View Full Version : Fitness Fridays Health Club #4: Move It & Lose It!

07-24-2006, 08:33 AM
Well guys, here we are, on our 4TH week!!!

How do we all feel???

Fitness Fridays 3 (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1562680#post1562680) did well, although I would have liked to have seen MORE activity . . . maybe more responses, more updates . . . doesn't anyone COOK??? Share some recipes!!!

I know it's hard to believe but there are times that *I* need some motivation myself, and when I see this thread falling to page - no one responding for 2 days . . . it's not very motivating to me!!!

So get up off your rumps this week, show me what you've got!!! :p Make me proud!!!

Have a great week!

07-24-2006, 09:32 AM
Not so great of a weekend, BUT, here is to a fantastic week, eh?

Got up at 540am (okay, okay, the alarm went OFF then....but, I stayed in bed until 6 :D ), and did 20 minutes on the elliptical. Zoomed upstairs and packed a salad, watermelon and energy bar for lunch. Then, had a powershake for breakfast. I am all set to hit the gym at lunchtime!

I did get my replacement jogger on Saturday. I like it alot more than the last one. Hopefully, I will use it more!

07-24-2006, 10:29 AM
Hi everyone!

I actually had a pretty good week. I ate well and even managed to get in a few walks. Still need lots of work in the "move it" area though. I have lost 10 pounds now! I'm very happy about that. That means I lost the 3 pounds that I had put back on the previous week, plus one more. My husband is even enjoying the benefits of eating healthy and has lost a few pounds himself.

Christa, I will also work on checking in here more often. This has been a big help to me and a good motivator. I have a bad habit of hiding out when I'm not feeling so good about myself. I'm working on that also;).

Johanna, I'm so envious that you have an elliptical machine. A very long time ago I was actually very into exercise and was a member at the YMCA. My absolute favorite machine was the elliptical. I would love to have my own at home someday. What kind do you have? Have you had it for long? I'm going to have to do some research and see what's out there and check out some prices.

I hope everyone has a good day and a great week!

07-24-2006, 10:36 AM
I have a recipe to share. It's simple and Alden and I think it's pretty tasty.

Mushroom Smothered Chicken over Rice

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 10 oz. can Weight Watchers Cream of Mushroom soup
1/2 t. Molly McButter
2 cups mushrooms, sliced
1/2 t. parsley flakes
1/2 t celery flakes
1/4 t. dry onion flakes
3 cups cooked brown rice
Salt to taste
Lemon pepper to taste

Season chicken breasts on both sides with lemon pepper. Brown in skillet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. In small bowl, combine soup, Molly McButter, mushrooms, parsley flakes, celery flakes and dry onion. Mix thoroughly. pour this mixture over browned chicken breasts in skillet and simmer about 15 minutes or until chicken breasts are tender. Serve over cooked rice.

07-24-2006, 10:40 AM
Way to go on the ten pounds! :D

07-24-2006, 10:46 AM
RobiLee - that is great! Congrats on the weight loss!!! The recipe sounds really good too. I didn't know you could buy WW soup.

Johanna - I'm tired from just reading your post. You sound like a bundle of energy today!

I plan on mowing my yard today - with a push mower. Does that get me some exercise credit?? :p I also plan to swim today.

Christa - you asked if anyone cooks - No I don't very much. Hubby is the chef here. He does a lot of grilling and he makes up all kinds of grilled chicken. We have mango chicken, lemon chicken, apple chicken, chili lime chicken, hawaiian chicken, pineapple teryaki chicken, lots of fajitas and so on. With that we usually eat little corn cobs on the grill, salad and either rice or cous-cous. When I can stand it we eat steamed broccoli and this summer I've been making baked squash.

07-24-2006, 11:12 AM
Okay, I'm going to working on replying more often...

I have about 4 or so weeks to get my butt into shape! I don't want to still be trying to "lose" down at college, so 4 or so weeks to get this pesky weight OFF! I think I can do it, if I just stick to eating at the right times and only eating when I'm hungry. But it's hard to resist that sweet treat when I can say "I haven't had much to eat today, it fits into my calorie limit". I know I shouldn't eat it, but it's hard to resist. So, I need to work on that too!

I'm still SUPER sore from Saturday's workout. We did hardcore manual labor at my church for almost 7 hours. Putting in a new playground means $5000 work of mulch had to be pitchforked into wheelbarrows and dumped somewhere else. ;) OUCH! Still SOOOO sore. My dad thinks I tore something, because he doesn't think an 18 year old should be hurting like this, but whatever. I need to work on MOVING it this week.

