View Full Version : Betta Fish

*future vet*
07-21-2006, 04:15 PM
I have one Betta at the moment in a large pickle jar. I also have a large aquarium, and I think I'm going to get a few more Bettas and use this tank. First of all, can they be together?
Next, I'm going to put pebbles in the tank, but do I need anything else besides food? Thanks very much, hope it made sense!

07-21-2006, 04:29 PM
NEVER put any males in the same tank together.Some females can be together.
I have plants in with my bettas.

*future vet*
07-21-2006, 04:52 PM
Ok...I forgot to ask where you can get the plants? I used to have a plant with my betta, switched to pellets, and I think I want to change back to plants now. Also, how do you tell if it's a male or female? You can tell I don't know much about bettas, lol.

07-21-2006, 05:05 PM
You can easily tell male or female.

Males are the gorgouse one females are the not so nice looking ones


07-21-2006, 06:16 PM
Oh no. Are you saying you provided a live plant as a food source for your Betta? ACK. Bettas are carnivorous, they absolutely need a flake, pellet, or live/frozen food to eat every day! They will ONLY eat plants to avoid starvation. =(

I advise you do a heck of a lot more research on these fish before you get any more. Check out http://www.bettatalk.com, PLZ!

How is your Betta in the pickle jar doing? That's a very small container, I hope you're doing 100% water changes every day. Are you using dechlorinator, or aging the water when you change it? Are you feeding him a high quality tropical or Betta pellet 1-2 times daily? One Betta needs preferably 2+ gallons to him or herself. Smaller tanks can be used, but those need multiple water changes per week. Never, ever keep more than one male in one tank, no matter the tank size - they will kill each other. Similarly, never keep a female in a tank with a male, the male will kill her and/or you will end up with babies and ripped up Bettas. I do not recommend your keeping females together, it is better suited for people experienced with Bettas & those who understand what they require to leave peacefully in a community.

I'm sorry if I seem obsessive, but I love these little fish. I breed them & raise them, and I promise that if you care for them they will show you tons of personality and entertainment... not to mention how gorgeous they are.

07-21-2006, 06:20 PM
Also, I would not say that girls are not just as gorgeous! =P Look at these foxy ladies, and tell me they aren't...




07-21-2006, 08:02 PM
can they be together?

Males should never be housed with any other betta.. male or female. Females can be housed together. I agree with Erica though, housing females together is better suited for someone with more experience. I've run into a few females who were just as agressive as any male.

do I need anything else besides food
The absolute minimum you should have is dechlorinator and food. But if you can afford it, I'd recommend aquarium salt, live plants, a bigger tank, a heater and a filter.

Ok...I forgot to ask where you can get the plants? I used to have a plant with my betta, switched to pellets, and I think I want to change back to plants now.
Plants can be found at your local fish store, and I think places like PetsMart and PetCo might have them.. I know Petcetera does but we don't have any PetsMart or PetCos around here so I'm not 100% positive.

Plants should never, ever, ever be used as food. Pellets are cheap and easy to feed. Hikari Bio-Gold is my absolute favorite.. I refuse to use any other brand other than Hikari. If you'd like to add some variety, bloodworms (FROZEN or live. Avoid freeze dried) and brine shrimp are always favorites among bettas.

how do you tell if it's a male or female?
Males generally have long fins. The only exception is that if the male is a plakat, then it'll have short fins. Females have shorter fins and have an oviposter which looks like a little grain of salt under their belly.

07-22-2006, 03:05 PM
i think everyone has answered your questions. so i won't repeat anything. i do have to agree with bckrazy. the females are beautiful too! :D

07-22-2006, 03:34 PM
Females are not ugly. I actually prefer some females over males.

07-24-2006, 12:12 AM
I never ment they were ugly just the males are nicer like their tails are so nice.

Just like certain ducks and birds..the males are amazing looking and the femailes look boring compared to the males.

07-24-2006, 10:26 AM
I never ment they were ugly just the males are nicer like their tails are so nice.

Just like certain ducks and birds..the males are amazing looking and the femailes look boring compared to the males.
I don't think the females look boring compared to the males. Sure they have shorter fins, but they're all beautiful in their own way.

07-24-2006, 10:31 AM
I don't think the females look boring compared to the males. Sure they have shorter fins, but they're all beautiful in their own way.

I agree.Some males have short fins and look kind like females.All bettas are beautiful in there own way.All bettas have great personailtys and are so funny to watch.

*future vet*
07-28-2006, 06:07 PM
Thanks for your help! I have two males in a double aquarium, not together. I feed them pellets, and also have an aquatic plant for each Betta. I think both males and females are pretty, too. :)

07-30-2006, 10:22 AM
I'm pretty sure all of your questions have been answered, but:

Also, I would not say that girls are not just as gorgeous! =P Look at these foxy ladies, and tell me they aren't...




I agree, look at those sexy mamas! (8