss my camera!!!!

07-31-2006, 10:05 PM
Well they are all very adorable! :D They each display that they have completely seperate personalities and different things to say in these pictures! Allen is clearly expressing his disapproval. Flutter knows she is a princess. Harry looks like he is saying, "Did I hear someone say Fancy Feast?". Your other two tabbies (names slip ze mind, right now) are in awe of the diaper. Left says, "WHOA! She just took his BUTT SKIN off!" and Right says, "Yeah, time to put it back on!"

08-01-2006, 04:58 AM
I love the one of allen it really looks like he's not happy with no oranges in the colour scheme! lol he looks so cuddly i just want to scoop him up and squeeze!

08-01-2006, 05:07 AM
I have a very different perspective on the photos.....

Step AWAY from the swatches!

DO I have something stuck in my teeth??

I'm too sexy for my fur!

OMG! What is that smell????

08-01-2006, 06:34 AM
OMG! What is that smell????

Too funny!

What a cute kitty crew! I love them all! Give them a kiss for me :D

Killearn Kitties
08-01-2006, 06:49 AM
:D :D :D Hiya babies! You have been missed.

08-01-2006, 08:27 AM
Hi Catnapper Kitties.
Allen you are right, theres not nearly enough Orange in our homes.
Michael and Miquelito are behind you 110 % on having that room a warm Orange Color!
And so are Roadblock, Nugget and Orangie Angels.
Orange Rooms rule!