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07-30-2006, 07:26 PM
Give a Dog a Bone? Sorry if some of the pics are too big. :o

I hate you SO much. You gave me a bone fresh off the BBQ that you knew would be too hot for me to eat. So now I have to sit here and drool over it while it cools down.. Grrr !

It's a bit large, but nonetheless, the expression is clear.


Finally this beautiful treat has cooled off enough to chew. I'm good.

Sorry it's large .... :o


must... put... full... effort... into ... chewing ... bone.... ( you can really see her greyhound shape in some of these ) ( except for her ears, because they're hanging over.... )


That's all the good good one's I got. :o Once again, sorry if they're too large.

07-30-2006, 07:28 PM
This isn't the subject but can you tell me how to post new threads? Thank you! Sorry for not sticking to the subject! :(

07-30-2006, 07:42 PM
You give your dog cooked bones?!? :confused: :eek:

07-30-2006, 07:42 PM
yes, why? whats wrong with cooked bones? This is the first time, my dad told me it would be ok. :confused:

07-30-2006, 07:44 PM
Cooked bones splinter way too easily. I give my dogs raw bones daily but I'd never give them cooked bones. :)

07-30-2006, 07:46 PM
lol been there done that. Talking about reading thier expressions. lol

Horse lover___ g to the main topic like General,or Dog Health, Dog Breed and up at the top it will say start new thread

07-30-2006, 07:46 PM
cow bones don't splinter, I thought only chicken bones splinter?

07-30-2006, 07:48 PM

When bones are cooked they tend to splinter when the dog chews them giving you that chance of damaging the walls of thier intestinal track. Should always feed raw. Dogs were made to eat raw meat.

07-30-2006, 07:53 PM
Raw ! ? ! ? Really, I thought they should be cooked. Why would a cow bone splinter? I didn't know cow bones splinter ! Do they? what? this is confusing, It doesn't seem, healthy to feed them uncooked. It wasn't really the bone she was chewing, just the meat off of it.

Here's the story:

My family bought a dead cow. ( not as gross as it sounds, it was frozen :rolleyes: ) We got the bones for free. One night while cooking a steak, my dad thought it would be a good idea to give her a bone. So it was on the BBQ for an hour, it was very burned but she liked it.

Can someone explain this? I'm confused? :confused:

07-30-2006, 07:56 PM
Any bones when cooked become brittle, even cattle bones. THey shoudl be fed raw and not ingested. Cooked bones of any kind can and do splinter and can perforate the intestines. It's just best not to give cooked bones, espeically from steaks, they are already rather sharp in most cases anyway.

07-30-2006, 08:10 PM
Ok, thanks for the advice, ( I'll use it. ;) )

P.S. It wasn't a steak bone, that was just what we were having for dinner. :o it was the funny long leg bone.

08-03-2006, 11:34 AM
Question: Will raw bones give her the "trots"?

Lori Jordan
08-03-2006, 01:03 PM
Question: Will raw bones give her the "trots"?

It may give her the runs,If she is not used to Raw,My guys when i switched them too Raw a couple years ago at first they had the runs,different foods can do different things too dogs,My guys anyways.

08-03-2006, 01:10 PM
Question: Will raw bones give her the "trots"?

It's possible, but cooked bones can do that too. :)

08-03-2006, 02:33 PM
It's possible, but cooked bones can do that too. :)

:p It did.

08-03-2006, 05:21 PM
Cooked beef bones are not only dangerous as far as splintering, but they can also wreak havoc on her teeth!!! Even Raw beef bones should be fed with care, and those are full of moisture & are much, much softer than a cooked bone - beef leg bones are very big and hard. The process of cooking a bone strips it of any moisture, marrow, softness, digestibility, etc. However, I do feel that feeding a cooked beef bone *is* better than feeding cooked bones that can be swallowed, that is extremely dangerous!

I wouldn't feed cooked bones, period. Next time, save her some raw ribs *before* you put it on the BBQ.

