View Full Version : Fritz cooling off

07-28-2006, 07:23 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/kool1.jpg Fritz having a cool,relaxing snooze on mom and dad's bed.Fritz has been cooling off,doesn't go out much in this heatwave we have been having,though not as bad as California's.today,he came out and watched Dad and I cleaning the mower deck of our lawn tractor.Fritz was on his leash under our Maple tree ,relaxing watching us and people going by.Fritz got on his back and had a roll in the grass and really enjoyed.Later on,he didn't make mom happy by peeing in the kitchen after being outside.Tonight,had the end of a cone from mom,muskmelon from dad and he sees what it left of it on ther bar and is begging for it .He had just had a play wiht the Rabbit and his Parrot.Really looking forward to seeing his Aunties tomorrow.Hope to get pictures if the camera works,seems to be stuck.Dad's tests for blood cirulation was good,now has to have a Electromyography which they stick a needle with an electrode into the leg muscle to check electrical activity.The test is not until October 5th.He told his doctor months ago he thought it was a muscle but the doctors have to do it their way.Mom had a hip problem,seems to be better.i have been having a pain above my right eye and in the back of my head since yesterday,lasting 15-20 seconds ever few minutes.Have taken a couple of Advil,hasn't worked,hope it goes away in time. :p

07-28-2006, 08:05 PM
My Fritz, are you airing out the peeps? :o

I can't believe you peed in the kitchen. You're such a little stink. You're so lucky you're cute. Your looks let you get away with that.

Barry, try Excedrin. I get really bad migraines and 2 Excedrin helps me all the time. Though, not sure if it's migraines you're having. Perhaps you should go to the doctor if they don't go away after a few days. Take care.


Daisy and Delilah
07-28-2006, 08:52 PM
Fritz, you're always trying to get the family's attention aren't you cutie? Let's use the outside for peeing from now on. Ok? Maybe it was just too hot for you. Be a good boy and enjoy the Aunties visit!! Love the pic with all fours in the air. :D

Barry, I sure hope all of you will be well soon. Take care :)