My goal is 2 pounds this week. If I can do that much, I'll be on the right road for my overall goal.

As far as moving it, I need ideas. I have severe asthma, so running is hard. I can do it for a little while, and then I have to stop, inhale, and walk while cringing at the pain. Walking is hard with all of this hot and HUMID weather.. asthma gets triggered and it's almost the same as running. So a lot of things outside are hard right now. And I don't have any machines nor do I belong to a gym right now, but I really want to get back into doing cardio.

That's my update for the day.

Robin - CONGRATS on your weight loss!!! That's AWESOME!!!

Johanna - I, too, am envious, but not for the same reason. I'm envious of your motivation!! Way to go girl! :D

07-24-2006, 01:38 PM
Glad to hear such a good report from everyone!

Cataholic: You've already had a fantastic day! Wish I could get going that early!!! BTW, I've heard that's the secret to loosing baby weight - cardio before breakfast!

Robilee: Congrats on your 10 pounds! I knew you could do it!!! And that recipe sounds great! Thanks for posting it! I'll have to try it on my hubby! ;)

Lori: I'd say that pushing the lawnmower would be considered a great deal of cardio! Sometimes, my hubby skips his cardio at the gym when he knows he's going to have to mow our yard, which is saying a lot for him!

Sara: If your asthma is that bad, I would be careful about exercising outside - especially running! That is an intense exercise and on a hot day, it could really be dangerous for you. Is there anywhere that you could swim? That is a good cardiovascular workout & I have read that it is a good option for people with severe asthma during extreme heat. Just please be careful. It may be that you can't focus on your activity level right now - just your nutrition. Maybe when you get to school and can work out at their facilities, you can focus more on your activity level then. :)

07-24-2006, 01:42 PM
Sara . . . I know you were having a hard time finding vegetarian recipes. I found this website . . . It also has a collection of dairy-free recipes.

This is a good website for EVERYONE, so I suggest that you all check it out!!!

Wild Oats (http://www.wildoats.com/u/recipe72/)

My Peanuts
07-24-2006, 02:01 PM
Cook? Me? Nope! :p I'm hoping my mom's and grandma's cooking genes kick in by the time I find a husband :rolleyes: :D.

I've had a bad couple of days. I've been swimming a lot, but not going to the gym and last night I pigged out a bit. Not crazy, but a little. Today I'm back on track with my eating and I'm going to the gym after work.

BTW, I got New Balance running shoes and I LOVE them!

07-24-2006, 02:17 PM
I have a Precor EFX (I think that is what it is called). It is 'gym quality', and I paid around 3k for it. Why? Cause I love the work out on an elliptical, and I don't care for the cheaper models. I assume it will last me for years and years.

I am really into re-doing my basement. Not for living reasons, but, to make it a better gym environment. I want to buy a bunch of rubber mats like in the gym, and get a DVD player so I can do DVDs.

I did NOT go to the gym at lunch today, so, Jonah and I will work out together tonight. Hee hee hee.

07-24-2006, 09:05 PM
To update myself for the day ;)

had a protien soy/whey shake for breakfast ~ grilled chicken salad for lunch ~ steak for dinner ~ and a few snacks in between (some blueberries & almonds this morning & peanutbutter this afternoon) . . . oh yeah, I had a post workout protein shake too. :)

Worked out with hubby tonight. Monday is Arm Day for me. Did Biceps & Triceps . . . then did 30 minutes of cardio.

Now I have a migraine. I can't believe it's already 10 p.m.

Guess I'll go to bed . . . try to sleep it off. Never works but oh well . . .

Toby's my baby
07-24-2006, 10:29 PM
OMG OMG OMG, I'm SO excited. I have weight training on Wednesday and Friday :D!! I am transfering schools this year, and the basketball coach at my new school said that I should come in for the last two days of weight training/ open gym so I could meet some of the other girls, as well as work out. I'm really excited/ nervous, because I dont know anybody, but at least I'll get to work out!! :D

07-25-2006, 09:21 AM
Somebody yell at me!!!! I did NOTHING after all yesterday. NOTHING!!! UGH.


07-25-2006, 11:33 AM
Hey hey, guys.

