View Full Version : What a ruckus!!

07-25-2006, 11:40 AM
What a durn ruckus 18 dogs can make!!! I had five in the house last night. There are usually more, but it was cool last night and the young dogs were enjoying some play time when I went to bed. About 1am, the entire yard exploded!! Everyone was barking. My dogs don't bark very often. They howl, woo, talk and carry on alot, but they don't bark. Barking means something is up and requires immediate investigation!

The something last night was a young black bear! Just wandering in the forest right outside my fence line. The dogs barking insanely at him didn't even faze him! I was half asleep in my jammies and flip-flops. Didn't even fully realize what I was seeing until I said to the dogs "Yup, it's a bear, now shut up!" Then my brain woke up and I went to get Stuart(who can ignore just about any non-fight sounds from the dogs). We watched the bear for a few minutes(too dim to take pictures). Then Stuart shone a spotlight on him and that made him start to move along. The dogs, mine and every other dog along that stretch of forest, continued to bark for an hour or so! I brought as many of mine as possible into the house to minimize the noise.

I saw a side of Heyoka I've never seen before. If I didn't know him, I'd have been afraid of him last night. He was making some very menacing sounds. The rest of the dogs were just excited and barking at the new intruder to their territory(although we are actually the intruders to the bear's territory, the dogs don't get that!). Heyoka was much more serious about it. Stuart wants to use him as a pack dog in the bush so it may be a good thing that he doesn't want to play with the bears!

I need a nap today!

07-25-2006, 11:47 AM
Oh wow, I'm glad the bear didn't get upset with all the commotion going on. I would be terrified if my dogs if they were barking at a bear!! Glad he moved on and no one was hurt.

07-25-2006, 12:05 PM
Holy cow a bear! I would have been scared out of my wits, lol. Glad everyone is ok though!

07-25-2006, 12:38 PM
I have to laugh because a bear walked across my road about 25 yards from me and Fenway had his nose to the ground the whole time - didn't even see it! Gee Fenway...thanks for protecting me! :D

I can just imagine what your dogs sounded like last night! It's no wonder you didn't get any sleep. Hopefully, you won't get any more "company" anytime soon. But I have to say it's nice to know they will alert you when something or someone comes around. I'm really surprised the bear came that close to the your fence line with all those dogs. That bear was either stupid, hungry or sick. Do you normally have bears walking your fence line with all your dogs around? Are they pretty tame up there where you are? Do people feed them or do they eat people's garbage? Just curious. Have a nice nap! :)

07-25-2006, 01:16 PM

How big was that bear????? So glad that your dogs are all safe and sound!!!!
Now you know how Golilocks felt, huh!!!

07-25-2006, 01:18 PM
I can just imagine what your dogs sounded like last night! It's no wonder you didn't get any sleep. Hopefully, you won't get any more "company" anytime soon. But I have to say it's nice to know they will alert you when something or someone comes around. I'm really surprised the bear came that close to the your fence line with all those dogs. That bear was either stupid, hungry or sick. Do you normally have bears walking your fence line with all your dogs around? Are they pretty tame up there where you are? Do people feed them or do they eat people's garbage? Just curious. Have a nice nap! :)

Well, they alert me when loose dogs or critters come too close to the fence. If it's a person, they only react occasionally. If they know you, no response at all!

Bears aren't unusual up here. There are 15, 000 of them in the territory. It's been awhile since we had one so close to the house. Not tame at all. This was a young black. I suspect he's just been kicked out by Momma bear this year and is searching for his own territory. Bears are highly territorial. He knew exactly where the fence was and knew the dogs couldn't get to him. He moved on when he realized there were humans around too. Most people around my area are pretty bear aware, no one knowingly feeds them or leaves their garbage out. Occasionally, one gets habituated and looses their fear of humans. Unfortunately, that leads to their death. This one wasn't afraid of the dogs, but he did still seem to be afraid of humans. Hopefully, he stays that way.

07-25-2006, 02:06 PM
i hope so, no more early in the morning BEAR Alarms!!! right???

wow, that story was something!!!!!