View Full Version : Brooks & Dunn anyone? :)

07-25-2006, 06:48 AM
Is anyone here a Brooks & Dunn fan? I am and I am going to see them Saturday night. Jennifer Nettles (Sugarland) will also be appearing. I am going with my hubby and son and we are meeting up with hubby's sister, her 'significant other' and her son. Four more days. :)

07-25-2006, 06:58 AM
I think I told you that Helen saw them a few years ago and enjoyed it a lot! I know you're going to have a great time, Pam!!! :)

Daisy and Delilah
07-25-2006, 07:09 AM
Pam, I think I can say without even thinking about it, Brooks and Dunn are my favorites of all country artists. I absolutely love them. They can do no wrong in my book and they have never had a song I don't like. I'm also a huge Sugarland fan. I was watching B and D and Sugarland on CMT last night. I'm green with envy that you're going to see them. My daughter saw B and D a couple of months ago--she called me while they were playing so I could listen to them. It was so cool. Have a great time at the concert!! Can't wait to hear about it! :)

07-25-2006, 08:08 AM
LOVE LOVE LOVE Brooks & Dunn. They are fantastic! Have a blast!

07-25-2006, 08:57 AM
I am soooo envious because I love, LOVE, LOVE Brooks & Dunn. I have their Hillbilly CD in the player right now. Jennifer Nettles is also someone I would love to see - her voice is just terrific and fun I think.

Pam - didn't you recently see someone else in concert?? can't remember - maybe Alan Jackson?

Have a GREAT time :D

07-25-2006, 12:26 PM
All I kept thinking when I saw your thread was, "wait a moment. Aren't they called Bradstreet and Dunns"? LOL.

Have fun!

07-25-2006, 01:38 PM
I am soooo envious because I love, LOVE, LOVE Brooks & Dunn. I have their Hillbilly CD in the player right now. Jennifer Nettles is also someone I would love to see - her voice is just terrific and fun I think.

Pam - didn't you recently see someone else in concert?? can't remember - maybe Alan Jackson?

Have a GREAT time :D

Debbie I have that album too. :) Did you see them on TV last night - regular TV (ABC) had a Country Music Special. They sang two songs. ;) Aren't they awesome. ;)

Yes I saw Alan Jackson last year twice! :cool: Now if I could only see Brad Paisley in person I would be a happy woman. ;) Actually
Brad is in Atlantic City this Sunday night but I think one concert in one week is enough. :)

Edit: Hubby is more interested in seeing Jennifer Nettles. :rolleyes: :)

07-25-2006, 02:12 PM
That's awesome! :) I saw them in 2003.. haven't seen them again, though..

I am seeing Tim McGraw and Faith Hill on the 30th.... Rascal Flatts & Gary Allan next month in Columbus.. I'm looking foward to it! :)

I saw that last night.. I love Dierks Bentley.. man, his song "Settle for a Slowdown" is just so good!

07-25-2006, 03:41 PM
OMG you are so lucky!! I want to go!! I love sugarland and Brooks & Dunn.. EHHH YOUR SO LUCKY!!

07-25-2006, 03:50 PM
I haven't been to a concert in sooo long.

I love Brooks and Dunn and am envious! Have a great time!

07-25-2006, 04:14 PM
I love Brooks and Dunn. ( Especially Ronnie Dunn. ;) ) I think I have everything they ever recorded. I saw them at a county fair maybe 5 years ago. Driving home that night my sister said "now what do we have to look forward to the rest of our lives?" :D Have fun Pam! :)

07-25-2006, 05:17 PM
Driving home that night my sister said "now what do we have to look forward to the rest of our lives?" :D Have fun Pam! :)

I am laughing out loud hysterically! For some reason this really just tickled my silly bone and the dogs are wondering what I have just read. :D I expect it will be a concert to remember. Ronnie Dunn has the most awesome voice and Kix Brooks is a cutie pie too. :) What a couple of talented guys! Can't wait!

CountryWolf07, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill were in Philly recently (10 miles from me) but I didn't get to see them. Life is so short. So many concerts - so little time. LOL!

07-30-2006, 08:29 AM
WHAT A CONCERT!!! I cannot believe how awesome these guys are in person. They sang just about every hit they ever made! The concert began with *Red Dirt Road* and ended with *Only in America.* There was everything else in between!

During *Only in America* the stage was a video backdrop of the American flag and several members of our Armed Forces came out and saluted. Everyone rose to their feet and tons of red, white and blue confetti rained down on all of us.

*I Believe* was absolutely beautiful and, as I knew it would, cast a spell over the whole place. My hubby is far from a country music fan (his idea of country music is The Eagles.... :)) and he commented on the way home that the concert was excellent. My only complaint was that I could have sat there another two hours. I will definitely be seeing these guys again if they ever get remotely in driving distance. :) My son liked them before and now, of course, has become an even bigger fan. If anyone has a chance to see them, please don't miss it.

As expected, Sugarland was also terrific and gave a plug for the "New Jersey Boy" (Bon Jovi) who sings along with her in *You Can't Go Home* although he obviously wasn't there. What a great night! I may never come off Cloud Nine. LOL!

07-30-2006, 09:00 AM
Wow! That is so exciting, and what a great picture! :cool: I really like Brooks & Dunn and I have one of their greatest hits CDs. Glad you had a great time, that's awesome! :D

07-30-2006, 10:16 AM
I'm glad you had such a good time (but really how could you not). That is an awesome picture.

I saw them in concert with Reba 8 or 9 years ago.

07-30-2006, 10:36 AM
Pam, I do think you may be on your way to enlisting hubby and/or son to be enthusiastic companions for future concert outings. I so happy the concert turned out to be all you expected it to be and more. You know,from now on I will be keeping an ear out for their music as well.

07-30-2006, 11:46 AM
Happy you had a good time, I knew you would. ;)

07-30-2006, 12:09 PM
Anna and Kari, I cannot take the credit for that picture. I got it off the web :o in case there was someone who didn't know who they were. :) Hubby had wanted so much to take his camera. He has lots of lenses and could have gotten some terrific shots. From the literature we read on the concert we were of the understanding that cameras were not allowed. Apparently that is not 100% enforced because we saw lots of cameras there. :rolleyes: Oh well.....next time! Speaking of next time, we are all hoping to get a group together and drive to Baltimore in October to see Brad Paisley. My almost-five year old grandson is one of Brad's biggest fans and this will be his first concert. :)

07-30-2006, 03:29 PM
Gosh I'm not going to see Tim & Faith tonight.. things happen for a reason, though..

Brad Paisley is a hoot in concert! :) He's pretty great.. I've seen him twice.. I am sure you both will enjoy his show very much!