View Full Version : Bad Boy Fenway - He Beat Up an American Bulldog

07-30-2006, 11:44 AM
Fenway was a bad boy on Saturday! I was volunteering at a booth (we're trying to build a dog park in the town I work in) and an American Bulldog came over to check out what was happening. All day long, dogs were coming & going and Fenway was fine with them. I didn't think he would beat this dog up, but he went after him - teeth and all. Fenway was VERY lucky this dog (named Trucker) was friendly or he'd be dead. I felt so bad & apologized to the owner (he was very nice about it) but I had to keep holding Fenway back because he just wanted to nail this dog!

This American Bulldog was beautiful! And what a great disposition. He just wanted to check things out and make sure everything was cool. And then comes along this 20lb mutt who wanted to kick his bumm. Bad Fenway.

07-30-2006, 12:38 PM
Pssssssssssssst Fenway???? I know mom hasn't told you yet, but you are small honey! If you want to pick on dogs stick with the stuffed kinds OK? ;)

07-30-2006, 12:41 PM
My former dog, Foxy Jean (20 lb.), always behaved badly toward other dogs. I often had to pick her up, while she was baring her teeths, wickedly trying to get out of my hands!!!!! Once, my husband and I had to restrain my daughter's German Shepard dog,, after Foxy charged her , jumping into her neck, :eek: I doubted this big lover girl would have hurt Foxy!!!, but, I didn't waste time in calming the German Shepard down.

Foxy was the exact opposite around people, she loved people immensely. :confused:

I never figured out why Foxy behaved this way.

07-30-2006, 01:09 PM
Oh Fenway, what a bad boy! :eek: Yes, try to pick on someone your own size next time. ;) I'm glad neither pup was hurt.

Toby's my baby
07-30-2006, 01:26 PM
Nawtee Fenway! Glad to hear nobody was injured!

Boo boo, our Pekinese/ Poodle/ Terrier used to attack any dog that came into our yard. We used to have a lot of neighbor dogs come over daily. Then, a couple years ago, a lab family, Mom and two puppies, decided that we were their new owners. Boo boo would 'attack' the mom every time. He would jump up and HANG from her neck, and she would just walk around, and not even notice Boo boo biting at her and growling. :rolleyes: Eventually we had to call the police and tell them that the labs kept comming over, because we couldn't keep them at our house, EVERY day. They came over, took one look at the dogs, and said, we have better things to do. YOU guys can take them back to their house, and put them in their kennel, and tell the owners to please make sure they dont get out again. :rolleyes:

07-31-2006, 11:31 AM
I guess it was the husky in him that took over :D