View Full Version : Clover Pictures coming soon!!!=> CLOVER PICTURES HERE!!!

07-25-2006, 01:05 AM
Here I am sitting on the downstairs bed in he living room watching horror movies with Melinda (I'm staying the night here with her and Clover), with my loverly kitten resting underneath the bed I'm on.
My adorable girl I think is giving me the cold shoulder for a bit, she's been doing it off and on.
Like she'll forget and purr to me and come when I call, and then suddenly blink and walk away and ignore me for a while. I think that's her payback for leaving her here without me XP

I'll be posting new photos of her tomorrow when I upload the 17 picures or so off my digital camera!!!! She's a lovely girly, and she looks so regal.

But I'm gonna hold you in suspense until tomorrow ;) teehee!

07-25-2006, 03:39 AM
she's a pretty little girl and I am looking forward to seeing pictures of her. It's good when there are a lot so you can see their animation, their unique personality. That's what makes them special.
I also love your drawings by the way, have you ever tried to draw an anime style picture of clover? That would be very cool :D

07-25-2006, 05:34 PM
Clovers is such a Terrific Tuxedo, in the style of The Scrappys.
We can hardly wait to see her Photo Lay Out.

07-25-2006, 06:44 PM
Unfortunately when she is active it's nearly impossible to take photos of her with our crappy camera, but here are a few of her rare moments when she's relaxed.

Clover with her lovely third eye wide open!

Me and her cuddling. She climbed up herself after I mewed at her =^_^=

What's THAT?! O.O

Teehee! She's staring at Mel who's making faces at her.

So tired from lifting weights... XP

Queen of the Castle

Awww, this was the last picture I took of her. Doesn't she look dejected? she liked the attention!
I have several more where that came from, if you'd like more, but my brain is getting frazzled from all the Clover Pictures XP
I miss my baby Clover already!

07-25-2006, 06:48 PM
she's a pretty little girl and I am looking forward to seeing pictures of her. It's good when there are a lot so you can see their animation, their unique personality. That's what makes them special.
I also love your drawings by the way, have you ever tried to draw an anime style picture of clover? That would be very cool :D

That drawing right there is NOT mine, though I can do something very close to it. And Yes, I have drawn an Anime version of Clover, and I would post it on here if I JUST HAD A BLOODY SCANNER!! XD


Yeah, that's the problem with being an artist, you have the means, but you don't have the supplies or the money for the supplies.

As soon as I am able, I'll post some drawings up for the kitties and their meowmies to look at, but until I either find a scanner, move to our new place in a couple of months and finally get the one out of storage we have, or go to a friend's house, that ain't happenin'.
Let's hope I find a means soon.

07-25-2006, 07:10 PM
What does XP mean?

07-25-2006, 09:06 PM
XP is like a face. look at it with your head tilted to the left. The "X" is the eyes and the "P" is the mouth sticking a tongue out.
Kinda like :P only with funny eyes.

07-27-2006, 11:17 PM
I'm planning on running to see Clover tomorrow, as well, hopefully she'll be in a good mood. ^_^

She's so precious to me! Every time I meow she calls back to me! It's so cute!!

07-28-2006, 03:15 AM
Clover has a wonderful face! You've gotta love that third eye. :)

07-28-2006, 05:01 AM
What lovely pictures of clover, what a lovely cat she is. She looks very happy and will be more so when she can come and live with you in a new home. You're lucky to have somebody that you trust looking after her and that you can visit her.
I love her fur it looks so soft and cuddly.
Can't wait till you have a scanner so I can see and anime version of Clover! :)

07-28-2006, 11:55 PM
Her fur IS SO SOFT and SILKY!!!
And I've been pestering my dad about that scanner in the storage unit for days now. I think... -*cough*- err... hope, that he's beginning to crack and will get that darned contraption over here soon!!!