View Full Version : Netsnapshots.com

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-20-2002, 01:45 PM
I got the following in an email from "Greg" at netsnapshots.com. Looks like its Imagestation.com for the time being, but I guess I'd have to urge everyone to set up a website of their own, if possible, for future picture use. I've only been on Pet Talk a few months and we've gone through, what, like 4 of these sites already? I guess they have a valid point, but they shouldn't allow it and then stop allowing it because now I have to go move all my pictures and change all the links so somebody going back in the archives doesn't get those darn little red x's. :mad:

"It's good news and bad news time.

The good news is that netsnapshot is now much faster.

The bad news, for many of you, is that we opted to deny outside link
access to individual images in order to achieve the speed increase.

All of your images are still on-line and available through your albums.

netsnapshot was founded in 1999 as a photo album sharing site. We never
envisioned nor intended netsnapshot as a means for posting individual
images to auctions or message boards.

For several months now, the bulk of the traffic on our server has been
through outside links to individual images.

At times this load has made our internal network, our
www.pacificcodeworks.com website _and_ netsnapshot painful to use.

For you ezcode users, as an alternative to the individual [img] link,
we still allow [link]s to _albums_.

Under the first picture of each album on the 'my albums' page, there is
now an 'L'. Clicking the 'L' will give you a popup with a simple ezcode
link to your album. If you want to post a link to an album on a message
board, use this link. Unlike an [img], a [link] generates no load on
our server unless it is clicked.

Though the album interface, you can provide long captions for your
pictures and users can sign your guestbook - all of these features get
back to how netsnapshot was originally intended to be used.

If there is enough interest, say 10% of the current account holders,
we would be willing to grant access to individual images on a fee for
service basis. Please let us know if this is of interest to you.

We know this is a blow for many of you, but it was a necessary course
of action in order to keep netsnapshot viable.

Thank You"

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-20-2002, 02:18 PM
Ok, nevermind. I see this has been discussed and there are already threads about it. Sorry! :)