View Full Version : Just a little talk between friends.

07-30-2006, 07:04 AM
As you know, I offically adopted Hamlet recently and resumed my "Spectacular 16" status. Even though I really thought I should reduce my numbers on financial reasons. (I often worry about what the future will hold, especially as I grow older).

Anyway.............even though I need not explain myself, I thought I would anyway. :p

My main reason for choosing Hamlet (besides the fact that he is wonderful) is that my cats seemed to accept him without hesitation from the first minut he barged into their lives. Simba, for example, may or may NOT be accepted by them. AND Hamlet, being a totally wonderful cat, could easily have gotten adopted out from under me.

DaVinci and Carolyn, are in every sense of the word MINE. They will live here forever unless an absolutely perfect home comes along that they can go to together. But as shy cats who take considerable time to warm up to people, the odds are not in their favor. So they will be loved by me but financially 1by1 will bear the burden if something medical goes wrong.

Nova (and Lizzie, for that matter) are in a very similar situation.

Simba, in my opinion, IS highly adoptable..........but now knowing his adverse reaction to "changes" will not be allowed to go to a less the 100% perfect home. And one day, I may attempt to allow him to live downstairs to seek the approval of the others.

So there are my thought patterns, for what they are worth. And I will get to the picture taking ASAP!. :o

thanks for listening.

07-30-2006, 09:22 AM

No need to explain! You did what was right for you and the kitties. Besides, any kitty fortunate enough to have you looking after them is a lucky cat in my book!!

Welcome Hamlet!!! ;)

07-30-2006, 10:56 AM
You didn't need to explain yourself -- we're all a little nutso here! :D

But I WILL be waiting not-so-patiently for photos of the new Luckenbach kitty!

07-30-2006, 11:07 AM
Jen, Catnapper is right.
This is the one place on Gods earth, where everything you do is logical.
And you do the things that you do out of love for your Cats and Fosters.
Thats why we all pray for you, as you are OUR HEROINE!
We Love You and Charles for the work you are doing.
There will be a spectacular reward for you both at The Rainbow Bridge.
One Fine Day.

07-30-2006, 12:21 PM
Your reasoning makes perfect sense to me but I agree with the others, you didn't have to explain. When it comes to kitties you know what is best for your family.

Welcome home Hamlet!!! I can't wait for pictures! :)