View Full Version : Peggy had a heat stroke this afternoon!!!

07-20-2006, 01:05 PM
I just spoke to my mother, and appearantly Peggy had a heat stroke this afternoon!

We have this horrible heat wave here, with temperatures about 100°F, and Peggy, who was supposed to stay in the cool living room, decided to sleep upstairs in the attic room, where it was really hot.

Well, This afternoon, my mother suddenly got a strong feeling to better look after Peggy, and she found her motionless on her chair, she didn't respond to her, and didn't wake up. My mother took her downstairs, and even while she was carried around, she was still lethargic. She took her to the bathroom where she rubbed cool water into her fur, and finally Peggy reacted to this, and started licking off the water. After that, she was back to normal. But how scary is that???

Luna, btw, was also lethargic last night, and then she threw up. The heat here is not only dangerous to humans, but also to pets. :(


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-20-2006, 01:15 PM
Gosh how scary, Kirsten! Glad your mother got to her in time - whew!

07-20-2006, 01:36 PM
I'm so glad your mom found Peggy in time. Poor kitty. How scary. I hope there is a way to close off the attic during this heat wave.

critter crazy
07-20-2006, 02:02 PM
you are so lucky that your mom found peggy in time!!! :eek:

07-20-2006, 03:05 PM
Poor little girl. I am so sorry she suffered like that. Does you mom have a fan she can lie in front of? My guys like to hang around the fans when it's hot.

Drink lots of water, please!

07-20-2006, 03:40 PM
Oh my... poor Peggy. I am glad that your Mom was able to find her and rescue her from the heat. Keep an eye on all of your furbabies as it sounds like your part of the world is having a severe heat wave. We had a slight one last week and my gilrs were very lethargic also, but not near what you have described.

Stay cool! :cool:

07-20-2006, 04:00 PM
Gosh, that was so frightening! I'm glad your mom found her in time.

We've been having a heat wave here too. It's 104 right now with the heat index of 111. I'm so grateful for air conditioning.

I used to make ice packs and put them on the floor for the cats to sleep against when I didn't have ac. Leonardo with his long hair, specially liked them.

07-20-2006, 04:36 PM
I am glad that Peggy is all right, and has suffered no long time effects.
I am glad that I ahve the porches where the Cats can cool off in hot humid weather.

07-20-2006, 04:39 PM
WOW!!! How lucky your Mother decided to look for Peggy!!! Isn't it amazing, that despite the heat, Peggy would seek out the hot spot in the house!!! Our Ashley was not good in this weather. He, too, would eat, then vomit. I remember once when he was stretched out on the floor trying to cool off, I put damp towels on him!!!!

07-20-2006, 08:38 PM
I'm so glad your Mom found her in time, and knew what to do to help her! We are in the same heat wave---temperature here was 109 yesterday. We don't have central air in my house, but we have ceiling fans in the kitchen and living room, and a window air conditioner in our bedroom. We leave our bedroom door open for our furbabies, and they seem to hang out in there quite a bit. Shadow, especially, likes to lay right in front of the air conditioner!

It was a little cooler here today, and thunderstorms are in the forecast for tonight. Hopefully it will cool off some.......


07-20-2006, 08:43 PM
Our house has central air but the upstairs (finished attic) gets warm because heat rises. The kids like to be upstairs even when its' hot and stuffy (cant figure that one out) during the day. When it's really hot in the 90's I'm always checking on them throughout the day.
Most of time they are downstairs with us during the day, where it is cool.
At night it cools off upstairs so they go between up/down stairs.

07-20-2006, 08:59 PM
I'm glad Peggy's all right!

Wow, I think there's a heat wave pretty much EVERYWHERE! Here in Oregon it's nearly 100 almost all the time. and I was on my BIKE!

Fortunately for CLover, she seems to like water as long as it's just a mist, so I had fun spashing her with droplets from my fingers to cool her off earlier today when I visited.

The kitties and puppies and other pets aren't the only ones suffering, though. MAN it's hot! ~*sits in front of fan with a bowl of ice water*~

07-21-2006, 07:34 AM
I used to make ice packs and put them on the floor for the cats to sleep against when I didn't have ac. Leonardo with his long hair, specially liked them. How did you do that? My monsters might like them sometimes, too.

