View Full Version : Where's the "miracle" in Nature's Miracle?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-24-2006, 10:18 AM
We came home this past weekend and as soon as we opened the door there was an overwhelming urine odor. We let our noses do the walking and it appears that CJ has been peeing (spraying?) in the corner right by the door. We have our shoes piled there and I said it couldn't be him because our shoes don't smell, but when we picked up the carpet fragment we had down to cover the regular carpeting, there was no mistaking the odor and stains on the bottom of it. We figure he must have been doing it when Terry was at work because right where the stains were the worst is right where Terry's work shoes are, and they don't smell a bit!

I got the ol' trusty Nature's Miracle out and proceeded to clean the walls and the carpeting. After letting it dry, we could still smell the urine, so I cleaned again, emptying the bottle completely. This morning the smell is still pretty strong.

I'm off to buy a blacklight during lunch to make sure we're cleaning the right spot, but we're pretty sure we are because that's where the odor is the strongest. Any ideas on any other products I might use to get rid of the odor - for us and for CJ so he doesn't continue this behavior?

We've got two theories on why he's doing this. The first one is that some previous tenant's cat peed there and CJ can smell it. We're pretty sure this happened because the carpeting is already pulled up as if extensive cleaning had been done on it already. The second one is that we know the neighbors have cats and since this is right by the door, I think he might have been letting everyone outside the door know that his territory starts here! ;)

Anyway, suggestions on cleaners would be appreciated. I'm thinking our $300.00 "pet deposit" is out the window now..... :rolleyes: :(

07-24-2006, 10:24 AM
Do you have a carpet "steam" cleaner? It would suction out most of the stain so the enzyme cleaner only has to clean up the remnants of the odor. (did that make sense?)

Anyway, an enzyme cleaner that I think works well is simply called Out. I have only seen it at Walmart....it might be their brand, unsure.

07-24-2006, 10:29 AM
I gave Urine Gone a try a few months ago. I bought it at Linen's N Things or Bed Bath and Beyond (with a 20% off coupon :p ). It comes with a little black light. Anyway, I used it where Ripley sprayed last time he was sick and it seemed to work. I actually watched the stain disappear under the blacklight just like they show in the commercial. But...I tried it on an old place he had sprayed about a foot away and I had tried to clean with Nature's and it didn't really do anything. It doesn't work well if another chemical has been used so I don't know if it would help you much. It has a weird strong citrus smell that seems to help repel Ripley too. Keep in mind though that the stain I cleaned with Urine Gone was small because I caught Ripley doing it and was able to stop him before too much got out.

I used to use Nature's when Disney was having problems and I tried to fool myself that it worked well but honestly I don't believe it did, epecially when I tore out the old carpet and pad and saw how bad the pad was. :eek:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-24-2006, 10:43 AM
Do you have a carpet "steam" cleaner? It would suction out most of the stain so the enzyme cleaner only has to clean up the remnants of the odor. (did that make sense?)

I had one of those, but sold it at the garage sale before we moved because I didn't think I'd need it in the motorhome. Guess I never considered I'd need it in the apartment. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the suggestions Jen & Lori. Anybody else discover any "miracle" cleaners? ;)

07-24-2006, 10:58 AM
Green Spot (some name like that by Bissell) is a portable cleaner machine that you just put on a stain and walk away and it does it's thing and cleans. My next door neighbor swears by it.

07-24-2006, 11:01 AM
SPOT BOT! I want one of those! Probably a good thing to have even for the motor home.

07-24-2006, 11:36 AM
I've been using Simple Solution for years now and it really seems to get out all of the urine smell. I use it when one of my cats sprays the inside of the covered litterbox. I've also tried Petzyme which I bought at Petsmart and it also works very well. There's also a product called Folex which you can buy at Target and a few other stores. This product is odor free and I've tried it a few times but it didn't work too well to mask out the odors when they throw up and I'm not sure if it would mask out urine odors. Good luck. I sure hope that something will work.:)

07-24-2006, 06:01 PM
I like Kitty Scram. It smells like bubble-gum. :D

The black light also really helps. When we used it we were amazed at some the spots that we would have missed otherwise.

K & L
07-24-2006, 06:06 PM
Didn't CJ have UTI problems when you first got him? Maybe he's in the start of another one? Gosh I wish I had the answers for you, but you probably already know of our dilemma here. Good luck with this.

07-24-2006, 06:10 PM
I use a combination of Out Pet Stain and Odor Remover and Lysol, as Shemp and I do have our accidents.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-25-2006, 09:16 AM
Bought something called Petzyme. They were all out of black lights though.

When I first put the Petzyme on, it seemed to work great! Even after a few hours I couldn't smell urine. This morning, however, the smell was back, and quite strong again, making me wonder if CJ didn't pee right over the Petzyme, which wasn't even completely dry yet! :rolleyes:

I don't remember CJ having a urinary tract infection when we first brought him home. I remember he peed by a fake tree we had, but I don't remember giving him antibiotics.....I'm thinking I'd remember that because he is so hard to pill. :rolleyes:

However, I'm off to a different PetSmart today to see if they have blacklights in stock. So....how do these blacklights work anyway? If there is fresh pee it'll glow brightly and if it's older pee it will glow dimly? Just curious if this will help figure out if he's peeing right over my cleanup. I want to know this because if he is continuing, he will be on his way to the vet to check for a UTI. He hasn't exhibited any other symptoms of a UTI, but I know it's better to be safe than sorry.