It's been a while for me, as I've been on vacation for the past week and a half. My weight loss has... been doing alright. I think I've lost about ten pounds as well, I haven't weighed myself recently. Like I said before, I haven't necessarily been eating healthier, I just know when I'm full and when I'm not hungry.

Keep going guys, you're doing wonderful. :)

07-25-2006, 11:36 AM
Somebody yell at me!!!! I did NOTHING after all yesterday. NOTHING!!! UGH.


Ooh ooh! Me me! I want to yell at you! ;)


That was fun! :)

07-25-2006, 11:39 AM
I have been reading these threads and have decided to STOP what I am doing and join. I want to lose wieght. I have been on a diet since Thursday.
I think I have been doing ok. No cheating so far. I crave potato chips but have not had any.
So far I think I've lost 3 pounds. Probably all water....
Breakfast: a small banana and a glass of apple juice
Snack: hand full of carrots
Lunch: Eggplant with garlic sauce... italian dish my mom used to make (very healthy and low cal).
Dinner tonight.... probably a lean steak, a salad and some steamed asparagus.

Tomorrow... some kind of bean soup... I don't know which kind to make yet.

Please hope that I can keep up with this. I want to return to the lbs. I was when I got married 4 years ago. :)

07-25-2006, 12:24 PM
Ooh ooh! Me me! I want to yell at you! ;)


That was fun! :)

I can hardly breathe right now. But, on my honor, I JUST did 20 pushups!!! I did 10 (nearly dying) and was saved by my cell phone. Then, my assistant was like, "what are you doing in there?" ( I closed my door, obviously). Then, I finished the other 10. I am leaving 'soon' for my 230 appointment, and won't return, I think not. I will do 30 mins on the ellip. I am not sure I could do 40, but, will try.

Thanks for yellin'!!

07-25-2006, 03:10 PM
LOL . . . You all make me so proud!!!

Toby's my baby: That is GREAT news that you're going to start weight training!!! It is always a good idea to mix in weights with cardio & you will see a real improvement, real fast!

Cataholic: Looks like Vermontcat beat me to the punch! LOL . . . too funny! I too have days that I just don't feel like moving! Actually that's why I have OFF days. I only work out 5 days a week. :) Of course, I stick to that schedule, like clockwork . . . the only thing that gets me out of it is a blasted migraine . . . but imitrex usually gets me through :)

Vermontcat: Way to go, stepping in like that! You're 2 funny! You're a great motivator! I hope you're around when I need someone to motivate ME!!! I'm gonna keep you in mind! I might just have to PM you when I'm down in the dumps, not wanting to leave the house! LOL

beeniesmom: Sounds like a great meal plan . . . I love eggplant, but I've never tried to cook it for myself. I've just had it "out" . . . I'd never know how to make it myself. Do you have a recipe that you care to share? We LOVE to share recipes here! :)

Well guys, I've been in all day, working . . . getting ready to go to the gym though. I'm tired & hoping that I can muster up the energy to get in a gooooooood leg day. Love those leg days. :D I'm not sure why I'm so tired, I just have been lately. I've had a lot of migraines lately - so I've been taking more meds than normal so I guess that's why I'm in this haze. Anyway, gotta keep pushing through . . . and gotta figure out what to make for dinner . . . fish sounds good for tonight. Good & easy. :)

07-25-2006, 03:25 PM
Breakfast: a small banana and a glass of apple juice
Snack: hand full of carrots
Lunch: Eggplant with garlic sauce... italian dish my mom used to make (very healthy and low cal).
Dinner tonight.... probably a lean steak, a salad and some steamed asparagus.

Tomorrow... some kind of bean soup... I don't know which kind to make yet.

Please hope that I can keep up with this. I want to return to the lbs. I was when I got married 4 years ago. :)

That is not enough food. You should try to eat a little bit more or your body will start to "hoard" fat. Do you drink milk or yogurt?

07-25-2006, 03:55 PM
That is not enough food. You should try to eat a little bit more or your body will start to "hoard" fat. Do you drink milk or yogurt?

She shouldn't necessarily eat more, just more often. And it depends on how much she weighs & how much she wants to loose. :)

beeniesmom: I agree that you're definitely not eating enough for breakfast. Add some cereal to that banana! Or some oatmeal! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Kickstarts your metabolism! Your early snack sounds good but how about an afternoon snack too? Other than that, I think it sounds fine. I wouldn't drink so much milk, unless it's skim or light soy, but yogurt sounds fine, as long as it's light too.