07-21-2006, 08:43 AM
Oh my! What a scare. Good thing your mom thought about rubbing cool water on her. Its sooo hot here too. Thank goodness most Americans have some sort of air conditioning. How oculd we ever live without it?

This is the second bad summer for you in Germany, isn't it? I remember last year you complaining how hot it is and how its so unusual for heat and humidity to get that bad. Another summer like this and Germany will be installing Air Conditioners everywhere too!

07-21-2006, 09:08 AM
Peggy is doing fine today, thanks! My mother is keeping an eye on her and makes sure she's staying in the living room most of the time.

Those ice packs are a great idea, I have some for myself, and Lily loves them, too. I also bought a fan now.

Kim, this summer is even worse than the last one. Last summer, the heat wave didn't start before August, this time, it began in June! :( To be honest, I'm on sick leave right now because I have terrible problems with the heat. It's simply unbearable!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-21-2006, 09:18 AM
Kim, this summer is even worse than the last one.
It must be bad because it even made the news over here. Try to stay as cool as possible!

PS - maybe this will be the push that Europe needs to start installing AC in their buildings. ;)

07-21-2006, 09:23 AM
PS - maybe this will be the push that Europe needs to start installing AC in their buildings.

That would be cool, but I don't think so. :(


07-21-2006, 11:10 AM
This is not Gini--- Mary here with a tip.

Make your own ice packs by filling an empty soda bottles half way with water and freeze them. Large or small, doesn't matter. Wrap with a wash cloth and pin with a safety pin, if you choose. (This absorbs the sweat as the ice in the bottle melts) Put them where your pets can lay next to them.

07-21-2006, 11:21 AM
I usually make my ice packs by tossing a few ice cubes into a zip type plastic bag and zip shut. Then wrap in an old towel and put on the floor.

You can help cool the rooms down by running a fan and spraying a fine mist of cool water in the air. Also, wiping down the floors with cool water helps too.

These are things I did for years until I got a house with ac this year. I wouldn't have made it without them; neither would the cats.

Hope your heat wave breaks soon!!! Ours is to end for a few days later today, so they say! :)

07-21-2006, 11:25 AM
Oh, another thing I did for the cats was put a few ice cubes in the bathtub toward the back. They would melt, cool it down, and run down the drain. Chester, my bathtub boy, really loved that. Maybe that's why he started talking to the tub drain? :D

07-22-2006, 07:45 AM
Happy to hear Peggy has recovered, Kirsten. :)

Thanks for all the cooling tips ladies. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Bobby%20Boy/Smilies/thumb.gif Ebbs (and Bob) seem to be doing ok so far, though Ebbs is somewhat lethargic and was off her food a bit for a few days.

07-23-2006, 04:41 PM
though Ebbs is somewhat lethargic and was off her food a bit for a few days.

So are my girls these days. It's just too hot!!


07-23-2006, 05:25 PM
Anyone ever try a cooling vest? http://www.arcticheatusa.com/

These were all over the news when the Olympic athletes were wearing them to keep cool before and after their races.

Killearn Kitties
07-25-2006, 03:49 AM
Poor Peggy! I'm glad she rallied so quickly with the cold water.

My girls are eating a bit less in this weather (which is good!) and drinking a little bit more, but they seem to be comfortable otherwise.

07-25-2006, 08:41 AM
I sometimes used to put ice cubes in my cat's water bowl when it got really hot. I don't know if she appreciated it, but it made me feel better.

07-27-2006, 08:41 PM
Poor little Peggy :( I'm so relieved that she is okay and hope Peggy isn't experiencing any after effects. The heat and humidity here in Trenton has been brutal this summer. This may sound totally stupid but Soncat and I leave the air conditioner on for Groucho while we both are at work. Soncat comes home for lunch each day to give Groucho fresh water and check in on him. Once I put a few ice cubes in his water dish but Groucho refused to drink at all until they melted, he HATES anything in his water. It seems that summer comes too soon and stays much too long :mad: