View Full Version : Wow..some rope..Spoiled or..?

05-21-2002, 06:00 PM
Well, again, when I got $ I went out and bought Jo and Ruf more stuff..No wonder im broke? LOL Anyway, better them, then me!
Is this not one HUGE rope? hehe..She has another little tiny rope.."Thats not a rope..THIS is a rope!! -says in an australian accent-"

05-21-2002, 06:19 PM
Yep.........that's A ROPE!!:D What a good Mommy!!:)

05-21-2002, 06:40 PM
Haha. Heres the compairing of her old one, to the new one..she cant deside which to play with..so she settled with the bone which is pretty much dead..:[


05-21-2002, 07:19 PM
What a rope!!! Looks like Jo is lovin it!

Sadie loves to play tug with her rope bones...but I have to keep them put away cuz Cincy eats them...

05-22-2002, 05:24 AM
Ooooo, Tina used to have one of those :D I fondly remember all the headaches I got from that :rolleyes:! LOL see, whenever I'd play tug-o-war with her with that rope, when she'd win she'd shake the rope all roughly to show that she won, and since I would be close to her I'd get hit in my head quite often!!

05-22-2002, 07:05 AM
I agree, Now that's a Rope! I've never seen one quite so big!
And I understand what you mean by spending all your money on the dogs, I do it all the time, they have more stuff to play with than they could ever use!

05-22-2002, 09:51 AM
And I understand what you mean by spending all your money on the dogs, I do it all the time, they have more stuff to play with than they could ever use!

Phew! I thought it was just me... I noticed lots ot toys starting to add up around the house...