07-25-2006, 04:11 PM
All women need calcium! Just because you are trying to lose weight doesn't mean you should should cut out dairy.

Do You Get Enough Calcium?

Scientists assembled by the National Institutes of Health in 1994 found that the recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) may be too low for many people. The committee has recommended RDAs of:

1000 mg. for women 25 to 50 and for women 51 to 65 taking hormone replacement therapy, and men 25 to 65
1200 to 1500 mg. for people 11 to 24, and pregnant and lactating women
1500 mg. for women 51 to 65 not taking HRT, and for people over 65.

1 cup of skim milk =96.3 mg
8 oz. nonfat yogurt =96 mg
1/2 cup tofu =80 mg
3 oz. canned salmon =58 mg
1/2 cup Chinese cabbage =42.5 mg
1/2 cup white beans =19.2 mg
1/2 cup broccoli =18.4 mg

READ ME! (http://www.womensmedia.com/health-calcium.html)

07-26-2006, 08:14 AM
All women need calcium! Just because you are trying to lose weight doesn't mean you should should cut out dairy.

I never said that you "shouldn't" consume dairy. I eat yogurt, cheese, milk, soy milk - on a daily basis. But not all of that in one day. That would be overkill for me. I would be constipated beyond repair, LOL, if I had that much dairy in one day! 1000 mg is a lot of calcium for one day, as the article states.

It also states that it's difficult to get 1000 mg from food and may be necessary to take supplements - vitamines - which is how I get my recommended dosage of calcium. I would suggest that to everyone. Especially for people that won't consume dairy because they can't or don't like it.

07-26-2006, 08:17 AM
Hey guys!
I have been eating some yogurt a few times a week.
I can't eat more dairy because I had my blood work done recently and I have too much calcium!
I think I am eating enough because I don't seem to be hungry.
When I am, I snack with carrots or celery.
I had 2 hard boiled eggs and OJ and a few apricots this morning.
Lunch will be bean soup with a mixed veggie salad and tonight probably grilled chicken with.... I don't know yet. :)
I wish I could excersize more but it's too hot! I am walking LATE in the evenings... like 10 o clock.

PS: I am a big girl... and need to lose a lot. I am a bit embarrassed as to how big I've gotten. That is why I never post pics of me.... just old pix. :)

07-26-2006, 09:31 AM
I never said that you "shouldn't" consume dairy.

Nope, I know, when most people try to lose weight they cut out dairy first.

The link was just a little heads up. :) and here is another one... (http://www.emaxhealth.com/1/2475.html)

My Peanuts
07-26-2006, 11:40 AM
Well, Christa and Buckner, you were right. A lot of my leg pain was from my shoes. Not all, but a lot. I got new running shoes and I walked faster than I have with a higher incline than before without pain for 30 minutes! :D Last night I worked on my legs. Less weight and more reps (which is what I read women are supposed to do) and I was on the elliptical trainer for 30 min and walked for 30 min. :)

07-26-2006, 02:30 PM
Less weight and more reps (which is what I read women are supposed to do) and I was on the elliptical trainer for 30 min and walked for 30 min. :)

Depends on who you are and what you read. :)

If you're wanting to work on endurance - less weight, more reps.

If you're wanting to work on strength - more weight, less reps.

Personally, I am working on strength. I lift as heavy as I can and usually try to do around 8-10 reps. And I'm seeing fantastic results! BUT, I am past my weight loss goal and now am trying to build muscle and am not concentrating on so much fat loss. You may want to concentrate on endurance. When you do more reps, your heart rate increases and you are more or less getting a cardio workout through lifting. It's an awesome effect.

And then again, if you do want to build your strength, you could always switch it up. :)

Toby's my baby
07-26-2006, 06:26 PM
I just got a chance now to check in. I had weight training and basketball practice today. As soon as I got there (8 AM) we ran a couple laps, and then warmed up. For the warm up we did a couple leg exercises, a few push ups and crunches and some other stuff. Then we hit the weight room. I had a BLAST, I LOVE weight training!! I did pull downs, bench pressing, squats, and a BUNCH of other stuff but I have no idea what it is called. :p After about an hour and fifteen minutes in the weightroom we had basketball practice.

All of this took place at our new school, where I only knew about 2 people. Everyone was so nice, and helped me out, and the coach watched my form so I did everything right. I'm very excited about this, I hope I get "ripped". lol :)

I've heard in several different places that muscle weighs more than fat. So if I am working out, and gaining muscle, am I going to see a weight loss difference? Or is it going to be more of a muscle replacing fat??

