View Full Version : My grandfather...

07-25-2006, 08:01 PM
My grandfather has lung cancer.

I've only met 2 of my grandparents. My grandmother died a few years ago, whom I was very close to. And my grandfather, who has cancer. I'm not sure how far it is. He lives about 5-6 hours away. My mom and I really want to go see him while he is still well. However, last time we drove there we were in a serious accident, and I honestly don't think I can handle driving there right now. Same with my mom. It would cost $180 for a bus (for one person)...which I don't have. We're thinking about taking a bus to my aunt's house and then driving with her from there. We will figure it out somehow. I'm worried about him. I met him for the first time when I was maybe 14-15, but I still love him and hope he can maybe over come this...I really don't know how lung cancer works, though. *sigh* I really hate cancer.

Sorry about the depressing vent. I wasn't going to say anything, but it feels better to tell someone.

07-25-2006, 08:03 PM
Aww i'm so sorry! I hope you get to see him while he is still well. I will keep your grandfather in my thoughts and prayers and hope he will be ok. We are here for you! [[hugs]]


Queen of Poop
07-25-2006, 08:11 PM
So very, very sorry about your bad news. You and your mom need to go see him, very soon. I know that will be difficult for many reasons. You are strong, you can do it.

I only knew 3 of my grandparents, and they are all gone now. I never did meet my dad's dad. He died even before my parents were married. I had the pleasure of talking to my last remaining grandma a week before she died. It was so difficult, but it was the best thing I did because I can now hang onto that conversation - 4 years after her passing.

I pray that you have the strength to get to see him soon and that this awful cancer isn't too hard on him.

07-25-2006, 09:27 PM
You and your mom and grandpa and family will all be in my thoughts and prayers.......................


07-25-2006, 09:47 PM
Oh, I am so sorry to read this. :( I will keep your grandfather in my prayers. Please keep us updated.

07-25-2006, 10:21 PM
Find a way to get down there soon. My Aunt Dottie, who died of lung cancer, said that at least it gave her time to say good-bye to people - but time is not unlimited, so skedaddle, and take your camera, too. Tell him you love him, even if he's not the kind of person who seems to appreciate or even tolerate that sort of thing.

And then remind anyone whom you know who smokes to quit now!