View Full Version : Our session with the natural healer..

07-22-2006, 03:09 AM
The boys and I had a session with a natural healer today. We set up a trade for her services for my web-design services. It was so much fun! I walked in skeptical but I have to admit, there were definitely some spooky moments that seemed so incredibly accurate.

She did readings and reiki on the dogs. Here's what she told me about them:


Feels that he was reincarnated and in his past life, he possibly died after being hit by a car, and had the trauma and fear come over to this life
Picks up the emotions within the family and is very sensitive to what we're feeling (no surprise there)
Enjoys agility. It allows him to let off steam since he takes in so much from the family's emotions. He's enjoying more activity and being with me.
His organs are clearing up and "brightening up". She said it was because of agility, but I also switched them to raw not too long ago.. which would explain that easily.
One of his back hips has a bit of stress on it
Enjoys obedience and takes comfort in that I assert myself as alpha
When we speak to him and look him in the eyes, he gets us.. even if he doesn't understand the english.
His heart jumps (like when we get scared) very easily
Suggested that I work on his walking fear right after agility when he's feeling great

Kai's reading didn't include much I didn't already know or have a feeling about.. but Kaedyn's blew me away.


We're his fourth home. His first home was with a family. He was purchased as a puppy as some sort of gift that wasn't really a good idea.. possibly a Christmas present. The kids were happy, the dad liked him, but the mom told the dad to get rid of him because she was the one who had to take care of him.

They gave him to someone they knew, but weren't close friends with.. possibly the dad's coworker. This second owner was a man in his 30's.. alcoholic, emotionally detached, single, and not financially stable. It was here that Kaedyn tried to bond with the man but the man didn't want to bond with Kaedyn. He kicked Kaedyn once on his left hip. It hurt him more emotionally than physically. He was the type to slightly kick him aside if he got in his way. If he had a bad day, he would often take it out on Kaedyn. He often went away for days at a time and left Kaedyn alone and without food. He would have no choice but to soil in the house and get in trouble for it. The man couldn't afford to feed Kaedyn regularly.

Then he was given to another home.. the lady knew of the dog's conditions somehow (possibly a neighbor). She had good intentions but wasn't much of a better home. He didn't eat regularly because he enjoyed wandering in the neighborhood so much (the pound told us they knew he was allowed to wander too). He often had to fend for himself and find food through the garbage because he was so hungry.

Then he came to us.. severely underweight and pretty much dead inside. It makes complete sense.

Enjoys his regular meals
She feels our estimated age for him is pretty close (7/8). He's possibly 9 but no older than that
His joints are getting sore but his right side is especially bad (I had to pull him out of advance obedience because he wasn't able to physically keep up)
He's very independent, unlike Kai because the man didn't allow Kaedyn to bond with him
He's starting to feel at home now (3 years since he has been with us)
Enjoys being with me and going out with me
Really enjoys obedience.. more than Kai. He likes being told when he's doing something good. I recently discovered this too as I had thought he was more food motivated than praise motivated but when I offered just my vocal and physical praise, he responded really well.
His heart doesn't give that jump like Kai does. He takes in everything in his environment but just sits and observes

She also started off by having me pick a card from a deck I shuffled. The card that came up had something to do with teaching. She said that I especially enjoy teaching other dogs and people.. which is completely true! I later told her I plan on opening a daycare and training facility within a few years.

We have another session with her next week.. I'll be getting a reading done on myself as well. Can't wait!

07-22-2006, 09:00 AM
How interesting! Poor Kaedyn, I'm so glad he's in a loving home now getting love and food and bonding with you. He's such a handsome dog, hard to believe somebody would just kick him around. Now that you have a better idea of Kai's fears, maybe he'll make more progress when he feels your empathy. Reik may help with both your handsome boys with their hip problems. Keep us posted!

Ginger's Mom
08-11-2006, 04:16 PM
Hmm, that is pretty interesting. It was particularly interesting to see how she said how they like working on their separate skills with you (agility for Kai and obedience for Kaedyn). I am not sure if I believe in the fear carry-over from a previous life, but she did offer a way of dealing with it, which I liked. And poor Kaedyn, considering what that poor boy has been through you can understand any of his idiosyncrasies. Glad he found such a good home in the end.

08-11-2006, 04:59 PM
That sounds amazing!

I would love to get Bella and Bo's reading done.

08-11-2006, 11:52 PM
that's amazing Ash!
I was almost in tears reading Kaedyn's story. :(
give that boy a special hug from me!

I am a true believer of this kind of treatment.

08-12-2006, 12:01 AM
Will do Staci! It's hard to believe someone could be so cruel to such a sweet boy. :( But I'm glad he's here now. He found his forever home. :)

08-14-2006, 12:51 PM
That's cool stuff.

I wonder how much a natural healer charges normally? Would you know? Not sure where I'd find one around here.

08-14-2006, 12:59 PM
Very interesting stuff. I like watching them on TV when they are on. Hope she was accurate for you

08-14-2006, 01:13 PM
Oh how neat!!
I would love to find someone like that near me!!
Hugs to Kaedyn :(

08-14-2006, 03:25 PM
Very interesting stuff here,binka-nugget!!! I'd be interested in having a reading done on my daughter's German Sheperds, Hexay and Kasha.

I'm not even certain how to spell the name, Hexay, Hexie? :confused: I just know how the name sounds.

They were previously owned by a very unstable, abusive person., whom I've never met. I know nothing about their past, except for what my daughter has told me.

When she got them away from this guy, Hexay was flea bitten, with hardly any hair on her back and tail. :(

You would not believe how very beautiful she looks now. Lots of money, correct diet, grooming, and of course, LOVE ;) has rewarded us with a very beautiful German Sheperd dog.

Your post is very intriging. And, I wish Kasha could talk to me too.