My Peanuts
07-26-2006, 06:34 PM
PS: I am a big girl... and need to lose a lot. I am a bit embarrassed as to how big I've gotten. That is why I never post pics of me.... just old pix. :)

Don't feel bad. That's why I'm here too. :) I used to be really thin and now I need to lose like 40lbs or more. At least we are doing something about it. :)

07-26-2006, 07:18 PM
I have been drinking 8 water bottles a day. Try to go outside and walk but its 115 degrees outside. Luckily it rained last night so i can go back to my routine. I haven't been eating junk food latley which is making me feel better.

07-26-2006, 07:35 PM
It is Wednesday, July 6th...middle of the week, BUT...I'd like to join the weight loss team. ;) Am I too late for this week?

Now...I need some yelling at, but I guess you can spare me cause I'm a newly married girl, and you gotta be nice to brides, right? ;) LOLOL!!! JUST KIDDING!!!

I've been so OFF-SCHEDULE since the wedding day. I exercised...maybe 4 or 5 days since July 9th, and even those days, I didn't work out enough. Thankfully, I haven't gained any weight since the wedding. That is a good thing and a relief, cause I've been eating so much in the 'wedding happiness', not thinking of the fact that I am RISKING gaining back everything I lost. Ugh. Sooo...someone yell at me and get me back on track!

We have a great gym in our apartment complex, and my husband and I have decided we're going to start going every morning, hopefully by this weekend. Celebrations are over, and now, on with life. Back to working out! I want to lose another 15 - 20 pounds. Motivate me people. It doesn't help that my husband says in his eyes, I'm perfect the way I am, every time I mention 'feeling fat' and wanting to lose weight. :rolleyes::D Ah...I feel kinda sluggish not exercising for so long.

07-27-2006, 02:57 PM
It's Thursday... how is everyone doing??

Eating okay today, I guess.

Breakfast was a bowl of puffed wheat cereal and a little bit of vanilla soy milk, and a banana about 30 minutes later.
Lunch was a tossed salad with lettuce, carrots, red cabbage, tomatoes, and fat free italian dressing. And a piece of bread leftover from two nights ago.
Snack was a 100 calorie pack of fudge shoppe cookies.

I calculate like 500-600 calories so far, if even.

No exercise yet. My upper back is killing me. I know, excuses excuses. ;)

07-27-2006, 03:23 PM
I'm ok today. Still been good. I did have some buttered popcorn last night. I know ME BAD!
Breakfast: Yogurt and a glass of apple juice. I was in a hurry so that was all.
Snack: about 1/2 cup or so of those pre-cut carrots.
Lunch: Lentil soup with a few crackers.
Dinner: I think pasta with a light tomato sauce. I am craving carbs real bad and thought if I don't have a nice dish of pasta soon... I don't know what I'll do. :(

My Peanuts
07-27-2006, 03:31 PM
I ate really well yesterday and went to the gym. I did a no no and I'm paying for it now. I worked my legs Tuesday night and I worked them last night. I thought since it was different machines it would be ok, but I'm super sore today. I also was on the elliptical trainer for 25 minutes and I walked for 40 minutes. Today I'm eating pretty good so far, but I feel full and I don't think I usually would have with the amount of food I ate. Maybe that's a good sign that I'm getting full faster.

I can't go to the gym tonight, but I plan on going tomorrow during the day. This weekend I'm going camping, so I can't go the gym, but I'll be swimming and hiking. :)

07-27-2006, 03:35 PM
Well I made it to the gym today but it was so hard! I felt like I had wet sand bags for feet when I was on the elliptical. What's up with that?

I did really well eating the past three days and have dropped 2.5 of the (ahem) pounds I've put on recently but today I messed up. I was stressing a bit and sat in the recliner eating Honey Bunches of Oats straight out of the box. BAD GIRL! Oh well, at least it wasn't ice cream which is my usual vice. I've smacked myself and I'm back to being good now.

07-27-2006, 03:37 PM
Sooo...someone yell at me and get me back on track!

We have a great gym in our apartment complex, and my husband and I have decided we're going to start going every morning, hopefully by this weekend. Celebrations are over, and now, on with life. Back to working out! I want to lose another 15 - 20 pounds. Motivate me people.

