View Full Version : Stray Cat

07-30-2006, 12:23 PM
We usually have quite a few barn cats that frequently wonder around our house from time to time, though not too often as they know we have 3 dogs. Anyway, none of them are usually very friendly; most are very stand offish and run once you get within a few feet of them... but when I saw one outsider our house today, he didn't run. He has got to be the sweetest cat I've ever met, and that really says something because I'm not much of a cat person myself. I called him over and sat there petting him for a while, and then brought out some food for him. I put it on the front porch and then went inside, but as soon as I shut the door he started meowing like crazy just sitting at the window looking in. lol I've never heard such a loud cat, ever. I think he may belong to a farmer around here, but the poor boy was so skinny. I felt so bad for him because he was so friendly and nice.

I snapped some pictures of him while I was outside petting him. He would either come up and rub against me wanting to be petted or he would just go and fall asleep. It was adorable....









thats all, hopefully I'll see him around again.. :)

07-30-2006, 12:37 PM
AWWWWW! He is so GORGEOUS and such a love!

Maybe if he keeps showing up, you could put a little 'house' out for him on the deck?

Big styrofoam cooler, turn it upside down after cutting a "door" in it!

If you see him again, give him a belly rub for me!

07-30-2006, 01:27 PM
What a beautiful orangie! From a few of the pictures it's easy to see that he needs some good, healthy feedings. Would you consider leaving some food out in case he does come back? That is one sweet looking kitty, thanks for helping him out :D :D :D

07-30-2006, 03:11 PM
oh, I will be leaving out food for sure! He was too sweet not to. :)

07-30-2006, 03:35 PM
If hes skinny, he might well be a stray, living off the land.
Hes so gorgeous that I would be taking him to the Vets and making him mine.
Michael is a barn Cat going on 15, and as lively and friendly as ever.

07-30-2006, 03:50 PM
Wow, he's so handsome!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-30-2006, 04:00 PM
What a gorgeous ORANGIE !!!

07-30-2006, 05:12 PM
He sure is a very handsome orangie and I hope that you'll be able to see him again.:)

07-30-2006, 05:24 PM
he's been hanging around all day, comming and eatting as he pleases :)
I would love to make him my own but my dad is highly allergic to cats so that would be a no go. So, instead I'll just provide food and water for him :)

07-30-2006, 05:59 PM
he's been hanging around all day, comming and eatting as he pleases :)
I would love to make him my own but my dad is highly allergic to cats so that would be a no go. So, instead I'll just provide food and water for him :)
And don't forget the LOVE! Cats need love, too! :D

Thanks for taking care of the sweet boy. :)

07-30-2006, 06:36 PM
If you could get him fixed that would be great!! Than he would stand less a chance of getting into fights AND would be EVEN MORE lovable!!! Good luck with this very handsome ORANGEMAN!!!
PS: He KNOWS you are not much of a cat person, so it is his job to make you a cat person!!!!

Toby's my baby
07-30-2006, 06:40 PM
He is beautiful!! I'm glad you are taking care of him! :D

psst...THREE dogs?? I thought you only had Riley and Rebel...??

07-30-2006, 07:03 PM
oh I'll be sure to give him love! Thats all he does to me, man... he is really changing my opinion when it comes to cats... lol.

As for the dogs, Riley and Rebel are my 2 dogs. My mom has a rough collie, too [I've posted pictures in the past of him, his name is lex] :)

07-30-2006, 07:29 PM
Ok all this is Io I have hijacked the keyboard from my new mommy! I am giving you all ample warning! We adorable lovable Orangies (even though I look like I am dusted in silver) are taking over hearts worldwide! Do not try to fight it ! It is futile! We are cuter than you think! and sweeter than you hope. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is a secret BE WARNED!!!!!! hafta go Mommie is back!

07-30-2006, 10:26 PM
That is one preeeeeeetty boy! :D

07-31-2006, 07:17 AM
Aww, what a gorgeous boy he is!! I see he has alreaday charmed his way into your heart ... no wonder! :D

If he sticks around, I think you shold build a house for him outside, and you feed him, remember you you have to keep doing it.

You say your father is allergic to cats. You have a dogs, don't you? I thought that if you were allergic to cats, you'd also be allergic to dogs. Do you think your father just don't like cats?

Good luck with that orange sweetie! :)