View Full Version : Finally! Some progress re: Kai's breeder & papers ----- UPDATE!

07-21-2006, 02:28 PM
So as you may or may not know, Kai was purchased from who we thought (at the time) was an ethical breeder roughly four years ago. He shows his dogs and is a best in show judge. You'd think that someone with a close relationship with the CKC would follow the club's by-laws right? Nope!

This guy is a classic nutcase. He told us not to neuter Kai (he asked if we wanted a male, or an "it"... :rolleyes: ) and yet still made us sign a contract stating that we wouldn't be using him to breed. The pups also never saw the inside of the house until they were leaving. Kai had to live in an xpen in a filthy shack for the first 12 weeks of his life. If I had say in it, I would have turned around right then.. but ultimately, it was up to my mom. I could go on and on about how much of a nutcase he is.. Jordan and her boss (a Sheltie breeder) can vouch for me on that one!

He was supposed to send us the CKC papers a LONG time ago (up to 6 months after the purchase of the dog I believe). He never did. We tried contacting him but we could never reach him. I gave up as papers weren't that important to me anyways.. but now that Kai's almost ready to start trialing in agility and obedience, I DO need those papers!

So I filled out the forms and sent them to the CKC, to have them persue the complaint against the breeder. They finally got back to me and sent me a copy of what they sent the breeder. They're asking him to register the litter now and pay the fees. On top of that, they found out that Kai's tattoo is really registered to ANOTHER Shetland Sheepdog (I am FURIOUS about that btw.. it means he'll have to go through another tattoo or microchip because his breeder is an idiot). He has a month to get back to the CKC. If he chooses not to, he'll be given a lovely $250 fine. :D

He's FINALLY getting what he deserves!

(I scanned and attached the copy they sent me too)

07-21-2006, 03:48 PM
Good job Ashley! Woo hoo! :D

07-21-2006, 04:02 PM
... an ethical breeder ... He shows his dogs and is a best in show judge. :confused: :mad: I hope they are able to get on his case & get your papers for you. what a pain!

07-21-2006, 06:41 PM
Wow... Kai's breeder should NOT be a breeder! Sounds like he/she was just doing it for the money, not to improve the Sheltie breed. I agree, what an idiot!

Suki Wingy
07-21-2006, 09:21 PM
That's excelent! They should revoke his judging lisence too!

07-21-2006, 09:42 PM
About time! He'll finally get what's coming to him. His dogs messed up some pretty good breeding programs.

07-21-2006, 09:49 PM
:) That is awesome, Ashley! It's really good to see any bad breeder getting what they deserve. You're totally right to pursue his, what he did to you is beyond wrong, and what he did to poor baby Kai!

07-22-2006, 02:45 PM
that's awesome! :D

07-22-2006, 07:57 PM
I woudln't get his tattoo amended, I'd get the microchip done.

I watched puppies get tattooed before and helped with it before lol Its so sad lol The puppies cry the whole time lol

Its about time though! Congrads finally! :) Poor Kai! :)

08-31-2006, 06:15 PM
A month passed by so I contacted the CKC to see if they heard back from the breeder. Unfortunately, they didn't.

I guess I was wrong and he won't get fined. Apparently I had three years to file a formal complaint. It's close to 4 years now so there's nothing the CKC can do. I CAN get the RCMP involved as he did break laws, but it's just such a hassle.. I think it'd just be more effective to ruin his reputation as a breeder.. though he has already done quite a nice job on his own.

I was just happy at first because I thought Kai would be able to compete soon.. with either the registration papers or a performance event number. NOPE! I just found out that the performance event number is for dogs from unknown parents/lines.

ARG! I'm so fustrated! I have half the mind to drive up 4 hours myself to give him a piece of my mind! :mad:

08-31-2006, 08:28 PM
Great job Ashley! :D I'm glad he'll be charged if he decides not to get back to you. I was surprised and very angry that his tatoo was another dog's tatoo... wow, what a stupid breeder! I wonder if there's anything else that wasn't figured out yet?

08-31-2006, 08:30 PM
A month passed by so I contacted the CKC to see if they heard back from the breeder. Unfortunately, they didn't.

I guess I was wrong and he won't get fined. Apparently I had three years to file a formal complaint. It's close to 4 years now so there's nothing the CKC can do. I CAN get the RCMP involved as he did break laws, but it's just such a hassle.. I think it'd just be more effective to ruin his reputation as a breeder.. though he has already done quite a nice job on his own.

I was just happy at first because I thought Kai would be able to compete soon.. with either the registration papers or a performance event number. NOPE! I just found out that the performance event number is for dogs from unknown parents/lines.

ARG! I'm so fustrated! I have half the mind to drive up 4 hours myself to give him a piece of my mind! :mad:

I'm sorry Ashley :( I would be extremeley upset if that was my dog too, and I'm very upset for you right now :mad:

08-31-2006, 09:02 PM

If you cannot obtain the papers I am sure that the CKC has something similar to the AKC. They Call it an ILP. Although you have a pure bred and it may not be registered you can obtain an ILP to compete in Agility, Herding, Obedience and fly ball. Pretty much any event except the conformation ring. So if your Nutcase Breeder doesn't come through to you see if the CKC has something like the ILP(Indefinite Listing Priviledge)

08-31-2006, 10:03 PM
Wow, that's ridiculous. Joe Brandt is a complete idiot. I was talking to another breeder the other day who became excited to see him at a show as she has a dog out of one of Joe's dogs. She approached him and said that her dog was out of Billy. He said "Billy...I think that dog got hit by a car or something. Oh well, if a dog is dumb enough to run into the road it deserves to die."

I'll see if there is something else you can do...He needs to be fined in some way, he's done this too many times.

08-31-2006, 10:29 PM
Thanks for the info Tim! I will ask the CKC about that. I heard the CKC will be starting RallyO trials in 2007! :D Hope we have everything sorted out by then :D

Wow, that's ridiculous. Joe Brandt is a complete idiot. I was talking to another breeder the other day who became excited to see him at a show as she has a dog out of one of Joe's dogs. She approached him and said that her dog was out of Billy. He said "Billy...I think that dog got hit by a car or something. Oh well, if a dog is dumb enough to run into the road it deserves to die."

I'll see if there is something else you can do...He needs to be fined in some way, he's done this too many times.

YIKES! Something definitely needs to be done. If you ever come across people with a dog from him, see if you can get them to email me or something? I can't really do anything about Kai's papers, but I want him to get what he deserves. If enough people report him to the RCMP and the CKC, then maybe he'll get huge fines and/or stripped of his judging privilages.

09-01-2006, 12:45 AM
Ashley, this makes me so mad so I cannot even imagine how angry you are. If nothing else could be done, then I would give him a piece of my mind (but who knows what he'd do if someone did that?)!