I won't yell at you, Poppy, just warn you that marriage can be dangerous when it comes to eating. Example: You're not hungry, but he is....so you eat too so you can eat together. Example: You'd be perfectly happy with a salad for lunch, but that's not enough for him, so you make a nice meal and then the temptation is too much to resist. You have to be a conscious eater, not a partnered eater. On the plus side is that his willingness to work out with you is a real benefit.

07-27-2006, 03:49 PM
Rachel, I can't yell at popcornbird either, she's just too nice. :)

Popcornbird, I think it's great if you have a husband who wants to exercise with you, it makes it so much easier.
When the weather is not so hot we love going for evening walks together.

Rachel, I found that not just being married but having babies is what adds on the pounds.

07-27-2006, 04:36 PM
I've got a lot to catch up on!

Toby's my baby: Yes, muscle does weigh more than fat - you may not notice as much of a weight loss difference on the scales - more of a difference in the way your clothes will fit - but you WILL notice a SERIOUS difference!!! :eek: Weights reshape your body!

Almita: Way to go on the 8 bottles - that's hard for even me!

popcornbird: I'm not going to yell at you, just remind you that after the wedding is when a lot of people gain a LOT of weight - including myself. I gained weight in college, but after hubby & I married, we both blew up like whales! I probably gained 20 pounds in the 4 months after! :rolleyes: So definitely don't get lazy on us!

buckner: Hope you're planning to consume more than 500 cals today, girl!!! That's not much! Did you look at that recipe site that I posted???

beeniesmom: Sounds alright, just don't make pasta a habit for dinner - although I complete understand the "carb craving" . . . ;) And how about an afternoon snack?

My Peanuts: Okay . . . if I haven't said it before, which I think I have, I'm saying it again . . . YOU HAVE TO LET YOUR MUSCLE GROUPS REST AT LEAST ONE DAY!!! If you work your legs one day, you MUST MUST MUST let them rest the next day! Do you need a lesson on how lifting weights & building muscles work??? Please give your legs a days rest!!! Please!!! LOL Okay, seriously, here's the short version . . . your muscles are made up of tiny threads and as you're lifting weights, those threads and fibers are RIPPING & tearing!!! Then, you go home and rest . . . your muscles start to heal back and they're like . . . "hey guys, we need to be STRONGER, tougher, bigger!" That's why they GROW!!! And that's the layman's way of looking at it - that's why you NEED to rest your worked muscles. They're recovering - I only work my legs once a week, if that tells you anything. . . . okay, lecture over. ;)

Jazzcat: The sandbag feet could be from anything . . . my first question is . . . what did you eat before you went? Or what DIDN'T you eat? I always try to eat a little something before I go to the gym - something with protien. Never carbs because they'll just burn up & spike your blood sugar. Or you might have just been drained, tired . . . I've been having that problem lately. Too much going on - no energy - too little sleep.

You all are doing so great this week! I'm so proud of you all! Sorry I haven't been on so much . . . I've been a little under the weather myself. Not really sick - just absolutely worn out. Work all day, drag myself to the gym, come home and make dinner and get in bed so late, get up at the crack of dawn. I'm about ready to drop. Anyway, I'm so glad to see you all so involved this week & motivating each other. Makes me smile. :)

My Peanuts
07-27-2006, 04:41 PM
My Peanuts: Okay . . . if I haven't said it before, which I think I have, I'm saying it again . . . YOU HAVE TO LET YOUR MUSCLE GROUPS REST AT LEAST ONE DAY!!! If you work your legs one day, you MUST MUST MUST let them rest the next day! Do you need a lesson on how lifting weights & building muscles work??? Please give your legs a days rest!!! Please!!! LOL Okay, seriously, here's the short version . . . your muscles are made up of tiny threads and as you're lifting weights, those threads and fibers are RIPPING!!! Then, you go home and rest . . . your muscles start to heal back and they're like . . . "hey guys, we need to be STRONGER, bigger!" That's why they GROW!!! And that's the layman's way of looking at it - that's why you NEED to rest your worked muscles. They're recovering - I only work my legs once a week, if that tells you anything. . . . okay, lecture over. ;)

I know all this. I already acknowledged what I did was wrong. I know you are trying to help, but your post could be interpreted as a bit rude.

Toby's my baby
07-27-2006, 09:58 PM
I'm doing pretty good, not the greatest though. I'm going to lift weights again tomorrow and then basketball practice after that.

