View Full Version : Is it a sign? Well, at least I can look on the bright side!

07-26-2006, 12:18 AM
Oh, I believe so. Sadly, I cannot have more than three cats right now or I would act on this.

I was putting down newspaper for my new puppy girl. I had the garage sales section in my hands. At the beginning of the week, they post a few of the pets that will be at one of the adoption events on the following weekend, mostly dogs and cats.

I saw this one kitty. A tabby and white named Pouncer !! His description "Pouncer is a nine week old male tabby mix who loves to, well, pounce." . (EDIT to say: Pouncer looks older than nine weeks to me, though.) However, I cannot take in Baxter and I cannot take in Pouncer. :(

The bright side is that Sabrina and Muffin, the tortie and the tabby that I've been keeping track of (They've been at PetsMart for over three months.) were ADOPTED! :D Hooray! :D

07-26-2006, 07:41 AM
Pouncer says that kitty has a lovely name. He says if the kitty lives up to his name than be prepared for lots of fun trips to the vet to fix the owies that he got from pouncing a little too much ;)

07-26-2006, 09:49 AM
My very first Cat was Pouncer, Guardian Angel to Catnappers Pouncer.
She was a Tortie Cat who went far too soon, for Mr Scrappy and I in 1993.
Pouncer and I , about 20 years ago.
I cant wait to see her again.
One Fine Day.