View Full Version : Yikes!

07-24-2006, 03:57 PM
I am babysitting the baby all by myself for the first time. Noooo problem, especially since I've already fed and changed his diaper many times over. Nooo problem since he's such a good, mellow baby. Right?

He's fussed for an hour now. He doesn't want his bottle. Doesn't need a new diaper. He doesn't want ot be held, doesn't want his lounger, doesn't want his swing. Dowsn't want ot be laid flat. He doesn't want his pacifier.

I think he wants his mommy!

Sigh... its going to be a long night for the two of us! Maybe we'll walk over to where mommy works and visit her.

07-24-2006, 04:05 PM
:eek: Oh, Kim, yikes! Hopefully Cameron will settle down soon. Have you walked him around the room with him cradled on his belly?? If his tummy is hurting, that could help - he might just need to be burped, or something too. Good luck!!!

07-24-2006, 07:12 PM
Now Camry, settle down for Grammy (hee hee.....that rhymes, almost) :p :rolleyes:

07-24-2006, 07:24 PM
How long since he last ate or had a bottle?Could be just gas. Walk him
around with him on your sholder & pat his back. Maybe try rocking him in
a rocking chair & patting his back. Sing to him??? :)

07-24-2006, 07:53 PM
Ok, ok, my babysitting job is done. He fussed and cried his way through the evening. I did get plenty of photos, but Ashley told me I'm not allowed to keep them since he was bawling in half of them :p I told her she HAS to have a few crying ones for posterity.

For the record, the moment she came home, she stopped fussing, took his pacifier and fell asleep. He's as peaceful and as happy as can be right now.

07-24-2006, 08:15 PM
Well, as unsettling as a crying baby is (you HATE to think of them as unhappy) he DOES need to learn to be with people OTHER than mom. It was a learning experience all around.

07-25-2006, 09:23 AM
Well, as unsettling as a crying baby is (you HATE to think of them as unhappy) he DOES need to learn to be with people OTHER than mom. It was a learning experience all around.

WAH!! Not at 6 weeks he doesn't. :(

I was never into all that, "well, let 'em cry..teaches independence" rubbish. Babies need their mommies. JMHO.

07-25-2006, 11:31 AM
It sounds like Cameron had a case of "separation anxiety" and just wanted to be with his mom.
He will probably do it again but he will outgrow it with age.

07-25-2006, 02:07 PM
WAH!! Not at 6 weeks he doesn't. :(

I was never into all that, "well, let 'em cry..teaches independence" rubbish. Babies need their mommies. JMHO.
So what is a "working" mom suppose to do? Never leave baby to earn money? I really did not mean to sound harsh, I know he's new born, But not every woman can afford to NOT go back to work. *shrugs*