Thanks for all the suggestions and help! :)

Oh, PS, must be a mental thing, but all I can smell all day now is cat pee - even at work! And no, I didn't get my nose close enough to get some on it. ;) :rolleyes: :D

07-25-2006, 09:20 AM
Bought something called Petzyme. They were all out of black lights though.

When I first put the Petzyme on, it seemed to work great! Even after a few hours I couldn't smell urine. This morning, however, the smell was back, and quite strong again, making me wonder if CJ didn't pee right over the Petzyme, which wasn't even completely dry yet! :rolleyes:

I don't remember CJ having a urinary tract infection when we first brought him home. I remember he peed by a fake tree we had, but I don't remember giving him antibiotics.....I'm thinking I'd remember that because he is so hard to pill. :rolleyes:

However, I'm off to a different PetSmart today to see if they have blacklights in stock. So....how do these blacklights work anyway? If there is fresh pee it'll glow brightly and if it's older pee it will glow dimly? Just curious if this will help figure out if he's peeing right over my cleanup. I want to know this because if he is continuing, he will be on his way to the vet to check for a UTI. He hasn't exhibited any other symptoms of a UTI, but I know it's better to be safe than sorry.

Thanks for all the suggestions and help! :)

Oh, PS, must be a mental thing, but all I can smell all day now is cat pee - even at work! And no, I didn't get my nose close enough to get some on it. ;) :rolleyes: :D

You can buy a blacklight bulb at any hardware store, and just put it in a normal lamp - might be easier than finding a specialty light.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-25-2006, 09:29 AM
You can buy a blacklight bulb at any hardware store, and just put it in a normal lamp - might be easier than finding a specialty light.

Doh! Why didn't I think of that? :rolleyes: Home Depot was right next to PetSmart and we could have just ran in there. Terry said "PetSmart isn't going to have a blacklight, you need to go to a head shop for one of those." ;) :D

07-25-2006, 12:25 PM
I've used Simple Solution by Outright for years. They have a special formula for cat urine and spray.

I once had a dog leave a lake in the back seat of my car. I pulled the seat out and watered it with a hose. That seat took months to dry. Still stunk!
So I poured a half gallon of Simple Solution on it and waited for it to dry.

It worked so well that the guy who bought my car never knew.

The trick is to soak all padding, all spots. It can take a couple of days for carpet to dry.

Cinder & Smoke
07-25-2006, 01:14 PM
So....how do these blacklights work anyway?
If there is fresh pee it'll glow brightly and if it's older pee it will glow dimly?

Just curious if this will help figure out if he's peeing right over my cleanup.


RE-Pee is NOT good! :p

Dunno if the BlackLight is going to be much help differentiating between
Yesterday's Pee and Today's Pee ...

You'll probably do better with Covering the previous spot or "blocking" it so
CJ can't use the area ...
* baby gate blockade
* plactic milk crates tied together to take up space
* plastic tarp or drop cloth
* scatter SOMEthing that he'll have to MOVE before he can RE-Pee in "the spot".

Hey CJ ~

Use the darn Sandy Box, please!!

07-25-2006, 02:27 PM
So....how do these blacklights work anyway? :D

Oh trust me, you will see! :eek: :rolleyes:

Lisa (K&L) brought her's over our house several years ago, and I was SO embarrased she had to see all our pee stains! :eek: :o Luckily, the good friends they are, she knew what to expect and kept telling me not to be embarrased!

We bought our black light at Home Depot, and you can probably get one at any hardware/household type store. If you are a cat owner, this is a must have Not only will you see pee, but also vomit, sorry but better to be prepared than shocked like I was! :)

07-25-2006, 02:56 PM
I bought Simple Solution a few weeks ago and had to take it back; the perfume in it choked me - which was unfortunate since it seemed to work. I'm back with Nature's Miracle because I can cope with the smell. According to the back of the bottle, you are not supposed to expect the smell to disappear right away, not until it has dried right through whatever you poured it on. I cover the treated places with foil, taped down, and use a fork to make holes in the foil for ventilation.

07-25-2006, 04:15 PM
Do you have any of those year 'round halloween stores in your area? That's a great place to find black lights.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-25-2006, 07:55 PM
Wow, is the blacklight cool! At first I thought it wasn't working right because I didn't see anything! I completely scanned the area that smells and nothing, nada, zip! Then, as I was moving a little further away, I was almost blinded by a spot and I thought A-HA! So that's what it looks like! I got the cleaner out and saturated the area but the spot wouldn't go away. :confused: I thought maybe the cleaner had to sit on the spot for awhile so I left everything sit right there, grabbed the box for the blacklight and read the back of it.

"Other household ingredients will flouresce. Bleach and detergents show up as blue-white....." Ooooohhhhh.....so that's why the cleaner didn't work on the spot. I was trying to clean a bleach spot! :rolleyes: I only found random really small spots scattered around and they were all blue-white - not pee. So my kitties are good kitties like I thought.....but something still smells.

I'll wait until the spot dries completely before doing anything else though. If I add anymore liquid the neighbors downstairs might complain about something leaking up here. ;)

K & L
07-25-2006, 08:04 PM
You may have residual odor from the other cats, and may be a good reason CJ sprayed. You might try a product called Zero Odor (a molecular odor elimnator)www.ZeroOdorStore.com It really works well for the odors, trust me! :D

07-25-2006, 08:09 PM
Hey glad the kids are good kitties . You said something about it being by the spot they can hear the other kitties ,could the smell be from the other side of the area?