View Full Version : Stealing Dogs

05-21-2002, 06:19 AM
Last night on local TV there was a story about dogs being stolen right out of their owner's yards! They said it was happening in the South Philadelphia area. Some have been recovered and they think that they might be using the stolen dogs as "bait dogs" in dog fights. This upsets me so much!!! What makes people so evil??? :confused: :mad: It is too sad to even think about the fate of those dogs. :(

05-21-2002, 07:23 AM
:( :mad: That is so upsetting, Pam. I'll never understand people either. :(

05-21-2002, 07:52 AM
:confused: I'll never understand either:(

05-21-2002, 09:21 AM
I HATE stupid people!!!! We had this problem here in Fort Wayne too awhile ago, but Animal Control was on it pretty quickly. I hope they rot!!!

05-21-2002, 09:28 AM
It has happened over here as well. I can't understand how evil people can be either or how they have the gut to do it when they look into the dogs eyes :(

05-21-2002, 09:37 AM
That happened to us a very long time ago, we had a Boxer named Duke and we had him tied outside for a while for some air, as he could jump the fence at that time and when we went out to get him, he was gone.
A few days later we left on vacation and my father lived with us and he got a phone call saying they had our dog and how much would we give them to get him back. My father made the mistake of asking who it was and they hung up and we never heard from them again or ever saw Duke again.
As bad as it is today, that happened many years ago when our kids were teenagers. I guess some things and some people never change. It's a sorry day when a person steals someones dog for any reason.

05-21-2002, 10:20 AM
Jackie, that is so sad you never seen your dog again. We've never had much of that around here (stealing dogs), and boy am I glad. I know Roxey would go with anyone, but Angus, that's another story, unless it was Marks's Mom, he just loves his grandma!

05-21-2002, 01:12 PM
Oh Jackie, how horrible that must have been! I am so sorry that it happened to you and Don :(

I haven't heard of that happening around here, but I do not put it past people who would and could do something terrible like that!

Drake is very peculiar about strangers. He is scary when he doesn't llike someone. He will never bite, but he will growl and low craw towards you and that is frightening enough to make you want to leave him and his family alone! I would like to dare someone to tae take Draker out of my yard! :D :D

05-21-2002, 01:38 PM
Souraya, you sound like Mike and me!! lol Can you imagine anyone stupid enough to enter our backyard to try and steal any of our animals??? lol I'm not sure who would strike first, but the result would be the same and it wouldn't be pretty. We don't even lock our doors anymore and we don't live in the nicest neighborhood!! I really hope they nail this scum to the wall when they catch them.

05-21-2002, 01:43 PM
We had 3 dogs taken here over the weekend police seem to thiknk it was LAZY hunters, as two were labs and one a lab cross. What happens is hunters who don't want a dog all year steal one for a while, the nicer ones(if you could say that ) drop them off back in a close to owners home. The others well I won't upset you folks. Many different things happen to them. I try to take walks in the season to find un collared dogs and be a nosey -itch about ownership. Most of the people I encounter know me and I know the dogs. I just hope to help someone out of their greif some time.

05-21-2002, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Gio
how they have the gut to do it when they look into the dogs eyes :(

Gio I thought that exactly myself! Dogs eyes are so full of trust! :(

Jackie, I am so sorry to bring up a topic that must have been so painful for you to read with all of the memories it brought back. I bet your dad felt so bad about them hanging up. I can only hope that Duke was maybe sold or given to a forever home that took good care of him.

05-21-2002, 07:17 PM
Jackie that is so sad and devastating for you and
your family.
How cruel people are.

Pam, just a couple of weeks ago, they had a segment on
the news in Calif., about dog napping pure breed
dogs out of their own locked yards and turning
around and selling them.
It mentioned chihuahua's were a popular dog to
I remember a few years ago another scary
news segment about dog napping and selling dogs
to hospital research labs.
I think thier is a law in Calif. that hospitals/research
labs can not buy a dog that is chipped or tatooed
because it might be stolen, unless they have papers
to prove ownership.

05-22-2002, 09:18 AM
It is sad that people look at dogs as just property and if they would steal someone's money they don't hesitate to steal a persons dog.
As a result of that happening to us we have a patio with a very high fence up the stairs and a sliding gate and on the lower yard where Duke was a chain link fence all around the yard.
We never, but never let our dogs downstairs in the chain link fenced yard unless one of us is with them.
When we go off, we lock the gate so noone has access to the yard. Of course these Schnauzers don't like people so they really make a fuss if anyone comes around and they don't come for food.
When we were at Petsmart the cashier tried to give Daisy a cookie and she took it and spit it out. Then the cashier picked it up and gave it to her again and she spit it out again. I was pretty embarrassed, but on the other hand glad that she wouldn't take the food. LOL
In regard to Duke, we searched everywhere, went to all the shelters looking for him, drove all over in case they let him go and never found him, he was our Son's dog at the time and he was 15 and devestated. My father always felt bad, but it wasn't his fault.