My mom said that after my brother started lifting weights, he got really bad stretch marks. I know that I'm not lifting nearly as much as my brother, but is there even a slight chance that I could get stretch marks?? I really dont want them, obviously, who does, but if there is a slight chance, how do you avoid it??

07-27-2006, 10:13 PM
Can I try again? I posted last week but didn't check back much. Will you guys talk to me & encourage me to loose weight? I've just been on this eating frenzy for weeks now. I think it's strresssss - my hubs quit his job and while he is working from home, we have no idea what our income will be like over the next few months while he switches careers. I have ALOT of anxiety. Also dealing with him being here all the time is weird, cause I work from home too. So I'm eating and eating and eating.... HELP!

07-28-2006, 08:03 AM
I'm doing pretty good, not the greatest though. I'm going to lift weights again tomorrow and then basketball practice after that.

My mom said that after my brother started lifting weights, he got really bad stretch marks. I know that I'm not lifting nearly as much as my brother, but is there even a slight chance that I could get stretch marks?? I really dont want them, obviously, who does, but if there is a slight chance, how do you avoid it??

I am pretty sure you won't get them - I think that's more of a guy thing because they grow so much faster & get so much bigger. A woman's body isn't made to get big like a guys (unless you're going to use steriods, LOL) . . . that's the only way you could get that big and have that problem. My husband has stretch marks on his arms too - from when he was in high school, when he started lifting & got so big so quick. I've never ever seen a girl with stretch marks from lifting, and I'm around a lot of gals that lift. :) Your mom might just be afraid that you're going to become "one of those women" . . . like the women bodybuilders that everyone is afraid to look at . . . know what I mean? They look manley, they're so huge? There's no possible way you can get that ripped without taking drugs.

07-28-2006, 08:14 AM
I know all this. I already acknowledged what I did was wrong. I know you are trying to help, but your post could be interpreted as a bit rude.

Sorry you thought I was being rude. I had no intentions of hurting your feelings or making you feel like you didn't know what you were doing. I am only here to point out what I feel like you NEED to know to avoid injury, hand out advice that I thought you wanted.

I'm not here to put anyone down. It is hard sometimes to hear criticisms - even in a "motivational" environment.

That's why I work out so much with my husband. I know that when I'm getting tired, he'll critcize the heck out of my form - so I'll straighten up and get it right - make myself work, do it right.

07-28-2006, 08:17 AM
Thanks for your encouragement Christa. I didn't have pasta yesterday for dinner after all. Hubby and I resisted the carb tempation and had a big salad and blackened grouper instead. I am proud of myself. Now I just need to get off my A$$ and move around a little more. :)

07-28-2006, 08:25 AM
Thanks for your encouragement Christa. I didn't have pasta yesterday for dinner after all. Hubby and I resisted the carb tempation and had a big salad and blackened grouper instead. I am proud of myself. Now I just need to get off my A$$ and move around a little more. :)

Awesome :) Glad I could help . . . I *do* understand though, and am not without sin when it comes to carb temptations myself!

I made turkey meatballs last night and told hubby that I was DYING for some brown rice, LOL . . . so that's what we had. :D Gosh, we haven't had brown rice for dinner in ages - but for some reason, I've been craving it like crazy lately!

Yum, I love grouper! Sounds like a good dinner to me!

07-28-2006, 08:35 AM
Will you guys talk to me & encourage me to loose weight? .....I think it's strresssss - my hubs quit his job and while he is working from home, we have no idea what our income will be like over the next few months while he switches careers. I have ALOT of anxiety. Also dealing with him being here all the time is weird, cause I work from home too. So I'm eating and eating and eating.... HELP!

Well, where to start . . . :D

I'm sure if you've been reading at all, you'll have some idea of what we have all made our life changing decisions - why we want to get healthy. Some of us are here because we want to loose weight - some of us are just trying to be more healthy, eat better.

I can understand why it would be hard for you, in your situation - with your husband just loosing his job - the anxiety & stress of all that - having to deal with the situation . . . maybe you could think of this as a time to start over. The two of you do have more time together, but maybe you could spend more time together doing things like taking walks, cooking healthy meals together . . .

Just stick with us - check in occasionally & let us know how things are going. :) Maybe you'll get some ideas from us . . . some recipes . . . check the old threads too! Just please please please keep coming back because your health is so important, especially in a stressful time - you need to take care of yourself.

