View Full Version : Pink Eye??

07-21-2006, 10:36 AM
Hey all..sorry ihavent been on here forever..PT wasnt working for me once again. but to update people...I got a job at caribou coffee, which i love! but today when i got to work, i told my boss i might have pink eye, and he couldnt let me work. he seemed kinda mad but oh well, i cant help it right?? my eye is RED as red can be, and has been for past two days, and it feels like i have something in it all the time and itches, but i cant itch it then it gets worse..does this sound like pink eye to you?

07-21-2006, 10:42 AM
Were you picking your nose & rubbing your eyes before your eye became red? :D :D :D

Sounds like it to me

07-21-2006, 11:09 AM
Were you picking your nose & rubbing your eyes before your eye became red? :D :D :D

Sounds like it to me
Okay, what's in the Pet Talking water today?

I have the giggles as well.


As for racing_gurl07, You were being mindful of fellow employees as well as patrons by taking the day off. You deserve a pat on the back !!! (patt patt).

While I can't say that it is "pink eye", the symtoms suggest it could be.

It might also be an allergic reaction to something as well. Does your boss need a Dr's excuse?

I'd make an appointment , either way. Pink eye is highly contagious and can get into your other eye!!!! :eek:

07-21-2006, 01:03 PM
yes..it is pink eye...as soon as the doctor walked in he said "YOU have pink eye" so i called my boss, he wasnttoo happy with me. but i cant help it. Im off today and tomorrow. The doc said i could work if i wash my hands every 5 seconds, but when do i have time for that in a coffee shop, and i dont want to take that chance. so my boss should understand. hes mad because i cant work, but then he got mad because i stoped in to show him the note and to get my paycheck..well what does he want from me?? my friend, Boun, she got pink eye about 2 months ago from working there..and i said "whats worng wtih this place?" and my boss said "its just the people" . So if he wants to be mad, he can. I think he would radther have someone else work for me than have EVERYONe get pink eye. and he was kinda upset for that fact that HE had to call someone to come in, because i dont have a phone list..well i didnt know i was supposed to have one! Hes the manager! isnt that his job?? well anyway..i have drops ...so hopefully they do the job!!

07-21-2006, 01:28 PM
Don't worry, You are the one with PINK EYE!!!!

Your Boss seems to be in outer space on the hand washing routine.

You serve Coffee, and, you have Pink Eye, What is the matter with this boss?

The drops will do the job, glad you don't have to work over the weekend!!

Pink Eye is sickning!!!! I am so glad you did the right thing!!!!


07-21-2006, 01:53 PM
thank you, im glad someone sees it the right way! hopefully ill be better by sunday!

07-21-2006, 02:10 PM
I'd buy coffee from you anytime!!! You are awesome in my book!!!

07-21-2006, 02:19 PM
I know you did the right thing.. Lickly cause of where I work, I can get pink eye & still work here.. Love office settings, we can come in ill :) other wise I wouldn't get paid

07-21-2006, 02:24 PM
Yeah, but your first reply made me laugh so hard!!!!

You are beautiful!!!!!

07-21-2006, 02:48 PM
:eek: I had a pink eye scare a while back... the corner of my eye hurt for some reason,, and it made me rub the day lights out of my eye. and the next day when i got up,, my eye lids was glued shut... and my eye and eye lids felt strange.. but i just fought the urge to rub my eye and it went away on its own. so apparently it was just alergies.

my eye was red,, but it wasnt senstive to bright light and wasnt watery..

*huggies* to you and hope youre peepers get better soon. :D

07-21-2006, 03:23 PM
thanks all for the thoughts. I can feel these drops working....every 3 hours im supposed to put them in. i just pray i didnt give it to my friends last night :(

07-21-2006, 08:13 PM
thanks all for the thoughts. I can feel these drops working....every 3 hours im supposed to put them in. i just pray i didnt give it to my friends last night :(

Did you touch your friends?
Its transfered through eye liquid to eye liquid.