08-03-2006, 06:41 PM
Looks like she enjoyed that bone! It's HUGE! :eek:

08-03-2006, 08:13 PM
Cooked beef bones are not only dangerous as far as splintering, but they can also wreak havoc on her teeth!!! Even Raw beef bones should be fed with care, and those are full of moisture & are much, much softer than a cooked bone - beef leg bones are very big and hard. The process of cooking a bone strips it of any moisture, marrow, softness, digestibility, etc. However, I do feel that feeding a cooked beef bone *is* better than feeding cooked bones that can be swallowed, that is extremely dangerous!

I wouldn't feed cooked bones, period. Next time, save her some raw ribs *before* you put it on the BBQ.\



Would it be better to feed the bones frozen, thawed, or cooked? ( I should have made a poll on this..... )

08-03-2006, 08:18 PM
Would it be better to feed the bones frozen, thawed, or cooked? ( I should have made a poll on this..... )

It was right in her post ;) Frozen or raw. Never feed cooked bones!

I wouldn't feed cooked bones, period. Next time, save her some raw ribs *before* you put it on the BBQ.

08-06-2006, 08:19 PM
I think I'll continue feeding them cooked. Yes, they can splinter, but I'm more worried about all the germs, and diseses that could be on it.

08-06-2006, 09:48 PM
:( That is very unfortunate, for Jenny. I hope you'll be happy to dish out $1000's if/when she gets an obstruction or fractured teeth from chunks of brittle cooked bone. That's all I have to say about that.

08-07-2006, 06:49 AM
Around here if you don't cook meat, there are more chance of dieses than there is of splintering. All my other dogs and my dads dogs all ate cooked bones, and they all lived to ripe od ages, except for 2. I'm just more concerned about the danger of her catching something from the raw meat. The bones were free, so I sometimes wonder......

( those 2 were hit by a car and by a boat. )

08-07-2006, 03:09 PM
Not if you freeze the meat for 1-2 weeks. Dogs do not contract diseases like people do, their stomach acids are much tougher and intestines shorter. As long as you're sure to give the raw before feeding kibble or after the kibble is digested, there will not be a problem!

However, you seem to have already made up your mind. I just think it's pointless to risk her life with digesting cooked bones when you can easily feed more appropriate raw bones. If you really think it cannot happen to anyone, my sister's Lab got into cooked bones when he was younger, they splintered his rectum and he had to get $800 surgery to repair it, not to mention the pain he went through.

08-07-2006, 04:12 PM
Oh, But that expression on Jennys' face was priceless.!!!!

You posted a great thread Greyhoundgirl, and, you learned something too!! ;)

Give Jenny a hug for me, okay? Ok ;)

08-07-2006, 07:47 PM
Not if you freeze the meat for 1-2 weeks. Dogs do not contract diseases like people do, their stomach acids are much tougher and intestines shorter. As long as you're sure to give the raw before feeding kibble or after the kibble is digested, there will not be a problem!

However, you seem to have already made up your mind. I just think it's pointless to risk her life with digesting cooked bones when you can easily feed more appropriate raw bones. If you really think it cannot happen to anyone, my sister's Lab got into cooked bones when he was younger, they splintered his rectum and he had to get $800 surgery to repair it, not to mention the pain he went through.

The meat has been frozen for a long time, but don't you think bactirea would still be on it? It was vaccum-sealed. It just doesn't seem right to feed them raw. Do other people feed their dogs RAW bones?

I just think it's pointless to risk her life feeding raw bones when I can easily feed her more-approprate cooked bones.

Are you guys POSITIVE they should be fed raw? I don't want to risk it. I need a second opinion.

08-07-2006, 08:20 PM
WHAT?! Sorry, I can't understand what you are saying, about risking her life feeding Raw bones when cooked bones are appropriate? I'm talking about species-appropriate, hon. You do not see canines in the wild eating cooked bones. Their bodies are not built to eat cooked bones. They are built to eat raw meat & bones.

