View Full Version : I met "famous" conjoined twins this weekend

07-30-2006, 10:54 AM
I knew the twins lived in my town - I've seen them here and there over the past few years but never had the opportunity to speak with them. Yesterday I was working and they came into the store for a turtle habitat and supplies. They realized they didn't have enough money so they bought what they needed and will return Wednesday for the rest of what they picked out.

They were very sweet ladies but I felt so bad for them -- EVERYONE in the store was gawking and talking about how they might be able to snap a picture with their camera phone without them noticing. I suppose at this point in their lives they are used to it. I felt just awful though -- they were standing in front of the store trying to decide what was most important to buy (boy can they bicker!) so I ran and opened another register just to move the line along and get the gawkers out the door.

Anyhow, I've seen them on lots of tv documentaries and tv show like Nip/Tuck. Here's a link about them
Lori and Reba (http://phreeque.tripod.com/schappell_sisters.html#)

I tried to find a better link, but most of what is out there is either a little blurb about them or truly tacky sensationalism. These two ladies are truly amazing and deserve a sensitive biography instead of the stuff I found (now I'm off to run a spyware and virus scan since some of the links I clicked about them were gross)

07-30-2006, 11:35 AM
Ahh yes the Schappell Sisters... They have their own music albums & their music isn't that bad. I first saw them on Mutants & it was really interesting to learn about them & others.

07-30-2006, 11:58 AM
I saw them on tv a few years ago. I can't imagine what that must be like.

07-30-2006, 12:01 PM
I, too, have seen them on tv before... I do hate how people tend to gawk at others who are different, I'm glad you respected them! :D

07-30-2006, 12:56 PM
I have heard of them but did not know they lived in READING!! :eek:

I too, can not even imagine living like that. It is amazing and fascinating.

07-30-2006, 10:19 PM
I saw the show about them, and now, after reading their story, I'm even more impressed. Took alot of courage to move out & go on their own - "You go, girls!"
Hey, do they have a computer? Maybe they'd like to talk about their pets on PT!