View Full Version : Rumor's tragic love affair

07-24-2006, 01:49 PM
I have a decorative goose that has outfits for each month. She sits on my hearth. Rumor LOVES this goose. We catch her licking the goose and nibbling on her all the time. She even curls up next to the goose to sleep. Well this weekend I was in the bedroom when I heard a loud thump. I went out to find the goose on the hardwood floor with her head broken off. It was still wearing the hat for this month's vacation outfit. Rumor was sitting nearby with a very upset look on her face.

This is the goose after I put her back by the fireplace.

Rumor came to pay her respects.

Then it became to much for Rumor and she began licking the disembodied head.

There is a happy ending. We glued the head back on and Rumor has once again been reuinted with her love. :)

07-24-2006, 01:55 PM
ROFL poor Rumor! Love kills! Maybe it is a fatal attraction? have you noticed other dressed geese coming by? Maybe the goose was "stepping" out........... :rolleyes:

07-24-2006, 02:02 PM
ROTFLMBO! Oh Rumor, you are too much! Your poor amore - such a tragedy!

07-24-2006, 02:16 PM
OMG I can't stop laughing. :)

Poor Rumor, I'm sorry for you loss but it looks like Meowmie has fixed everything for you again.

07-24-2006, 02:22 PM

oops........:o Sorry Rumor, I was not laughing at you. :o

07-24-2006, 02:41 PM
This has got to be the Thread of the day on Pet Talk!!!! Wow, hilarious pictures!!!!

Rumor, hang in there. The Ol Gray Goose is not Dead!!!!

It is not just your imagination either.

as the Queen of Hearts yelled : Off WITH HER HEAD!!!!

Oh Rumor, you are such a sweetheart!!!!!! ;)

07-24-2006, 03:35 PM
OMG!!!! :eek:

This is so funny, and yet so very sweet! Poor little Rumor, longing for the goose that was. But Meowmie fixed it huney! And now you can continue your love affair!

**Okay, truth be told, I also have a goose that I dress in "outfits", but mine lives out on the front porch. My neighbor (I live in an apt. and we share the same front step) had a German Shephard that apparently did NOT like the swimsuit, glasses and straw hat that goosie was wearing last summer. She would growl at it, and finally, one day, she had enough and ripped the hat and glasses from goosie and the hat and glasses were no more. (RIP glasses and hat for goosie) It was a sad day.... but no more sad than poor Rumor must have been feeling over the beheading of the goose!

By the way, the pics are great!

Russian Blue
07-24-2006, 03:48 PM
:D Wow, what an odd affair! :D

Nakita has the same kind of relationship with my spring trenchcoat. She can't walk by without rubbing up against it and giving it a few licks. :confused: ;)

07-24-2006, 06:24 PM
Mr Fluffy used to carry a wash cloth, old and tattered around with him.
It must have had his Guardians scent, after that Gentleman went into a nursing home.
When his time came, it went with Mr Fluffy when he was reunited with the Gentleman who missed him so.

07-24-2006, 08:03 PM
Rumor ~ Don't despair! It looks like your goosy-love has quite lost her head over you! :p

07-24-2006, 09:24 PM
OH my poor dear sweet Rumor. I had LES looking at that pitiful picture of you so heartbroken and overcome with grief trying to bring your beloved goose back together by licking its head. :(

But then I was so happy to read that your kind meowmie was able to put it back together again, so you can continue with your love affair. :)

Kisses and hugs to you sweetheart. :D

07-24-2006, 10:56 PM
OMG That is so funny!
I had a bear that my mom broke the arm off of - and then I knocked it over so we had the no armed bear!

07-30-2006, 03:19 PM
Oh poor Rumor, how awful is that?!? Your poor little goose! Do you have any idea of who perpetrated such a cruel attack? Did you check for evidence? Have you seen any unusual characters around lately? You may need to contact the world famous A&P Investigators and get to the bottom of this. We simply cannot have such a dangerous criminal running around loose. Groucho the Lawyer is standing by and ready to help.

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-30-2006, 04:03 PM
http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/smilies2007schaterende%20muis.gif What a hoot :)

07-30-2006, 05:09 PM
LOL This is too funny. I'm glad to hear that the goose is now back in one piece.:)

07-31-2006, 10:20 AM
! Do you have any idea of who perpetrated such a cruel attack? Did you check for evidence? Have you seen any unusual characters around lately? You may need to contact the world famous A&P Investigators and get to the bottom of this. We simply cannot have such a dangerous criminal running around loose. Groucho the Lawyer is standing by and ready to help.

No need to bring in the investigators, I know who did it. It was Rumor! She licked the goose right off the hearth!! :rolleyes:

Killearn Kitties
07-31-2006, 10:27 AM
Oh Rumor, sweetie, how awful! I hope you have recovered from that terrible experience and that your goosy friend is bearing up!

01-26-2007, 07:08 AM
This has got to be the funniest story.Rumor really is a funny girl.I'll bet she really was licking the head to try to heal the goose,after licking to make friends with the goose first. :D So cute.She probably felt so bad,thinking she hurt it.What an adorable little girl she is.

01-26-2007, 08:12 AM
Too funny! :D