View Full Version : Please pray for my niece. *Update on Eden*

07-25-2006, 03:41 PM
My niece has been running a fever and throwing up for the past few days and they took her to the doctor yesterday and they said it was just an ear infection. Eden hates to take medicine and will actually make her self throw up when she has to take it, so they decided to give her a shot everyday for the next 3 days after the first initial one yesterday.
Last night Eden kept running a very high fever and kept throwing up almost constantly. My sister couldn't even get any tylenol in her without her throwing up so she couldn't get the fever to break.

So, today when we took Eden to the doctor for her next shot, the doctor wanted to do blood work after my sister told him about last night and when they did it, he said her blood count was REALLY high and he also said her ears looked worse than they did yesterday. He said that since her count is so high that it seems as though shes just got infection running throughout her body. Considering how high her blood count was, and due to the fact that my sister could not get her fever to break, he said he wanted to admit her in to the hospital to give her antibiotics through an IV and run some more tests. They are supposed to be doing a cat scan of her sinuses some time this evening.

So, please send prayers to my sweet baby girl that its no serious kind of infection and that she won't have to stay in the hospital very long.

And just because, here is a couple of older pics of her.
With corn all over her chin.. lol.

Her sweet smile..I hope her starts feeling better so I can see this smile soon.

07-25-2006, 03:43 PM
:( Poor little one! :(

I hope she feels better soon. That sounds miserable!

Kelly :)

Anita Cholaine
07-25-2006, 03:45 PM
Poor little girl!
Good thoughts on the way, I hope she feels better soon....

07-25-2006, 03:45 PM
she will be in our Prayers.We will light a candle for your beautiful neice.! Good Luck and hope your boo-boos get better better pretty girl.!

07-25-2006, 03:49 PM
:( Awww poor baby....I hope she gets better soon. I'll be praying for her.

07-25-2006, 03:50 PM
What an adorable little angel!!! She's in my thougths for sure as is the family.

07-30-2006, 02:24 PM
Sorry I didn't post an update yet.

She got out of the hospital on Friday afternoon, and they sent her home with some more antibiotics. She did/does have a severe sinus infection, and an ear infection.

They are supposed to set up an appt. for her with an ear/nose/throat specialist to see where to go from there but I am not sure when the appt. is.

Thank you all for the well wishes and prayers. We all appreciate it.

07-30-2006, 03:03 PM
Thanks for the update, ear infections are NO fun.

Daisy and Delilah
07-30-2006, 06:23 PM
Kisses and hugs to that sweet little girl!! Feel better!! :)

10-31-2006, 09:04 AM
Eden had her tonsils and her adnoids taken out, and had her sinues flushed on Tuesday (Oct. 24th). They think she may have to have tubes put in her ears as well, but I'm not sure yet if they are going to.

The medicines she is taking is making her a bit crazy I believe. She just spazzes out over the littlest things and shes not normally like that.
Her throat is still sore, but she is alittle better than she was the first few days after she had it done.

Thanks again for all the prayers and good wishes the last time she was in the hospital. I appreciate it.

10-31-2006, 09:09 AM
I am glad she is doing better, sorry I didn't see this thread before. I would like to add that they can give her tylenol by suppository if they have to. It is kind of gross but it does work, I used it with my kids when they were sick and vomiting.

10-31-2006, 09:30 AM
Just now saw this thread. Glad to hear she is doing a little better. My son had his adenoids took out, and tubes put in his ears when he was just a little boy. He done great after that. Anyway, hopefully, Eden will do the same.

Eden has got the prettiest eyes! Please know that I am praying for that little angel to get better.
