View Full Version : I'm Back from Europe! (Pictures Coming Very Soon)

07-29-2006, 11:51 AM
Well, I'm back! :D I think Paris was by far my favorite out of the three cities, probably since I love art so much and appreciate the beauty of EVERYTHING you see there. But I very much enjoyed London, Rome, and Sorrento as well.. it was all great fun and a great experience!

In London we had the opportunity to see Big Ben, St. Paul's (the second largest dome in the world), the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace (we got to see the changing of the guards!), the British Museum, and SO many others.. I just woke up, so my mind isn't too fresh. :o

In Paris we went to the top of the Eiffel Tower in the Evening, so we have some beautiful pictures of the sun going down on the city. We also got to see the Louvre (The Mona Lisa, The Venus de Milo.. everything was amazing there), Notre Dame, Champs-Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Palace Concorde, and so many others. and of course, the Palace of Versailles, which was just.. too, too great for words. (I apologize, my keyboard doesn't want to cooperate, so I can't put accents over some of the letters XD) I'm sure I'll be able to explain the rest once I post the pictures. I want to live there ;)

In Italy, we first stayed in Sorrento, where we took a boat to Capri. It was absolutely wonderful there! I just loved how naturally beautiful everything was. We then went to Rome, where we went to the Vatican- It just gorgeous! All of the art was outstanding, not to mention that we got to see the Sistine Chapel, (where Michaelangelo painted the cieling), and St. Peter's (the largest dome in the world)! We also had some evening shopping time, which was a good taste of Rome, and of course, the WONDERFUL Itialian food! :D

Here's the problem though.. My camera was unfortunately stolen in England. :( It was my new Canon too- but I think we'll be able to get a replacement from what we've looked into so far. We think I was pickpocketed while I was in a restaurant- I'd put it in my pocket just so I could get my bag out to slip it back in there, and when I went to get it out it was gone. :eek: We looked everywhere to see if I'd dropped it, but it wasn't there. :( Luckily, I was able to take a ton of pictures with my friend Olivia (lovethatpug)'s camera (She was also there, and so was Taryn, 'myboo-bear') So once I pick up Olivia's camera with the connecting USB port.. cord.. XD.. I can download all of those pictures into my computer and post them. Her mom (who came along) also took a ton of pictures and offered to let me download those too, so I should be able to post soon! :)

07-29-2006, 08:51 PM
wow, sounds like you had a blast! cant wait for pics!!

07-29-2006, 08:53 PM
Sounds like you had a great time! I can't wait for pictures, also Welcome back glad to see you back here!

Toby's my baby
07-29-2006, 08:59 PM
Sounds like you had a great time!! I can't wait to see pictures, too bad about your camera though!

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-30-2006, 10:48 AM
Glad you liked Europe!!
What a shame about your camera though... :( .Uabassoon also got robbed in England (camera, i-pod, etc...)

Please post pics :)

07-30-2006, 03:59 PM
Glad you're back, Dev. We missed you! It sounds like you had such an awesome time! What an experience! Can't wait for the pictures!

08-01-2006, 06:48 AM
My camera was unfortunately stolen in England. We think I was pickpocketed while I was in a restaurant

Uabassoon also got robbed in England (camera, i-pod, etc...)

:mad: :(

So sorry this happened to you both. Being English myself and having lived in London a few years ago I can tell you it's actually a nice city where generally, people won't try and rob you the minute your back's turned. Sad that a few a$$holes have to ruin someone's holiday, they have no shame.

Hope it hasn't ruined your impression of England though - MOST of the people here have morals. :) Glad you enjoyed the rest of your trip, can't wait for piccies. :p

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-08-2006, 04:41 AM
No pics yet? :D

08-08-2006, 01:03 PM
ee, sorry, I had to wait for the cameras. I'm uploading them right now. (:

Miss Z
08-08-2006, 01:41 PM
I too am so sorry about your camera, unfortunately London is plagued by pickpockets, when I went there on a school trip in February we had to keep everything very close at all times. It's so annoying that people want to spoil others' holidays :rolleyes: But at least you still have some pics :)

The Italy trip sounds fantastic, I will be going on a school trip in April to Italy and will be doing very similar things to what you did :D

I'm so glad you had a good time and I'm sure it was a great experience