To answer your question, my dogs get raw meaty bones everysingleday, that is their diet... and they are VERY healthy. They have sparkling white teeth, good poops, great coats & skin, good energy, etc. I would think that, if there IS some kind of elusive bacteria that won't die from freezing, my dogs would've contracted this a long time ago. They haven't ever been sick from Raw.

That said, I do not think you should feed Raw if you aren't comfortable with it, but IMO you sure as HECK shouldn't be feeding brittle, splintered cooked bones either. If you want to research feeding Raw bones, there are tons of Raw threads in the Dog Health section.

08-08-2006, 07:43 AM
WHAT?! Sorry, I can't understand what you are saying, about risking her life feeding Raw bones when cooked bones are appropriate? I'm talking about species-appropriate, hon. You do not see canines in the wild eating cooked bones. Their bodies are not built to eat cooked bones. They are built to eat raw meat & bones.

To answer your question, my dogs get raw meaty bones everysingleday, that is their diet... and they are VERY healthy. They have sparkling white teeth, good poops, great coats & skin, good energy, etc. I would think that, if there IS some kind of elusive bacteria that won't die from freezing, my dogs would've contracted this a long time ago. They haven't ever been sick from Raw.

That said, I do not think you should feed Raw if you aren't comfortable with it, but IMO you sure as HECK shouldn't be feeding brittle, splintered cooked bones either. If you want to research feeding Raw bones, there are tons of Raw threads in the Dog Health section.

I agree completely. My dogs eat raw meat and bones every single day. They never get sick from it. Truth be told, you are far more risking her life by feeding her cooked bone than you are feeding her raw meat. Dogs are desgined to eat raw meat and don't contract the same illnesses people do, even if there IS bacteria on it. If it has been frozen it's perfectly safe and MUCH safer than cooked. Just because a dog hasn't died from it yet in your family doesn't mean it cannot happen. My dogs' food is raw meat, every day. They are never ill and in fact healthier than when I fed them kibble. I can see vast changes in their overall health. If you don't want to feed raw bones then don't, but REALLY don't feed cooked ones either. It only takes once for something terrible to happen, then it's too late.

08-08-2006, 08:27 AM
Encouraged by the raw foods people here on PT, i've started giving mine raw chicken legs, wings and backs. They do seem to love them, have no problem crunching them up, and it should help keep their teeth in good shape. prior to this, I gave them those sterilized bones they sell in the pet stores, and some smoked beef bones -- and Star broke one of her molars on them. The vet said once this happens, she should have regular cleanings to remove the tarter, because now it could get into her jaw & make her very sick. This will cost $$$$$ because she'll need blood tests & anesthetic in order to clean her teeth. So only raw bones from now on!

08-08-2006, 11:31 AM

08-08-2006, 01:24 PM
If you refuse to feed her raw bones and would rather feed her cooked bones then I suggest she doesn't get any bones at all.

do some research I am sure you will find some interesting facts about dogs and raw bones.

08-08-2006, 01:50 PM
I feed my two raw bones as often as I can! Raw chicken, beef, turkey, rabbit, and on occasion pork (only once in awhile b/c it's sooo rich!). Then again, if I had my way, their entire diet would be raw meat.

08-09-2006, 09:09 AM
Fine, than. If everyone is POSITIVE that they would be better frozen.... than I'll try and give them to her frozen from now on.

Would they be better frozen or thawed?

08-09-2006, 11:42 AM
I have given them both frozen and thawed, it really doesn't matter. I am positive that raw meat won't hurt her, of course don't leave it there for days and days but you can't do that with cooked either. It's really much safer, I promise. Cooked bones can be very hazardous if they splinter and it would just suck to have that happen to your girl.

08-09-2006, 12:12 PM
I have to say... NO COOKED my hubby gave Charlie cooked and we spent $ on him getting him better. It did splinter and cut him a little inside, He got a small infection and had the runs for a couple weeks. He had to be on antibiotics.

If you want to give bones w/o risk of being sick. Get store bout ones MADE for dogs. Do your research. Hubby didit after I yelled at him repeatedly not to. Then he complained of all the money we spent on making him well.

Please. Listen tothese folks.