View Full Version : In Hope-An Animal Shelter Story

07-27-2006, 04:12 PM
allow the voices of the voiceless to be heard

07-27-2006, 06:34 PM
i've seen this video. it makes me cry every time. :( it's a real eye opener.

07-27-2006, 11:49 PM
That should be passed around more. The picture at the end, of the tech with the dog euthanized on the table, was heart wrenching. I honestly don't know what kind of a person would be able to do the euthansia at a shelter, especially one with a 'quota', and be able to live with themselves. I had got a job offer once to work at the countys animal services, but decided to turn it down, I wouldn't even be able to walk the dog to the room. They had given me a tour of the facility, and even walked me through the euthanasia room, and there were probably 20 cats stuffed in small crate like boxes, waiting to die. I believe they are just injected through the crate, no one holds them while they pass. :(

07-28-2006, 12:09 AM
I've watched this video before. It's very painful to watch. :( I was reading a newsletter the other day that said there are still around 30 thousand healthy adoptable animals put to sleep every year just in my state alone, now times that by 50 states...:( :(

I was offered a job at a fairly new local shelter as well but its high kill and I know I would not be able to handle that. I've offered to volunteer but they won't take any volunteers at least right now. :/ I'm not even sure I could handle that, getting attached to the dogs then seeing so many gone knowing what happened to them, I get attached just when I visit for a few minutes. :o

07-28-2006, 12:13 AM
Everytime I watch that it makes me sob.. I could never work for an animal shelter, and every time I go to my shelter the only thoughts that run through my head are of those poor little dogs and cats being put to sleep.. Especially when I walk by the Employees Only curtain.. :(

07-28-2006, 01:32 AM
ive seen this many time..i cry my eyes everytime i see it, the picture of the dead puppies on the table is just too much for me :(