View Full Version : Freckles first real walk

05-20-2002, 10:21 PM
Freckles took a walk for the first time. We've walked on our property plenty, usually without a leash, but this was his first down-a-busy-street-on-a-leash type walk. This is a very busy road, with lots of traffic, plenty of construction. Its a two-lane road that is being widened to a five-lane highway. They put in sidewalks, and I decided to walk to my mother's house, get some exercise, and start training Freckles to the leash.

I am proud to say he did beautifully! He's a skittish dog, but he got used to the noise and the motion pretty quickly. Our only problem spot was when we walked by a house with three dogs barking and running up to the fence. I had to pick him up and carry him past. :rolleyes:

The only real problems we had were he'd get interested in something, and start thrashing on the leash to get loose, but a sharp tug and a "No!" solved that after a few attempts. He'd also try and go towards the cars when they went by, but the same solution solved that problem pretty quickly.

He behaved wonderfully, didn't try to pee on everything. He walked nicely on his leash, and when you take into consideration how excited and curious he was, he was twice as good as he appeared to be. :D I'm thrilled to death, and glad that this went so well. Hopefully next time will go just as well!

05-21-2002, 07:11 AM
I am so glad that Freckles did so well on his first real walk! I am sure he is going to do even better! You can never kill their curiosity. Dogs will be dogs! They want to sniff!

05-21-2002, 09:59 AM
Congratulations to Freckles on his official first walk outside his home. It sounds like he did wonderfully and I'm sure he will always look forward to more little trips like that.

05-21-2002, 11:27 AM
Yeah Freckles!

Heather, I can imagine where you walked in my mind. :D

Five lanes!?! :eek:

I saw that two lane road.... where are they going to put 5 lanes!? :confused: :)

And they are still doing construction eh....

So happy to hear Freckles did well on his first official walk. :)

05-21-2002, 07:20 PM
CONGRATULATIONS FECKLES on your first outside
walk!! :D

05-21-2002, 11:19 PM
Heh. They're cutting up people's yards to put them in there, but five lanes it will be. Its already five lanes, they just haven't finished with the damn thing, and its hell on the shocks that the roads have already killed. Riding in my car is like riding in a boat on a lake, with LOTS of waves.

Originally posted by ramanth
Yeah Freckles!

Heather, I can imagine where you walked in my mind. :D

Five lanes!?! :eek:

I saw that two lane road.... where are they going to put 5 lanes!? :confused: :)

And they are still doing construction eh....

So happy to hear Freckles did well on his first official walk. :)