View Full Version : *urgent* Joey

07-25-2006, 09:37 AM
I have 2 days to find Joey a home. My mom says he's been peeing in the house and she wants him out(honestly I don't believe her, I think it's Colin since he's known to spray). Joey is currently being locked up in my bedroom and if I don't find him a home by Thursday he's going to be taken back to the HS and sadly he'll be put to sleep. Please if anyone can foster him or something let me know.

Joey is a 3 year old, neutered male, gets along with other animals, very sweet and loving.

I am in Northern Indiana, if anyone can help!


07-25-2006, 09:38 AM
Oh and some pics of Joey.



he's a ragdoll by the way.

07-25-2006, 10:39 AM
I'll crosspost Joey to HandicappedPets. Does he have a cleft lip? It looks like it.
If you don't want him crossposted, I can delete it.

http://www.handicappedpets.com/help/viewtopic.php?p=31068#31068 (HP post)


07-25-2006, 10:49 AM
Has he been checked out for all the obvious medical issues that could be causing this? I hope so.

I wish I could help. I would love to have another cat, but we're just not ready yet. And if he is peeing because he is upset, he definitely wouldn't like it in this house with so many others to get used to.

I will keep you and Joey in my prayers.


07-25-2006, 10:49 AM
Thanks it may be a cleft lip but the woman said it was bit off by her other cats... she may have been lying because she lied about other stuff too.

Thanks for crossposting though.

07-25-2006, 10:58 AM
You say he's shut up in your room right now. Have you found any evidence of him peeing/spraying in there? And now that he's shut in, is there any fresh evidence of peeing in the rest of the house?

07-25-2006, 11:00 AM
Has he been checked out for all the obvious medical issues that could be causing this? I hope so.

I wish I could help. I would love to have another cat, but we're just not ready yet. And if he is peeing because he is upset, he definitely wouldn't like it in this house with so many others to get used to.

I will keep you and Joey in my prayers.


No I honestly thought I'd have him for awhile so I was going to wait until I get my check this Thursday(although I got paid today, but I go back on Thursday) and make an appointment for him next week. But unless I can convince my mom more time, I can't take him to the vet now or I can try to make an appointment for tomorrow, pick up my check tomorrow and cash it and take him... I guess I'll try that first.

07-25-2006, 11:01 AM
You say he's shut up in your room right now. Have you found any evidence of him peeing/spraying in there? And now that he's shut in, is there any fresh evidence of peeing in the rest of the house?

Nope... which is why I still think it's Colin peeing.

07-25-2006, 11:03 AM
Is he using the litterbox in your room? If he is, then perhaps he just needed some quiet time. And if you suspect the other cat is the one doing the peeing, perhaps he needs to be checked by the vet as well. Its the least you guys can do to try and save Joey! It could be something as simple to treat as a urinary tract infection. I hope you can get both of them to the vet soon to be checked out, before your mother makes you take him back to the pound. :(

07-25-2006, 11:06 AM
I'm going to get her to take Colin to the vet even if she doesn't take Joey... but if Colin is peeing it's only because Joey is here.

07-25-2006, 11:10 AM
Perhaps you could use that feliway spray that's supposed to help in multi-cat households? This can do a lot sometimes with males spraying. I see Joey is neutered, is colin too? Sometimes that limits spraying, colin is obviously marking his territory, so perhaps you could keep joey separated for longer till colin gets used to his scent...I really hope it works out, Joey is lovely and It would be so upsetting if he has to go back to the HS and be put down :(

07-25-2006, 11:12 AM
Yep all our animals are spayed/neutered. If Joey does ok locked in my room and Colin does too, then I'm going to try to convince my mom to let him stay a bit longer so I can find him a home.

07-25-2006, 12:28 PM
I should have added something but I didn't, my mom, sister, and friend all saw Joey chasing and fighting Colin. I think that's why it's territory reasons...

However my mom said that as long as he's kept locked in my bedroom, he can stay here until I find him a new home.

We went to go get some Feliway and it was sold out, so we have to go back tomorrow afternoon to buy it.

07-25-2006, 12:54 PM
Well, after reading your thread and posts regarding Joey and Colin, it sounds as if you didn't introduce them gradually. Cats are creatures of habit. Introductions need to be made, not just throwing Joey in and hoping they get along.

There have been MANY threads on how to gradually introduce cats and keeping harmony on the kitty front.

Here's some advice I gave on one of the threads:

The way to create a happy environment is to introduce them gradually. Keep him in the bathroom and rub him down with a towel. Allow your cats to smell his scent. If you can, do the same with your cats and allow "new" kitty to smell their scent. If you can get baby gates from friends, stack two of them, on on top of another, in the doorway of the bathroom, allowing them to see each other, but having protection. There will be hissing, spitting and growling. After a week or so of that, let the new cat out to explore, putting your cats in a room. Allow new kitty a while to get used to his surroundings. Show him where the litterboxes, food and water are. As long as there is no bloodshed, just standby with a squirt bottle to break up any real confrontations (ears back, fighting stance, bloodshed)

I think the right thing to do is to get one of them to the vet (if you think it's Colin, take Colin) to rule out a UTI.

07-25-2006, 12:58 PM
Just remember that Joey has and will be a foster cat while he's here. I did want to keep him but I brought him in the house to find him a new home in the first place, he'll be fine living in my bedroom until then.

07-25-2006, 02:16 PM
If Joey is a ragdoll, have you tried contacting a ragdoll rescue group.

Here is a website with listing for different rescue groups throughout the country (I am not exactly sure where you are in Indiana)


07-26-2006, 08:59 AM
Foster or not, gradual introductions are the way to a happy furbaby household. That is unless you plan on keeping Joey confined to a room the entire time he's being fostered. I suppose it's better than being confined to a cage.

07-26-2006, 11:04 AM
Definitely get Colin checked out! Your mom must have noticed that isolating Joey has not changed much of anything.
