View Full Version : What would you do? 3rd night Ginger peed on my feet

07-25-2006, 01:11 PM
I've mentioned Ginger, my 20-year-old cat, on a few other threads but now I really want to know what others would do in my place. You are all dedicated to the care of your cats and go to great lengths to make sure that are healthy and happy, so it would help me to get other PT'ers take on the situation.

I knew that Ginger had both peed and pooped on the sofa, bed and kitchen floor for some weeks but after I found urine markings by a cat that is now housed downstairs, I assumed Ginger had got confused by the odors. However, this weekend, with everything pretty much cleaned up, she peed on the bed several times and pooped once. I'm inclined to think that her bladder has weakened and that she wakes up from a deep sleep, moves to get off the bed and just loses control. I usually wake up as she pees on my feet, so she's probably on her way to the low chair that helps her get up and down. Even if I had a litter box right by the bed (I can't do that because the odor would keep me awake) she still wouldn't make it.

This morning it was about 3:30am and I'd pulled up the plastic sheet over the comforters that lie under my sheets as I moved during the night so the urine went through sheets and two comforters. That's a heavy load of laundry to start the day, and I couldn't go back to bed.

Ginger is in perfect health according to a very recent check-up, and in great shape. She enjoys her food, sitting out on the deck, and, most of all, cuddling beside me on the sofa or bed. Therein lies the problem. A bedroom has been set up for her as an isolation room, and I've used it in the recent past when I couldn't take being woken at 1am by the smell of poop under my bed. However, by placing her in isolation, I'm removing the thing she enjoys most in her life at this time.

Ginger and I do not have a close bond because she didn't want me near her for the first 17 years of her life, except for the occasional shoulder massage. I'm not going to be devastated by her death as I have been by most of my other cats. I do enjoy her company and work hard on making her life as enjoyable as possible simply because I would do that for any cat. On the nights when she has been in isolation, I haven't missed her company, though I did feel lots of guilt, and sadness for her.

The problem is mainly that I'm losing a lot of sleep and it makes things very difficult at work. I know that I'm forgetting to do things because I'm sleep deprived and I often feel wooly-headed.

So, what would you do? Live with it? Put her in isolation at night after an evening cuddle? Other? Any practical solutions? I'd sleep with a plastic bag over my feet but with the heat wave, that's out of the question. Thank you, in advance, for any input.

07-25-2006, 01:25 PM
Toward the End of Solomons time we put him in Kitty condo when he wasn't getting cuddles. It sounds cruel but he loved it. Kept the younger cats from annoying him and also allowed him freedom that if he peed outta da box it was no biggie. It worked for us (the condo comes in handy years later to put new rescues in to acclimate them) it may work for Ginger. HUGS to the wise old catand some for you also.

07-25-2006, 02:18 PM
Would you be willing to try her in a diaper? Just at night if you wish.

07-25-2006, 02:19 PM
When cats engage in destructive behavior there is a reason. You are the one that has to figure out that reason. Will it be easy, most likely not. Sorry, but true :(

Most common reasons: Medical and either stress or their dislike of something/someone.

You said she had a recent check up and was fine, my suggestion is to call your vet and tell them what is happening, maybe they will suggest something.

What or whom is making Ginger upset? Ok, I realize that is easier said then answered, but think about it, and if you must, keep a log of when the distructive behavior happens. Does it happen after a petting session? After another kitty gets attention? She can't get from one place to another easily?

What is happening in your house? Have there been strange people in and out lately? Have you painted, remodeled or moved furniture? Bought something new? Got rid of something old (that she liked?)

You need to play dective and figure out what may be bothering her to promote this type of problem. Sure it would be much easier if we could just ask :rolleyes: but then they wouldn'd be cats then :D

My first concern, because of her age would be to talk to her vet. At her age things can change in her body fast. With all seniors, we need to be patient and try to help them through these tough times. I realize that Ginger may not be your favorite, but maybe, just maybe she knows her time is coming, and she is trying to tell you someting. Because we can't listen, LOOK!! :D

Good luck and please keep us up to date on her!

07-25-2006, 02:45 PM
Would you be willing to try her in a diaper? Just at night if you wish.

What a great, practical solution - thanks! I can't believe I didn't think of this since I've wished several times recently that Ashley (the CH kitten) was big enough to diaper until she gets into the routine of using her special litter boxes with side wall support. I'm actually smiling, realizing that I can pick up a packet/box at lunch or on my way home. I do hope this works since it will give me a good night's sleep and Ginger the night-time closeness she needs. I have everything covered in plastic so I can clean up fairly easily when I get home.

07-25-2006, 05:30 PM
Maybe if you could confine her to a bathroom where her accidents would not damage as much damage.
It must be a chore changing sheets at night.
We are praying for Ginger.

K & L
07-25-2006, 06:28 PM
Isn't PT great. Sometimes the solution is right in front of our faces, but we're so frustrated we don't see them. Good luck with this.