View Full Version : Ella is sick, prayers and good thoughts plz...

07-22-2006, 11:37 PM
Well some of you who replyed to my thread regarding Ella and her snorting, will know what I am talking about, she appeared well the next day and I thought all was good, but the next day and today she is not very good, I think she has some kind of cold or worse maybe the cat flue, not sure, she was one of the cats abandoned that i took on, and i have not been able to get her vaccinated yet, I am not really sure what is up, she is eating,but i have to give her water by syringe as i have not seen her keen to drink, I have her warm and cosy inside ,she is sitting by the oil heater as close as she can get,her eyes look like when you have a bad cold yourself, she has like a third eye and i can see it a lot now,(obviously genetic as both her son and daughter have it too) but never knew it was there before, she is still purring but certainly quite lethargic,preferring to sleep,which is to be expected when one is ill.

Please think of her and wish her well again, i will be keeping close tabs on her and taking her to the vet if she does not improve or get worse,I hate to think how much she would be suffering if she was still with her previous owner , she would have been out in the cold and hardly any food.

07-22-2006, 11:41 PM
HUGE prayers and I hope she pulls out soon. hugs!

07-22-2006, 11:43 PM
Poor Ella - you are keeping her hydrated, and she is resting in a cozy spot...is she eating at all?

Sometimes a good stinky wet food will cut through a clogged sinus and trigger an appetite.

HUGS to you furkid, and maybe a trip to the vet will set things straight!


07-22-2006, 11:46 PM
Yes she is eating, but her appetite is not as usual, she usually has a fierce one, but then i expect that, i was giving her high quality dry food, as I thought it would encourage her to drink,but i certainly will give her some wet food too, she has just had a feed and is settled back by the heater,even if it warms up here i will keep it on for her anyhow, but as it is winter and rather cool right now here down under, suits us just fine.

Thanks for your kind thoughts, Ella and i appreciate them very much :)

07-23-2006, 01:48 AM
I've been going through the cat cold/flu with several of my recent rescues so I know what you are going through. Good luck with Ella and I hope she comes out of this quickly. What I have learned over the past several weeks is that the cold, since it is caused by a virus, has run its course and it's up to the cat's own immune system to get rid of it. However, there are lots of side infections that can happen and that's why the cats get antibiotics. This is especially the case in regard to a cat's eyes. Do you have some Terramycin you can use?

07-23-2006, 04:02 AM
Prayers on the way for your Dear Ella.Ask your vet about Zithromax.It does wonders for so many diseases and upper respiratory problems.Plus other diseases that are super difficult to get rid of.Good Luck.

07-23-2006, 07:22 AM
Prayers and healing thoughts on the way for Ella. Hope it's just a kitty cold. My two kitties had colds when we adopted them and they were OK in a little bit. Like Lizzie said, you just need to watch out for those infections. Poor little thing can't blow her nose.

07-23-2006, 11:26 AM
The Pet Angels will put something extra on Ellas food, and hopefully that will help her appetite.
All My Cats and Porchies are headed to New Jersey for kb2jyxs London Broil, as they will bring a slice.
We are praying for Ella, thats she well soon.

07-23-2006, 09:48 PM
I have good news Ella has picked up, she is still sneezing and obviously not over it yet, but her eyes were brighter this morning, she had her fierce appetite back and was drinking water, i had to syringe her all day yesterday as she would not drink at all, only eat minimal amounts, she is also purring and rubbing against my legs and much more attentive, yesterday none of those things were present, she is not out of the woods yet by any means, and right now is cosy by the heater, i actually don't need the heater on as it is warm enough inside, but have left it on for her,too bad about the power bill will cross that bridge when we get there lol.

Yep i will watch out for secondary infections, that could be our next problem and she may still need that vet trip, but fingers and paws crossed, need that like a punch in the head right now, still don't worry she is in good loving caring hands,she will not be allowed to suffer in any way.

Now my other worry is all the others will come down with it, especially her daughter nikki as she has been in the closest contact, not being a real multi cat household before it is kind of a scarey thought, keep them good thoughts a coming please, we need all the help we can get. :)