Hang in there! :)

07-28-2006, 11:33 AM
Jazzcat: The sandbag feet could be from anything . . . my first question is . . . what did you eat before you went? Or what DIDN'T you eat? I always try to eat a little something before I go to the gym - something with protien. Never carbs because they'll just burn up & spike your blood sugar. Or you might have just been drained, tired . . . I've been having that problem lately. Too much going on - no energy - too little sleep.

I think it's being tired, plus the other problems I've talked to you about - my hormones or whatever it is. :rolleyes: Now today I feel like I've been through the wringer. I expect to start hybernating any day because I just want to curl up and sleep! Also I've been stressed with family issues this week - my Dad is not feeling well and my friend who helps me care for him has had some tragedy this week. I don't deal with stress well.

Toby's my baby
07-28-2006, 03:45 PM
Ok, thanks Christa. I promise, no steriods ;) :p Weight lifting was so fun today, I love being challenged like that. Bench press was hard though but I love it!! My arms feel like jello, and my legs are so sore. I have weight lifting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until September 5 at 6:30 AM :eek: and I have to go for basketball. Then when school starts *sept. 5* I have it every day after school. I'm so excited to be able to work out in a gym, and eat healthy! :D This thread sure has motivated me!

07-28-2006, 11:55 PM
I've been bad today, and that's all I'll say. :o

07-29-2006, 12:10 AM
Ditto here, somebody, "SLAP" me!!!

My weight room is full of spiders with big muscles by now!!!!

finn's mom
07-29-2006, 08:51 AM
I just woke up about an hour and a half ago and took Finn for an hour long walk. There's an open range dog area down the street, and, I wanted to see how long it would take to walk there. About 30 minutes each way. Not too shabby, and, it was lovely walking with Finn! Great exercise for both of us, and, a good, peaceful time, too!

07-30-2006, 10:58 AM
At long last - since we started this Fitness Friday Club- three pounds finally came off. I know that doesn't sound like much to the younger set, but I was beginning to wonder if I ever was going to lose anything. My elpitical broke and forced me to change my exercise routine, which probably was of some help, but also I have managed to eat smaller portions at some meals.

The small plate thing really does work for me. I also use a juice glass instead of a regular glass when I drink anything with calories. Another technique that has worked for me is when I have a sandwich (always very healthy, mainly a thin slice of turkey, lots of spinach or Romaine, slice of red onion and slice of tomato on whole wheat bread with a small spreading of low fat Miracle Whip), I cut it in half, put the other half in the refrigerator and tell myself if after eating the half, I still want the other half, I can come back to get it. More times than not, I don't eat the other half until another meal.

Now if I can just hold on to the motivation that I get from seeing the scale actually move down.

07-30-2006, 12:05 PM
Rachel - Congrats on the three pounds!!!! Sounds like you are doing great and found some great ways to keep your portions down. I love the cutting the sandwich in half and putting it in the fridge. I need to try that!

Finn's Mom - I think you are lucky to have Finn to walk. I wished I had a dog to walk. I walk in my neighborhood in the evenings and so many people are out with their dogs. I've tried using that approach of good exercise for me with hubby to talk him into a dog but he won't budge. We just don't have a good backyard for a dog and with 5 cats in the house we don't have the room for one inside. Maybe some day we'll move to a house with a big backyard and I can have my dog!!

07-30-2006, 12:10 PM
The small plate thing really does work for me.

Congrats on the 3 pounds!!! Sometimes it does take awhile to get started - to notice a change but once you get going, it usually falls right off.

I'm glad that the small plate thing works for you! Worked for me too. I really give it a lot of credit for my weight loss! Smaller portions are a KEY to losing and that is one way to trick yourself into thinking that you're getting a plate full of food! :D

Toby's my baby
07-30-2006, 01:13 PM
Wow, I think I've gone completly crazy!

This is my conversation I just had with my mom:

Me: I'm hungry, but I've already eatten lunch, what should I eat?

Mom: Have some cake and icecream. (it was my dads b-day yesterday)

Me: NO! I don't want cake and ice cream

Mom: Why don't you have some popcorn

Me: no, I dont want popcorn either

Mom: How about some chips and pop?

Me: Naw, I dont want that either.

Mom: Have a banana

Me: I already had one with my lunch...

This thread has totally turned me around. What teenager turns down cake, icecream, popcorn, chips, and pop??!?! lol

..I'm still hungry...