View Full Version : A Thread For Josie :) Pics of my Girl!

07-26-2006, 09:06 AM
Can't leave Josie out! Had some pics of Josie on my camera and just couldn't resist posting them too, since I had made a thread for Brodie.

The thing is, she looks so fat in all of these! She's only a little over 12 pounds now . . . she's just so . . . wide looking! LOL

I love this pic! She looks so short & stout! LOL

Sitting on the desk . . . she wasn't very happy here . . . we'd been brushing her and decided to give her a mohawk! (I know that's the meanest thing ever, right?)


Okay, Josie is ready for some BELLY RUBS on her FAT belly!!! (i SWEAR she's not as fat as she looks in these, LOL)



07-26-2006, 09:36 AM
My Mother used to call Cats like Josie Little Tea Pot Cats.
Shes a Little Tea Pot
Short and Stout
She has love handles
So you can pick her out
Theres just that much more of Josie to love.

07-26-2006, 09:53 AM
My Mother used to call Cats like Josie Little Tea Pot Cats.
Shes a Little Tea Pot
Short and Stout
She has love handles
So you can pick her out
Theres just that much more of Josie to love.

Aww, Gary, I love that! LOL . . . how sweet . . . I'm gonna go sing to Josie right now! She loves when I sing to her, LOL! (not really! - but I do anyway!)

Edwina's Secretary
07-26-2006, 12:59 PM
Dear Josie,

Only the best cats can claim the title....Short and Stout....

Yours in form....


07-26-2006, 01:13 PM
A not-overly-tall neighbor was walking their new dog, a "buggle" - the pup had the smush-face, and the curly tail of the pug, but otherwise was built like a broader version of a beagle. I told her the dog was cute, and that not to apologize for her being "short and stout" - I said, "Some of us are just more stable than others." She was delighted by the term, as she herself is maybe 5 feet tall, and her husband is at least 6 foot two, she said "Yes! We're stable, baby! No danger of US toppling over in a high wind!"

Josie is a lovely girl, even with the terribly unflattering photos.

07-26-2006, 02:28 PM
Oh Josie you are so beautiful. :)

RUB RUB RUB to that belly of yours.

07-26-2006, 03:47 PM
Oh Josie... your Meowmie MUST post more pictures of you! You are so cute and adorable! Ignore the "short and stout" comments, and enjoy the "more of your to love"! I am sure that in real life, you are prefect! (What kitty isn't??!! :rolleyes: )

07-26-2006, 11:27 PM
those are adorable!
mean or not the mohawk is CUTE!

07-27-2006, 05:44 PM
What a beautiful girl you are, Josie! So cute, fuzzy and you look so soft and squishable. And that tummy of yours is irresistable and begging for rubs, rubs, rubs, and more rubs... all are being sent your way!

07-27-2006, 06:09 PM
Aww! My Mitzi is "Short and Stout" too, but I SWEAR it's all fur! Love the Mohawk! I can't wait to go home and try that on Mitzi! BTW Mitzi takes "round" pictures too - she really isn't that round, really; it's all fur! I swear! :rolleyes: :p :D

07-27-2006, 09:46 PM
Awww, look at Josie. What a cutie!

I love her mohawk, LOL!!!!!

07-27-2006, 09:50 PM
Oh, Josie - we all know the camera adds pounds! :D

What a gorgeous cutie you are!