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View Full Version : A Few Flyball Pics... =D

07-27-2006, 06:27 PM
We went to Flyball on Saturday morning, it was very fun but SOOO hot! By 9 AM, it was over 90*!

Gonzo has been doing well. I still don't trust him with anything beyond singles (which is racing against one dog in the other lane... not passing any other dogs), because his herding behavior takes over when another dog is running right past him - either that, or he totally balks the last few jumps when he sees another dog coming, because he knows he isn't supposed to do the herding thing during Flyball. He can do regular runs with 3 other dogs behind him, as long as he is almost back to me by the time the next dog runs. It can be very frustrating at times... I've been tempted to tear my hair out some days. But he really does enjoy it and so do I! It's just, 1 out of 50 times he will revert back and I hate it. His swimmers turn is awesome, though! And he is incredibly fast over the jumps... some one timed him at about 4.5, and that was after he had been doing runs for 1 hour. =P If only he wasn't so wierd about chasing.

Fozzie is also doing great! ;0) He can "jump" on command... of course, jumping consists of stepping over a pvc pipe laying on the ground, but he gets the idea. He also knows "touch" pretty well already, so he should be very quick to learn turns and jumps.

Here are some pics of the team, and of my boyyys:

Gonzo cooling off after a lot of work!

Fozzie waiting in his crate. He has 3 frozen water bottles in there, so he's comfy.

Sneaky much?...


Triggering the box!

This is the trainers Staffy, Jo-jo. She was a rescue & originally from a BYB. She has hip dysplasia in both hips! Which is horrible, because she loves Flyball & weight pulling. You can see one of her hips was corrected recently, and she's going in this weekend for the other hip.

Walter the Golden, who has a death wish for Gonzo! =(

Bebe = dabomb.com


Bebe's sister, Maggy.

07-27-2006, 06:34 PM
Bell, the BC, who was in heat at this time... :rolleyes: I won't go on about how I hate that her owner is breeding her!


Bailey, a really sweet BC girl. She has THE coolest markings!


Prize, the "little" Dobie pup (I think he's about 1 1/2). He's being shown, worked in Sch & Obedience, and he makes time for Flyball & Agility, too! His Mommy is awesome. He is unaltered, so he was going crazy with Bell being there.

07-27-2006, 06:36 PM
awww! i love Bailey's markings! Prize is a beauty! i love his name too! gotta love your pups the most though. ;) :D

07-27-2006, 06:55 PM

I want to get my borders in flyball. I have almost enough for a team, including my super duper fast toy poodle! :D

07-27-2006, 07:29 PM
Great pictures, Erica :) Your pups are adorable as always! I love Bailey, she's so pretty...her face kind of reminds me of Di's Sesh for some reason.

07-27-2006, 09:00 PM
Cute pics...yeah saturday was hotter than he** ...glad its getting cooler...

Gonzi looks like he had the right idea.

Suki Wingy
07-27-2006, 09:58 PM
Great pics! I wish I could have been there.